Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1976: Battle for the morning (11)

Chapter 1976, the battle of the morning, eleventh

The poison blows the arrow and flies out. Before the Paramitis, the goal of the leopard warrior intending to assassinate is first killed.

It should be said that the poisonous blower was flying behind Paramitis, staggering from the big cat at a subtle angle, passing by the big cat and making the head of the group!

Therefore, Paramitis was surprised at that time, it is imaginable!

螳螂 螳螂 蝉, the oriole is behind? At the moment when he planned to kill the target, someone attacked from behind him and almost hit him! The orcs who are made with agile skills and powerful perceptive power, the leopards who take the absolute advantage in speed, are almost sneaked from behind, and Paramitis even has no chance to escape those attacks!

This can even be regarded as a shame!

Fortunately, the other party is not malicious, and the poisonous blow is not targeted at Paramitis! Otherwise, the arrow in the back and the wound left on the back may become the shame of the life of the Leopard warrior! !

The stunned Paramidis had a side jump from the ballistics. Of course, it was meaningless to consider the "ballistics" because the poisonous arrows had already blasted the heads of the corrupt officials. He put the back on the wall next to it, the wall of the dilapidated house in the old town, and he was surprised that the geology asked: "Who is it?!"

"Do not be nervous -" Who came out of the dark corner of the alley, a bald human man with sunglasses. From that appearance, this person is probably about 30 years old. That casual dress does not seem to have a little bit of color, except that the color is deep enough to hide in the shadows. However, it is precisely because this guy wears a casual suit with zero defense, but can be seen everywhere, he can be mixed into the market in such a simple and unobtrusive way.

"who are you?!"

"It's just a passerby." The bald head of the sunglasses went to the body of several corrupt officials.

"Older brother, but it is only a blackmail, you need to be so impulsive, relative to this scum murder. Killing this dirty work, let us do it." The man said. Then, he held the gun in his hand, which seemed to be a poisonous blower, and added a few shots to one of his heads.

The kinetic energy of the transmitter is actually very large, to ensure that the poisonous blow arrows, which are only as small as a toothpick, can be shot straight out of the distance without eccentricity. The poisonous blower with such great kinetic energy hits the human head close to zero distance, and the human brain is of course directly flowering. However, when the head of the headshot official burst open, the situation was exceptionally special. There was no **** like Paramitis imagined, and even the blood that was splashed was not much.

Then, the sunglasses bald head groped from the remnant of the head of the head who was headshot, and quickly found a hook-shaped, obviously metalwork.

"Is this?" Paramitis could not help but frown.

"The hippocampus circuit." The sunglasses man replied in a low-key manner: "The shape and structure of the third generation of artificial people is almost no different from the real human beings, but there must be a man-made component in the head, which is to distinguish them from normal people. The only way."

"The hippocampus man-made man?" Paramitis heard a fog.

"That's the way it is." The bald head turned and turned to Paramitis and grinned. It seemed to be trying to show that he was not malicious: "I advise you to hide away, it is going to blast."

"Hey?" Although he couldn't understand it, Paramitis felt that there was something wrong with it. He also saw that the sunglasses man was running away from the body of the guy who had just been headshot. The big cat can also see that the headshot body is swelling in a strange way, and there is a feeling of erupting at any time!

Paramitis ran on his legs and slammed into a distance he thought was safe!

lb! - That explosion is definitely not a high-profile, but the acid splashes and the explosion is everywhere. The acid is corroded by the acid around the ground. It sounds amazing.

"What, what?! What happened? Explain!" Paramitis asked in a panic.

"It’s the things that you see in front of your brother." The sunglasses man explained without hesitation: "An organization is using a third generation of artificial people to slowly replace the real human beings, using artificial people to penetrate this country. The upper circles of various officials have stepped on the country step by step. What is their ultimate goal, no one can know. But at present, there is no good thing."


"And the artificial man's body is also equipped with time bombs. Once their identity is revealed, the time bombs in their bodies will explode, affecting everything within five feet of the radius, destroying the dead with special polymer strong acid." .

Paramitis looked at the ground that had been corroded by a strong acid into a large pit and swallowed. There were still a few people’s bodies, which were all killed by sunglasses men’s poisonous arrows, but because one of them was a man-made relationship, the man’s corpse exploded all the surrounding, with other The bodies of several officials are also together "My God!" Paramitis suddenly remembered something and could not help but exclaimed.

