Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1974: Battle for the morning (9)

Chapter 1974

At the same time, the eastern suburbs of the black city of Cairo.

"Oh, funny little things." Odin, sitting on the sidelines, patiently watched Segrad use his melting pot to build equipment. When things were created, they made an intriguing sneer: "Look at it." It's not like a weapon. What is this?"

"Business secrets." Segred took the special shape and the equipment cast from Luna Steel, and smiled mysteriously: "This is a part of something, and it is a trick for my brother. Parts are all After Qi, it is the secret weapon used to deal with Dad in this afternoon's game."

"Oh?" Odin is obviously not interested in the "secret weapons" of Segrad. Perhaps in the face of such a master, all kinds of messy little designs are just toys, not worth mentioning.

And Segrad did not intend to convince Odin. The other party is not interested, even if it is, he just came over to borrow the old furnace, and did not intend to show off in front of this proud old man.

"But it’s weird." The old man of the Dragon Hunter suddenly said: "It seems that you should make some kind of precision parts that require several parts to be accurately assembled to function. Lunai Steel from manufacturing to annealing experience After a myriad of shrinks, can you really shrink to the exact size as you wish?"

"So I need to use two pieces of [letter] to build the cockroaches at the same time," Segrad said, while the two golden hammers in the handles were put away and hidden in the belt of the waist: "From the results I have observed so far, as long as It is a Luna steel weapon built in the same batch. As long as it is made of the same strength and the same strength, the extent of the contraction is almost identical. The remaining amount of enamel does not affect the precision, and the laser is used after going back. The cutting machine can be processed slowly and slowly."

"Hey, did your brother buy a batch of machines in the black market before, is it used in that kind of place?"

"No," Slagrid couldn't help but smile: "My brother has a bad habit of buying things when he sees good things. Most of the things he buys back are not useful, just furnishings."

After the Leopard youth packed up the good things, they got up from the seat and put a bag of gold coins as the cost of borrowing the furnace. They planned to leave.

However, Odin dad stood up at this time, and took off one of the Longwuli hanging from the wall: "Have you noticed? We have guests - and are still full of murderous guests. "

"I noticed it." Seglad raised his eyebrows. His ability to sense breath may not be as strong as that of the dragon-hunters, but he is an orc who can detect the dangers of the environment. Agile hearing also allows him to clearly hear the situation outside the house.

I don't know when it has been surrounded. twenty? Maybe thirty people. The footsteps were light, and the group was very professional when they moved. They chose the time interval between the youths of the leopards to fight the irons, and buried their footsteps in the sound of iron. Therefore, from the moment the group surrounded the house of Odin's dad, the two people in the house did not notice it until they were close enough.

"Where are the people?" Slaged could not help but curiously ask: "There are still people in Cairo who dare to provoke Odin?"

"Since I sold out a batch of Kobelco's stabbing swords last time, these guys have been eager to move." The old man sneered: "They probably want to get your Luna Steel weapons. This time they must have gotten together." I have enough chips to dare to come to me."


"Encircle this." The old man threw a scarf to the leopard youth: "It is not a good thing to let the other party see you present. It is best to cover your cat face."

"So far, there is still a use of this." Although it made no sense, the Leopard youth obediently picked up the scarf and wrapped his forehead and neck to cover his face.

"However, I was really underestimated!" Odin's old man snorted, his eyes emitting a fierce murderous murder: "Only send this person to besiege? Ridiculous!"

After the language was finished, the old man took a dragon and rushed out of the house, leaving a young leopard in the house.

"It’s really impulsive." The leopard youth had no choice but to keep up.

At the same time, the black market in Cairo.

"Well, I can't sell it." Lawrence complained as he calmed down in the cool shade of the stall and fanned the fan that was not very useful. Cairo in the morning is already very hot. It is a kind of dry heat that is also seriously lacking in water vapor.

"Have you really distributed the samples yesterday?" Paramitis in the same stall sat cross-legged on the blanketed floor, and did not dare to move. A black leopard-haired leopard warrior is more afraid of heat than a normal person, and black hair is particularly easy to convert solar energy into heat after absorbing sunlight, so Paramitis is more afraid of being sun-dried. He felt that he was about to be melted by the hot sun.

