Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2479: Critical to Amethyst (2)

Chapter 2479 is critical to Amethyst II

at the same time? Somewhere in the abyss grain boundary.

"Well," I don't know how long it took. Mutt slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The grain boundary returned to its original brightness. The night of the grain world seems to have passed.

"Good morning, Mute brother." Mitch looked at the outside of the hole and seemed to wake up earlier than Mutter. "What happened today is not very flat outside."

"Not too flat?" The cat-and-boys climbed up and went to the hole to watch.

Sure enough, the entire grain boundary canyon is like boiling. There are a lot of crystal monsters in the lower ground below, and some crystal giant snakes that Mute has never seen before are moving back and forth. Looking from afar, this grain gorge, which is occupied by a large number of monsters, is like a crystal rushing out of control. Fortunately, these monsters are land-based monsters, and almost no one is good at climbing. Otherwise they climb up to the cave where Mutter is located. I am afraid there will be no place in the grain world to keep the peace.

"Why is this happening? Is it because we stayed in the grain world for a long time?" The cat's gaze looked subconsciously to the big tiger lying on the side. "Is this guy also entering the grain world?" "

But Albert's avatar lying there didn't answer, still lying on the ground and sleeping peacefully.

"You can't wake him up," Mitch said, as he had already tried. "I haven't seen anyone who has experienced the night of the Crystal World. I saw it for the first time. He should be because of The reason for falling into sleep? The power of the abyss grain world did not affect his sleep, maybe it is something deeper than the abyss grain boundary."

Mutter was silent for a while and did not answer. Before they entered the night last night, they had no choice but to sleep because of the night of the grain world. But when they woke up today, he and Albert’s avatar should consider fleeing from the grain world. I didn’t expect this. The lazy tiger is still asleep.

Is it really necessary for Mutt to escape from the grain world with a big tiger? And do not mention how to escape the bottom, this huge reminder gap, Mutt is not a problem to move Albert's avatar is a problem.

"Mouth brother, look!" Mitch suddenly pointed to the distance and interrupted the thoughts of the cat boy.

"Well?" Mutt groaned, looking in the direction of the rat's finger.

On the other side of the mountainside, the other side of the grain boundary canyon, there is a particularly conspicuous light.

The light is spontaneously shining, flickering, but it is still very bright when it is darkened, and it is bright to the point of glare when it becomes brighter -

It seems to be a kind of energy ball that is gathered by lightning.

"Do you want me to pass?" Mutt frowned.

"What? Are you serious?" Mitch heard the conclusion of the cat boy, and was shocked. "No! This is crazy! You didn't see the group of crystal monsters under the valley? Want to cross the valley from here to On the other side of the mountainside, it is tantamount to suicide! Before you reach the other end, you will be trampled by the monsters!"

"But I have to try." Mutter reluctantly said: "If the light ball is the only way to leave the grain world?"

In fact, the cat-and-boys have not yet touched the composition of the grain boundary. For the first time, they happened to defeat a certain crystal guard, and then they left the grain boundary and returned to the real world. The second time he was trapped by the Lord of the Deep Sea, fled into the grain world, and finally saw the owner of the grain world, Amethyst Dragon God, was forcibly sent away. This time he wants to leave the grain world, maybe things will not be so smooth again. The scene that appears in front of him seems to be the Lord of the Grains who can marry him.

The problem is difficult, but the solution to the problem seems simple and straightforward. As long as Mutter lives across the madly marching crystal monster army in the valley and reaches the mountainside opposite the mountain, this is a test of the problem.


The grain boundary is a mysterious place. In this abyss grain boundary, the cat-and-boys will not really die. The heavy injuries will be affected by the protection of the grain world and will be saved from death, even if the body is completely destroyed. It will also be reborn in other areas - at least Mickey said so. That is to say, he has the opportunity to try many times, through the torrent of this almost impossible to cross the monster, to the other side of the mountain.

This is the case on the surface.

Mutt looked back at Albert's avatar, still asleep, and frowned.

On the surface, Mutter does have many opportunities to try, and can always try to succeed. The premise of course is that he walks through the valley alone. But he could not leave Albert's avatar to leave here. He left, what about Albert's avatar? What about Albert's deity?

Maybe this avatar will be trapped in the grain world forever, and the deity of the stupid tiger will never come back again? Albert's avatar is not to say that the four avatars left in the world share the deity's [existence (Kama)], and must have four avatars to gather together to summon the deity, and the lost deity can come back? ?

