Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2179: Trace to Shaying (17)

Chapter 2179 is traced to Shaying (17)

When I mentioned [the boat of the desert], there were many adventurers on the scene, perhaps many people did not believe in the existence of the illusory ship, and even more convinced that Prince Saeed had the same mysterious power. Mastered in your hands.

After all, it’s just a whimsical thing. Most people in the world have never seen this magical sand boat. Even those adventurers who have experienced many great winds and waves in their lifetimes may not have seen them. Under normal circumstances, only the sand boat that shuttles through the sand sea, in extremely lucky circumstances, it is possible to occasionally see the [golden boat desert boat] sneak in the sand sea. And because the ship was originally a golden-painted, uniquely shaped sand boat, the merchants in Shahai were increasingly rumored to think that the ship was a treasure ship filled with gold jewelry.

Bettyville, who knew the story, knew that this was just a rumor, and there was no real treasure on that ship. Although his Twilight is indeed full of the "treasure" of the ancient science and technology heritage of countless ancient gods and humans.

"I know that you are wondering and don't believe in the authenticity of the [Golden Ship Desert Boat]." After the prince Saeed finished, the butler next to him explained: "So, look here."

The butler pressed a button on the wall behind him.

A magical thing happened.

The wall behind Prince Saeed and his butler suddenly opened, revealing a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window. The other side of the glass window reflects a huge space, a deep underground mechanical warehouse that cannot be visually inspected.

Bediville thought that this underground combat conference room was already a large area of ​​the ground. I did not expect that there would be a larger area in Cairo, which was used as a warehouse to store huge ships.

No, it is not so much a warehouse, it is better to say it is an underground dock. In that huge dock, just a large ship was parked.

Oh, the shape of the boat, Bedieville can't be more familiar. Isn't that boat just his twilight number?

But wait, it is definitely not a twilight. The current Dawning has long been painted with a trace of paint developed by Great Britain and turned into a silver sand boat. Although the shape of the sand boat in front of Bediville is the same as that of the Twilight, it is painted in pale gold, or champagne gold.

This is... the golden boat desert boat?

I always think that its color is a little different from the Twilight before the unpainted. Its gold is not the golden yellow after the gold dissolves, but the faded low-key champagne gold. But no matter what, from the outline to the construction, it really looks very similar to the Dimension of Bediville.

"Oh..." The werewolf youth snorted and didn't know how to deal with it for a while. But he did not show any special surprise, because [the boat of the desert] as the [armed transport ship] left by the ancient gods and humans, it should not have only one ship. There are brother ships in the world, and it is a matter of course.

"Let's see," when the housekeeper was still in a daze, he took the opportunity to introduce it rightly: "This is our proud gold ship [Pequod]"

When the crowd was stunned, the golden sand boat of the champagne suddenly floated into the air, and the ship's head was turned to think of the battle room of Prince Saeed and others.

"Hey, hey, it smashed?!" "Let it stop!" "It will be squashed!!" Seeing the desert boat hit it, and the tonnage ship hit a small one. In the combat conference room, people in this room can be immediately crushed into meat, and many adventurers began to exclaim.

Prince Saeed seems to be doing this deliberately. He is calmly looking at everyone on the field and looking for those adventurers who are as calm as him.

His gaze just fell on the werewolf Bediwell, the gunner Nat and the sergeant Eric.

"Isn't that your ship?" Eric couldn't help but lower his voice and ask Bediwell. His brother Lawrence often goes to the boat in Bediville, so he knows something.

"Hah? Your boat?" The man who was very sensitive to his hearing and who was standing next to Bedyville heard Eric asking Beddyville and asking the werewolf youth.

"It's not my ship, you admit the wrong boat." Bettiville denied it: "But what the **** is going to do?"

"Crash, of course." Eric said calmly.

"Then why don't you escape, are you afraid of dying?" Biddyville asked as he joked. "Since it can sneak into the space," said Erik Eric, who is also saying that when he said this, part of the bow was very close to the room. I have to hit it.

However, it did not hit, it should be said that the ship came through the wall like a ghost. It seems that the small part of the bridge that appeared on the deck of the gold ship directly crossed the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the room and entered the room.