"Don't worry, your money is here." The sunglasses bald man threw a purse back back to Paramitis, and the big cat caught it agilely. The squeaky purse is sinking enough, and there is not much money in it.

The bald head smashed his weapon - the gun that fired a poisonous arrow at high speed and high pressure - and then patted his hands: "Okay, let's be safe, buddy? Now I really have to withdraw, no time to explain." Can we have a goodbye?"


"You also have to withdraw, before the trouble comes here." The bald head smiled and hurried into the shadow of the building, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Paramitis was silent for a while. Until now, he was still confused. He only knew that the bald head had killed a group of officials before him. One of them was a "three generations of artificial people", and the bald head was still taking a hippocampus in the minds of three generations of artificial people. The body loop, after which the man-made person blew himself, leaving a strong acid in one place and a big hole corroded by strong acid. What is it all?

But Paramitis also heard the footsteps of some people in the distance, fearing that the sound of the man-made self-explosion attracted turmoil and alerted the guards in this remote old town. The big cat just turned over the wall and hid on the roof.

Man-made people. And it is still the official officer. At the thought of an organization that was secretly replacing a normal person with an artificial person and gradually occupying the entire government, Paramidis felt creepy. Of course, this is only a matter within the Egyptian government. Paramitis is neither Egyptian nor has much to do with this country. Of course, it is better to not intervene.

The big cat jumped a few times on the roof and rushed from one area to another. When he thought that he had moved away from the incident area, it was safe to jump off the roof and land on a remote, uninhabited street.

"Is it Mr. Paramitis?" However, beyond the expectations of the big cat, it is not a no-man's land at all. Someone has been waiting for the leopard warrior here. Five or six armed men armed with machine guns came out of the alley and lowered their voices to ask the big cat.

"You are?"

"We have been observing you for a long time and have been waiting for the time to mature in order to get in touch with you." One of the Egyptians with a gun said that the voice was low and hoarse, as if the drip did not enter for several years and the throat was dry.

"What contact? Who are you? And is that bald head just a group?"

"That man? No. That guy should be a railway organization. We don't know, don't care. We are-" The man paused and brewed his feelings and said: "We are, [Egyptian Liberation Movement Association] People."

Paramitis frowned. This [Egyptian Liberation Movement Association] also looked for him before, when he and Rosetta dated, armed suppression of a shopping street in downtown Cairo. These guys were still hostage and almost injured the son of Paramitis, Seglad.

So when the big cat saw these people again, he only felt a bit uncomfortable: "It's you. What do you want to do? If you want to find me trouble, I will accompany you. Let's come over!"

"No, no, we are not coming to trouble you. We are just, want to say a few words to you." The man suddenly changed his mind: "It should be said that our leader is going to talk to you. Can come with us. A glimpse? It won't take you a lot of time."

Paramitis couldn’t help but smile: "Oh? You are a group of dangerous armed terrorist organizations. They were against me last time. But you think that I will stupidly promise to follow you and go to your base to die. ?"

"You must. You have had a holiday with the group of officials, and the group of officials suddenly disappeared. The Egyptian government will find you trouble sooner or later. It is the most correct way to join us before being found in trouble - well, we The leader is saying this."

"Call." Paramitis wants to laugh. Even if the Egyptian government came to him for trouble, he was completely empty. What's more, those officials were not killed by him. Later, they even destroyed their own bodies. No evidence was left. Paramidis was afraid of being found in trouble. But these innocent guys are really funny, so funny that Paramidis has also raised interest in this group of people.

"Is this really good?" Paramitis sneered and sneered: "Take me to see your leader. I might kill him when I see him. I may also vent my letter immediately after I leave. Let the Egyptian government put your secret base in the nest. Do you really trust me like this?"

"We just saw your attack on the group of dog officers. Although it is not you who eventually kills, you are obviously dissatisfied with this corrupt Egyptian government. If so, we are the same people. That's what it says. "The human being who took the lead repeated the words of their princes like a retelling machine.

"Interesting logic." Paramitis sneered: "But you got it wrong. I am not a man of justice. It's just that the guys I hate are just some people."

The group of rebel forces did not speak.

"Oh. Take me to see your leader." Palamidis said indifferently. "But be prepared. If I see you are not pleasing to the eye, then you will be a group of people. I will go with you. Maybe it’s just a matter of saving."

"Please here." The leading rebel army took the road and walked deep into an alley.

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