Therefore, it is not a viable option to leave this division alone to leave the grain boundary.

But Mutter compared the difference between himself and Albert's avatar, and felt that he could never win the big tiger. If he wants him to move slowly with Albert's avatar, he may still be able to do it. But want him to take advantage of this tiger, smashing through the thousands of horses in the grain world? Anyone who is optimistic will not think that this kind of attempt has a chance to succeed.

So is this [no solution]? It seems impossible to do it. Unless Mr. Mutt left Albert's avatar to escape. But he is absolutely impossible to escape by himself. The master of the grain world will really tease people and give him a malicious problem.

despite this.

The cat-and-boys thought about it and thought about it.

Maybe there is more than one way to solve the problem; maybe there are other ways to make things the best of both worlds?

Maybe it still exists.

The cat-and-boys walked to the edge of the hole and looked and looked at the slightly protruding platform.

Then he pulled out the crystal thorn sword and poked it on the ground.


There is no suspense, crystal clusters on the ground, extending along the edge of the crystal platform.

In this abyssal grain world, many things have completely different physical laws from reality, and cannot be understood and speculated by the logic of reality.

In reality, the crystallization principle of the crystal thorn sword seems to be to extract the minerals from the solid ground and form crystals on the surface. The minerals contained in the ground are limited in a certain range, so the crystals that can be generated are of course limited.

But the last time Mutter and the Deep Sea singer Melissa played together, he found that he could use a crystal sword to create a huge volume of crystal columns in a small area, and the crystal volume produced was even larger than the nearby ground. The ground did not sink because the minerals were over-extracted, as if those crystal columns were created out of thin air.

That is to say, it is impossible to say that the crystallization phenomenon in the grain boundary does not require any source. As long as the crystal thorn sword and something touch, crystal clusters can be generated, and it is generated infinitely in an open space, which is simply out of nothing.

If Mutter’s conjecture is correct, then maybe he can use a crystal sword to set up a crystal bridge from the hole, across the valley, and from the middle of the sky to the other side of the mountainside?

The idea is bold and crazy, but it is not on paper, it is worth a try. The cat-and-boys continue to poke the ground with crystal thorns to create more crystal clusters.

The outwardly extending platform is now stretched out further.

"What are you doing?" As if to perceive Mutter's intentions, the Rat and the young Mitch asked: "Isn't it going to build a bridge to the opposite side of the mountain? From here to the opposite side at least a thousand yards away. Crazy things, how can you do it?!"

"How can I not know if I don't try it?" Mutello replied a bit stubbornly. Of course, he also understands that the floor is poked bit by bit, and the efficiency is definitely very touching. Therefore, he changed his technique. He first poked the ground with a crystal thorn sword, and immediately slashed it at the moment of crystal formation, and made a blow. In response to the attacking action of this stabbing sword, the torrent of crystal rushed out with a more ferocious momentum, and in a moment, a crystal column with a small **** and a slightly oblique upward direction was formed in front of Mutt. The length of the crystal column is at least ten yards long and has extended outwards for a considerable distance. If Mutter continues to pave the way with the same move, maybe after dozens of hundreds of consecutive release of the crystal column, create a long bridge to reach the opposite mountain.

"It looked really dangerous." Seeing Mutter walking forward and tempting, Mitch froze: "After all, it is an impromptu bridge. Maybe it will collapse in the middle, can't bear your weight? And the distance to the opposite side. Still so long, are you sure you can walk along your friends all the way?"

"No, I will open the way first." The cat-and-boys said, "When the bridge is paved, I have confirmed that it is strong enough. I will come back to pick you up."

"We?" Mitch frowned. "What does this mean? Do you even want me to pick it up? I don't think I can leave the grain world. I am being imprisoned in this grain world as a plaything. There are already some better. Years ago, now I say that I want to leave here."

"But it’s better to try than to give up, right?" Mutt yelled. "In the end, we will think of something else."

Mitchell shook his head, revealing a look that "I really can't do it."

And Mutter did not say much to Mitch, continued to wave the crystal sword, built a bridge in the air, and stubbornly continue to move forward.

It is better to say that he is a "cat" in the sky. The abyss must be filled with wonders that humans can never understand, but such a wonder, a cat-and-boy who changed the crystal bridge in midair and traveled in such a wonderful scene, who has seen it in the world?

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