"Yes, I have been at Cairo for at least two times yesterday. The photon cola that I distributed was quite good." Lawrence increased the fan's strength and tried to increase the air volume for heat dissipation. However, it was not very useful, and even the wind blowing over his face was hot.

"Forget it, I still drink a bottle. The money for this bottle of cola is counted on my head." He can no longer bear the heat of the morning in the equatorial region of Africa, picking up a bottle of photon cola and going to his mouth. Irrigation.

"Ah!-" After drinking a swig, Lawrence made a long sigh that sounded so good. The heat suddenly faded. An icy cold spread from his stomach and infiltrated into every corner of his body. It is a magical drink. Even if it is not iced with ice, it will have a special cooling effect immediately after it is drunk.

Paramitis raised his eyebrows. He and Lawrence originally came to the black market in Cairo to sell cola. In principle, he could not drink his own goods. But the weather is really hot. Lawrence took a bottle of photon cola to drink, why can't he?

"Okay," I saw that there were still a few hundred bottles of Coke left in the container. One or two bottles were not a big problem. The big cat couldn’t help but seduce the cool drink. Pick up a bottle of photon cola and pour it into the stomach.

Hearing and muttering. The cold drink slides into the throat of the big cat.

Nourish and nourish – He could hear a bubble-filled drink making a refreshing bounce in his throat. That is the addition of carbonated soda, the carbonic acid part is continuously released from the liquid when it is drunk into the stomach, taking away the heat. As the drink slipped into the depths of his throat, countless small bubbles continually emerged and struck his esophagus briskly, and that feeling was so wonderful!

"Oh-!" At the moment of drinking Coke, Paramidis made a big embarrassment. The sound was especially exaggerated, as if it had a loudspeaker, it suddenly rang through the entire market.

The air suddenly became inexplicably quiet. Many people in the market stupidly looked at their stalls in Paramitis.

"Oh, sorry." Palamidis was embarrassed to cover his mouth, just as he had just done something rude, to apologize to the whole world.

Despite this shame, his earth-shattering sound insulation has brought a turn for their business.

After the entire market stayed for a few seconds, it immediately resumed its original flaws. However, finally, curious buyers have come together to watch the fun.

"What kind of drink is this? Just listening to your snoring, it seems like a good drink." A middle-aged man came over and asked Paramitis.

"Hey, photon cola. Newly listed drinks." Paramitis replied with a red face.

"Photon Coke? A brand that I have never heard of. Can this drink drink? Shouldn't it be bad?" The other asked.

"You ask, we will be very troubled." Lawrence put down the bottle of Coke in his hand and subconsciously licked his stomach: "The food hygiene approval on the Egyptian side has been successfully obtained. Don't look at our stalls." This is a product that has passed the food safety inspection and is legally sold."

"Yes? I doubt you are embarrassed." The middle-aged man glanced at the facade that was not so eye-catching. It should be said that the stall is slightly worn out, and the cola is sealed in an ordinary paper suitcase, without ice cubes. They don’t look like ice at all

"How much is a bottle?"

"Three Egyptian coins." Paramitis replied, and even a little uneasy in his heart, fearing that the price is too high.

"Then give me a bottle to try." The other party does not think that this price is high. In Egypt, pure water is more expensive than this, and it seems that three yuan to buy a bottle of non-ice carbonated drinks is not lost.

"Thank you for patronizing!" Paramitis put a bottle of Coke to the other party after receiving the money. The man was still confused, and took the bottle of photon that he bought and left.

"Have you seen it?" The big cat stared at Lawrence: "The first deal!"

"I saw it!" Lawrence said with excitement: "The total transaction curse is finally broken! The first business!"

"Cheers!" Then the two guys laughed like a fool, and they touched the two bottles of Coke in their hands, and cried and sipped the cola.

"Ah!-" They made a very cool long sigh.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged man who just bought Coke suddenly hurried back.

"You! It's you!" the man shouted.

"What's the matter?" Paramidis's forehead had a cold sweat: "Isn't it going to drink Coke and have a bad stomach?"

"Nothing! This thing is so cool!" The man with a group of people behind him, his eyes shining: "Three dollars a bottle, right? - Give me ten more bottles!"

"I want too!" "Give me two bottles!" "I want to buy, give me a full box!"

Photon cola seems to have magic. The entire black market in Cairo suddenly boiled because of this newly-listed, unidentified drink.

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