Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2567: Winning over Wang Qi (22)

Chapter 2567 is the winner of the king's riding twenty-two

"Come on." With the approach of the small transport boat, Bediville and others can see a silvery, strangely shaped ship moored in the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea.

That's of course the Biddyville sand boat [Twilight], but now it looks a little different from the usual ------ because it is just starting the docking process, the ship's [combat module] and [life module] pass A little complicated deformation, gradually merged together.

"Oh oh oh oh oh, fit!!" "Super ah!!" The other big and small guys who were also sitting on the small transport boat shouted at the same time. [Small] Of course, Jonathan, the son of Sir Zuster, and the [big] person actually refers to Gladiator Bereld.

"Isn't it a fit? Is it necessary to react so much?" Biddyville said disapprovingly.

"What? You don't know? [Synthesis] But the romance of a man!" Bereld protested loudly, dancing like a child.

"It's true, boss." Lawrence also interjected, if this guy had seen the fit and split of the Twilight, it is estimated that he is now following the big and small idiots.

"Yes, I am out of touch with the times, you like it." Bedyville was too lazy to go with this group of guys.

"So this is the famous Twilight." Bereld added, "It’s spectacular to see it."

"Is my ship so famous?"

"What? You don't know or pretend you don't know?" The gladiator said, "This is the legendary ship. Oh, the twilight number? Before Cairo was attacked by [Mobidek], it suddenly appeared and hit. Retired from the desert whale Moby Dick? The heroic battle of the Twilight has spread through the major media to non-European continents. Now it is not only famous in Egypt, but also in Africa and even in Europe. Its name is oh?!"

"Yes, I remember remembering this," said Bediville. The Twilight is indeed a headache to hit Moby Dick. But did it really become famous like this one, and simply won the attention of the whole world? So exaggerated?

"Not because of the wonderful battle of the Twilight, because Moby Dick is really a horrible legendary World of Warcraft, its terrible has been passed to Europe." Lawrence added, not to mention our ship has also participated in Moby Dick’s crusade, some people who did not know the truth even thought that the Dawning had killed Moby Dick.

"How can this be done? The one that completed the blow was [Bian Guo Dehao]? It was because Captain Yake and his crew sacrificed themselves that we were able to defeat Moby Dick. Didn’t those people take me? Did the battle report come in?!"

"You are talking about one thing, how they understand it is another matter." Gladiator Bereld added, "In that kind of natural disaster, people still need to establish a hero, an idol, as they The spiritual pillar of worship. Those who sacrifice in battle, they can only mourn, can't worship, so they don't meet their needs. And you and your ship just stop at the brightest spotlight on the stage and get attention. It’s gone."

"I would rather not pay attention to this kind of attention," said Bediville, depressed.

"Why not? Fame is a kind of chip. The more famous you are, the more you can use this chip in your negotiations to gain more advantages for yourself. Why not?"

Bedyville responded to Bereld's question with silence. A few months ago, he was still a nephew who lived in silence in the snowfields of Western Siberia, and now he has become the widely known Captain Bradyville. This kind of change is not what he wants. It is not easy to adapt to it at one time.

"You are afraid of change, right?" Bereld asked faintly. "The unchanging life makes you feel at ease. Too many sudden changes make you feel awkward. You are such a person, right?"

Bediville did not answer.

The boat landed on the deck of the Dawning, when the green area of ​​the ship had risen and the deck was a delightful garden view.

"It’s amazing to plant trees on the boat." The gladiator whistled.

"Welcome back, Mr. Bedieville." Segred, who has been staying in the green area, came over and asked, "Where are these two?"

"Gladiator Bereld, you should know. This is the son of Sir Zuster (Beddyville suddenly thought that Segrad may not know Zuster at all), the people of the Melson Brotherhood."

"Oh." Leopard, young and young, wrote back and said that he didn't have much interest in Jonathan. He looked at Bereld with caution. After all, gladiator Bereld is his competitor in [round table trial]. One - and still a strong competitor.

"Is Uncle Paramitis also coming back? [Combat module] should be received by him on my behalf, right?" Biddiville asked again.

"Yes, Dad and Aunt Vivienne are back together. You should be able to find him in the common room if you are looking for him." Segrad replied, and was busy with his work----- - Collect the resin of the magic pine tree to make the magic turpent that is used to enchant the weapon.

"That, when will Dad pick me up?" Jonathan asked.