And that part opened a door, and someone actually came out of the door.

It was a middle-aged man in a formal navy uniform and a burly figure. And this person is still alone. His missing left leg was supported by a prosthetic made of steel, which allowed the middle-aged man to come out of the door and make a heavy metal squeak at every step.

"I will introduce it to you: This is the captain of the Golden Boat and the Captain, Captain Yake," said Prince Said.

"Yeah." Captain Yake nodded indifferently to the crowd.

The adventurers present were already amazed when they saw his ship piercing the room. In the eyes of Captain Yake, this group of adventurers is probably no different from a group of strangers who are making a fuss about a little thing.

At this time, Captain Yake had his eyes completely on the body of the Werewolf youth. To be more precise, it was to lie on a small gold earring in the pointed wolf ears of Bedyville. The earrings are actually not earrings at all, but a communicator, which is made up of the scarab charm in the Twilight. Nowadays, this communicator is still in operation, and it can communicate with the artificial intelligence navigation system Eve in the Dawning. In this underground facility, the signal may not be able to penetrate, resulting in the inability to communicate.

"Interesting." Captain Yake suddenly whispered: "I really have a fate (Kama)."

"Hey?" Bettiville seemed to realize what he was, and he couldn't help but return.

Captain Yake did not answer, and his eyes were removed, and he continued to silently wait for Prince Saeed or his butler to explain.

"As you can see, this sand fruit ship is indeed equipped with [subspace snorkeling ability], you can chase the injured desert whale Moby Dick, who is escaping from the wound, to the nest in the depths of the sand sea. When we found out After its nest, it is responsible for making a fatal attack.

The butler continues to operate the notebook on the desktop, reflecting another slide on the holographic screen in midair.

Reflected on the screen is a giant harpoon comparable to a giant cannonball. From the perspective of the slide, its size is almost one-third of the length of the other, and the fruit is actually a medium-sized sand boat. The hull has three hundred. Feet long.

"In the final stage of the battle, all the adversaries involved in the battle moved the undestroyed destroyer species into the set of the fruit. The giant [Red Moon Steel Harpoon] used in the final battle will be won by this. Launch. And it will tear Moby Dick’s chest and crush the heart of the almost indestructible demon.” The butler said, “Then, according to the calculation, Mobi Dick’s true face or it’s The core will be presented. This is the best time for adventurers to kill the desert whale Moby Dick."

At this time, Celebrity Eric raised his hand and asked: "What is its core?"

"No one knows, because no one has ever seen it." The housekeeper said: "No one has ever used such a powerful weapon, so it has been so badly created by Moby Dick. All this is just that we calculate according to the currently known research materials. The result."

"Just guessing..." Eric's face sank.

"Although it is only speculation, it is almost the same as the facts." The housekeeper replied: "A large creature like Moby Dick must have a core full of high-purity magic, and the biological force that maintains their body shape around the clock. There is no such force field to maintain their body. The huge mass of the body will first break its lumbar vertebrae, then crush its internal organs, and finally tear its flesh."

"That is, as long as the core is destroyed"

"Moby Dick will disintegrate on his own. Yes." The housekeeper replied with almost a certain 100% affirmative tone.

Bedyville seemed to have heard of similar things a long time ago. On Earth, because of the influence of gravity, there is an upper limit to the size of the organism that can survive.

The whales in the sea can survive in the sea, because the seawater supports most of their weight.

And Moby Dick does not live in the sea, it is rampant in the Sahara Sea. It seems that the weight of the sand is a matter of course, but it seems that it is not the same thing, because Bediville has seen Moby Dick, who is snorkeling in the glass sea, and Moby in the snorkeling process. Dick is more like a solid that penetrates the glass sea, rather than relying on the solid ridiculous body that holds up the solid.

That is to say, the monster with a huge size to the magic level has not relied on sand or glass to hold up its exaggerated weight from the beginning. It can survive to this day, relying on its own biological field, in short, its own magic.

Breaking the magical core of its body, this monster will die. This seems to be a rather reliable plan.

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