Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1970: Battle for the morning (5)

Chapter 1970 is a battle of the morning

"Here?" The concrete structure in front of the eyes shocked the entire wolf of Beddyville.

No, no, he is surprised, not because everything in front of him is too specific and strange, but because

Everything here seems to have some strange familiarity.

This looks like a metal, but with a slightly warm feeling of the wall, ceiling, and the ground, isn't everything that Bediville ever seen?

But where is it?

The Werewolf youth took half a second to think of it, and then immediately took a sigh of relief. His boat. On the corridor of the Dawning, it is this kind of special feeling that is usually given to him. The cold and warm, the walls and the ground and the ceiling are not exactly made of the building materials that can be obtained in the present era.

Is this really the dream of the child?

It is not excluded that Obert has seen such a corridor and reappears its tactile texture in his own dreams. The Tiger Boys also stayed on the boat in Bediville last night, didn't they? However, just a period of time, will give a person such a deep impression, let people in their own dreams - in their deepest subconscious, so clearly reproduce the same material? Bedyville expressed doubts.

It has been said before that dreams are the reorganization and organization of memory. It must be something that has existed in reality before it can be reproduced in a dream. And it is still so clear and recurring, it is conceivable that this special building material, this special environment like a research, must be very important and very special for the tiger boy. This is not the interior of the Twilight. Although the atmosphere is a bit similar, Bediville can be sure that there must be something else here. Maybe it was the place where Obert had lived for a long time.

But what is the special construction material that transcends the times? Is it difficult to be an ancient building? Only the scientific level of the ancient gods and humans can accurately restore the building materials inside the Dawning?

There is no evidence, and pure empty guessing is meaningless. Bediville intends to walk around and perhaps find clues.

At this time, the shadow of a black crow also descended from the sky and landed on the shoulders of the werewolf youth.

"Harry." Bedyville Road.

"Mr. Bedieville," Harvey replied: "Master Merlin asked me to guide you."

"Is this really necessary?" Betteville now has his brain spinning fast, looking as carefully as possible about everything around him, and analyzing what he sees and hears. Harry whispered in his ear, which would hinder his thinking.

"Oh, believe me, absolutely necessary." The night magic has no meaning of retreat: "You should have heard of it before. You are now using the mirror of recollection - the power of Relcefield, forcibly invading that The dream of a child. Your invasion is unnatural, you will interfere with the child's dream, and the child will interfere with your spirit in your dreams. And this is his dream, he has absolute in his dreams. The power of it. If you get him, he only needs to use a finger to destroy you. So it is a very dangerous thing to say that invading someone else's dream."

"Speaking the point." Before Betwell came in here, he had already made a sense of sacrifice. Harry’s alarmist did not scare him away.

"The point is that you must sneak into the child's dreams and collect intelligence." The night demon said without emotion. "Whether you interfere with his dreams, or if he interferes with you, it may be against you." The mental body causes unpredictable and irreversible damage. It is very likely that when you return to the real world after leaving the dream, you will be mad – or you may have a psychiatric disorder. The same thing may happen to the child. It will even be more serious because he is just an immature child."

So Bedyville’s look was once again severe: "How can you not say this kind of thing earlier?"

"If you say it earlier, would you still use Raytherfield?" Harry suddenly said, and then he added: "Sorry. The sentence was just what King Arthur asked me to say."


"In short, sneak out." Harry added: "It's good to explore his dreams without letting the child know."

"If you just avoid the one of Obert, it would be quite simple -" "No, you need to avoid everyone who appears in this dream."


"Besides us, any character that appears in this dream is a manifestation of the child's subconscious, an extension of consciousness. Except for the child himself, what other people see and hear will actually reflect Into his eyes. Those who see you are the same as the child who saw you. Then, the mutual interference between you begins, and things will become out of control."

"God. It's a lot of difficulty." Bettiville thought it was almost impossible to escape any individual's eyes and ears in this illusory, complicated and unfamiliar environment.

However, since they have all come here, Bedieville has not retreated back. Can only be **** the scalp.

He knelt down and tried to sneak in the shadow of the building. Fortunately, the lighting conditions here are not as good as the Bourdiwell's Twilight, and the roads here are so complicated that there are still one or two dark corners for his low-key sneak.

"Don't worry, when it's really troublesome, I will try to cover you." The shadow of the crow on the shoulder of the werewolf youth said: "Even if it only helps you to draw the attention of the child in just a few seconds, it should It is enough to let you escape from this dream."

Bedyville snorted and didn't say anything. It is reasonable to believe that the night magic Harry, although emotionally he is not willing to believe. As a Mozu, a special ability of the night demon is to interfere with other people's dreams. This has been heard by Beddwell. The way the night magic interferes with the dream is completely different from the way the artifact of Relcefield interferes. Harry seems to be entering his dreams in his own way, and he has contacted Bediville, and he did not rely on it. The power of the magic mirror.

But of course, this also means that Harry is not under the pressure of dreams, because he did not enter the dream world with the dangerous artifacts of Relcefield. It is only Bediville that is really dangerous. If something happens, it’s not possible for Harry to leave Bedyville and leave the world of this dream.

Bedyville tried to throw away the messy thoughts, walked into the shadows alone, and sneaked up.

It’s really strange to say. Such a large building (let's count it as a building inside) actually has no semi-personality. Bedyville can't help but wonder if this is a dream.

No, maybe this is the edge of the so-called dream. It was on the edge of the dream built by the child, where he could only perceive it, but could not really perceive it.

Bedyville looked closely at both sides, the corridor on one side was noticeably brighter, and the other side was surrounded by some kind of dark atmosphere. The dark corridor is estimated to be the most border of Obert's dream, a zone that he can't even perceive. Going to the brighter side should be the right choice. Bedyville then groped and carefully moved forward.

there's noise. A child is talking to someone or something. Bedyville leaned over and looked into the room from the edge of the corridor, just to see that Ober sat on the floor and stayed in a dark room with countless freezer-like instruments.

"Mummy, so when can you come out of the cabin?" said the Tiger Boy.

"Not now. Not now." A mysterious voice replied: "Mummy has been seriously injured and still needs to stay asleep here. But one day, I will come out from here and take my little tiger. ""

Bedieville frowned. Sleeping? In that kind of freezer? Isn't this the kind of medical cabin used by the ancient gods and peoples? Bedyville has the same equipment on his own boat, and he knows the characteristics of the equipment.

However, the person in the freezer (or medical cabin) said that she "will come out one day", which means that she is awake when she is inside. This is a little different from the medical cabin that Bediville knows. Besides, how serious is a person who has suffered so much time that it takes so long to lie in the medical cabin for treatment? !

From the child's tone, he has not seen his mother for a long time. One year? Five years? ten years? Usually only after the physical damage is nearly devastating, will it take so long to reshape the body?

Who is that woman? What did she experience in the end?

Just as Bedieville was full of doubts, the black crow on his shoulder suddenly burst into a low voice that he could only hear. The night magic Harry is telling Bediville, who is coming.

Oops! In this bright corridor, Bediville could not find a place to hide. If someone comes over at this time, Bedieville will meet the person. Where should he go to hide? !

The Werewolf youth saw enough darkness in the room full of medical cabins (perhaps to prevent the patient from resting), and there were various complicated instruments to block the line of sight. Plus the little tiger sitting on the floor at the time was facing away from the door. Betdeville knew that hiding in was his only choice, so he used the fastest speed he could reach, and then quietly hid behind the shadow of one of the large medical cabins before being noticed by Ober. Among them.

Who really came in outside the door. The man who almost bumped into Bediville was the former man in a black cloak.

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