"He will come over and join us after he has finished the fraternity." Bettiville said casually. "You should play with other children on the boat first. By the way, let him come. Anything to find this Lawrence." Uncle, he will handle it for you."

"So this is the nanny on your ship or the housekeeper?"

"No! I am the first officer on the boat!" Lawrence interrupted with a grin."Hah? Are you?" Biddyville was surprised. "I always thought you were carrying heavy loads."

"You can even make such a joke at the boss!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Bettiville burst into laughter and played Jonathan and Lawrence.

"If you don't guess wrong, your ship should be a small ball of a boat." With the werewolf youth, step into the cabin of the gladiator Bereld, said as he walked.

"You are not entirely wrong, but you better not say that he is a small ball in front of Uncle Paramitis." Bettiville reminded that "Uncle Paramitis is not accounting for this." But his wife ------"

"What happened to his wife?" The voice of a woman suddenly sounded behind the werewolf youth, faint, cold and cold.

Bediville then shuddered and his hair was erected. "Forehead, Vivienne"

"So you want to say that Parami is generous, and my little woman is relatively stingy. Is this what it means?" Vivian asked.

"There is no such thing, hahaha" Bettiville lost his smile. But probably no wife will be willing to hear that her husband is called a small hairball? Probably."

Vivienne White had a look at Bedyville and Bereld. "No, although you call it, he is really a hairball. It is even a monster. In fact, his cat hair is always in my institute, affecting it. The operation of various equipment, I have felt very annoying since a long time ago. You can make himself realize that this is no better."

"Hahaha, I will mention this to him." Biddyville smiled bitterly.

"Very good." The succubus nod. "A group of men are gathered there, probably to discuss something? I have something to do today, I will not bother you. But don't let Parami do something dangerous? He It’s been restless recently."

"Okay, ok, of course." Biddyville nodded and perfunctory.

"So, everyone good day." Vivienne leaned over and bowed, speeding forward.

"Sister Arthur's sister, Vivien Convair." After Vivienne walked away, Bereld whispered.

"You know it very well."

"I have also done research," said the gladiator.

Bedieville couldn’t help but wonder what the "research" of the door was, and went to the identity of Vivian.

"What is your wish, Bereld?" Betteville asked casually before arriving at the lounge.


"Well, since signing up for a roundtable trial, does it mean that you have a desire to achieve it?" The werewolf youth went on to say "Is it convenient? It is not convenient to say it."

"Yes, telling you is no problem." Bereld pushed the boat along the water. "My wish is very simple. I want to find the bodies of my companions who escaped from the mine with me and bury them."

"Is it so difficult to find? You haven't found it for so many years?"

"You actually went through a [Pan Shen Cave] with me today. Please tell me the actual experience. It is difficult to find a few bodies in that place."

It is really difficult, a dark underground cavern, intricate terrain, surrounded by death traps, and horrible monsters wandering inside the cave. Bedyville shrugged and didn't answer.

"The [Pan Shen Cave] we went to today is already a heavily developed area, and the size is small in the hundreds of cave systems in the world. The Pan God Cave we tried to escape was bigger than today. About ten times."

"So exaggerated?" Biddyville said. "You can live alive from the cave inside to the cave exit. It is already a miracle."

"It is a miracle. I can still do that without tools, hunger and cold, and even I admire myself. But my companions are obviously not so lucky, and only me ------ There is also Karzan ------ successfully escaped."

"So you want to be a round table knight, use the manpower and resources of the Knights of the Round Table to help you search again for the Pan God Cave that buried your companions that year, right?" The Werewolf Youth Again "Things may not necessarily be as you imagine." It’s so simple? The Knights of the Round Table are not omnipotent. Some things they can’t do can’t be done. Maybe the bodies of your companions have been washed away by the underground river, and they have long been able to find them again. What are the complete sporadic pieces? What should I do then?"

"I haven't said that I can find everything and do my best. This matter is of great significance to me, not only to hang my companions, but also to make my past a full stop. I always feel that I don't want to do this. When I finish, I can't move on."

"Yes," Biddyville said in an understatement. There are indeed such people in the world who are imprisoned in the shackles of the past, and even if they try to break free, they must spend a lifetime of energy.

"Speaking back, I heard that you have an artifact in your hand [映奇宝珠], and you know how to use it?" Biddiville suddenly turned his head and asked tentatively.

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