Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2623: 斩黯之之光(五)

Chapter 2623, 斩黯之之光光五

"Would you like to follow?" Looking at the gloomy Slinder, Bettiville couldn’t help but be ironic: "There may be an unknown deadly danger waiting for us. You really have to follow? It won't just want to give Looking for a strong place to bury yourself?"

"I won't die." Shilind whispered: "If you can't survive, don't simply die."

These artificial people's desire for survival is really strong... I think so.

"You let him go with you, boss." Carlzan also said: "It is easy to assemble this conveyor anyway. With so many people, you can assemble it right away."

It was originally expected to be completed by Bediville alone, so many people are doing it together quickly. The rest of the people are actually idle and idle. The best way to get people who are depressed is to cheer up as soon as possible is to get them busy.

"It's worth it." Bedieville did not argue, throwing a light sword to Schlinder, and walking in the direction of the ruins.

"Lightsword..." Slinder kept up from behind and hesitated to start the dangerous weapon.

"Not used?"

"I am not a combatant." Slinder smiled bitterly: "I always feel that this stuff is very dangerous. Wouldn't I accidentally cut my finger?"

"No. The human body has [absolute field] protection. When the finger touches the sword of the lightsaber, it will only bounce off like an electric shock. Normally, if you don't cut it, you won't cut your finger." The Werewolf Youth replied: "But please, please don't wave the lightsaber behind me. It is a very annoying thing for the friendly to accidentally hurt."

"I won't use it... You give me this self-defense is superfluous..." Shilind said: "It won't be intended to use it as a flashlight.. ...."

"This is the correct way for the knights to illuminate," Biddyville joked.

"Oh..." Slinder laughed a few times and walked into the ruins with the werewolf youth.

When Bediville first came to [City of the Dead], it was night, and soon after he arrived, he entered the [Zero Area] and began a fierce battle. At that time, the night was dark and the battle was fierce. He basically did not care about the facilities here. [City of the Dead] was subsequently occupied by the Knights of Great Britain. There should be a lot of knights and professional researchers coming over to investigate, and certainly will not miss this relic. I heard that even the original management system of the city of the deceased was taken away and taken away. All the high-tech things still in this shabby remains must have been shaved.

But... why? The interior of the wonderful (suspected) concrete building in front of Bediville barely felt the breath of someone. Is it because the people of the Knights were evacuated a few days ago, and the breath of the people was quickly exhausted? Or because the people of the Knights thought that there was no such thing in the ruins from the beginning, and it is not worth exploring in depth, so few people have stepped out of this place?

one way or another------

After the werewolf youth entered the building, they were squatting and knocking on the wall, checking the integrity of the building back and forth.

"Good, there is no danger of collapse." He said: "The person should be fine."

"It’s better to stay in the wild than to stay in the wild." Schlind ridiculed himself: "We are at least not a tramp on the street."

The Werewolf youth ignored the other's self-deprecation and continued: "There are still a few rooms on the second floor that can be seen from a distance, suitable for being a guard room.... Why do they not install windows?"

"The structure of the city of the deceased is very similar to the greenhouse. There is probably not much serious sand."

"Despite this, it will be cold at night."

"The building itself seems to have good insulation. Sleeping in several rooms inside should not be cold." Schlind said: "The sleeping bag that you brought to the boss is probably wasted."

"Don't call me boss." Bediville suddenly gave off a green glow behind him, illuminating the interior of the otherwise dark building. He thought what happened, but calmly think about it, only to remember that the lightsaber in the hands of Schlinder is shining.

"It’s a weird green light." It’s obvious that Schlinder started the lightsaber himself, but he spit it up: "Is the knights really using this thing as a lighting tool? It’s shining in the dark, I’m not afraid to I am scared to death."

"The standard of the Great Britain Knights is a green lightsaber. But in fact, the color of the lightsaber can be improved, and it can be easily changed to other colors by switching the filters." Biddyville said: "This is not the point. Seriously. Can Lighting is just fine. I don’t know what to do after I get used to it."

He was shocked by the green light just now, but his mouth was barely strong.

"Yes, yes." Schlind was perfunctory.

auzw.comBut in the light of this green light, the atmosphere of the relics is really different. And the darker you go to the depths of the building, the more you feel hidden invisible. Bediville then took out another "light sword" ------ [world tree shell] for lighting.

[World Tree Shell] was originally a piece of wood-like artifact, far from being a weapon. But Biddeville let the fire of the spell live in the artifact, and then summon it when it is used. The fire of the spell becomes a flame-like blade.

wrong. Now holding up this [World Tree Shell] Bediville, it is more like holding a torch. The wooden handle of the artifact is added with a red curse flame that is constantly lit at the top. This is not a torch, but what?

"A wonderful torch." Schlind seemed to notice that the artifact in Bediville's hand was different from the ordinary torch, and he snarled with interest.

"It’s just a lot of fuel, a torch that can burn almost indefinitely, nothing is rare." Bedieville screamed. Anyway, ordinary people can't understand the wonderful combination of artifacts and spirits in his hands, too lazy to explain.

"Interesting equipment. So Captain Bettyville is really an explorer? Do you like to explore the wild?" Sterling asked.

"No." The werewolf youth sighed: "Is it true that the fraternal people are rumored?"

"About your deeds, there are all kinds of rumors." Schlind replied: "Since the last time you repelled Moby Dick, after the protection of Cairo, there were many rumors in the market, and the fraternity was natural. There is no shortage of these gossips. Of course, most of them are exaggerated and very fake."

"Oh, for example?" The first floor was almost finished, but there was still a staircase leading to the basement, and Biddiville frowned and went down.

"For example, some people say that you are a distant relative of His Majesty King Arthur, an illegitimate child of the private marriage of Pantoraken and the Werewolf. So your relationship with King Arthur is so close." Schlinder continued: " I personally think that this news is very fake. After all, humans and orcs can't get married and have children."

"The news is excessive. I have no blood relationship with His Majesty King Arthur. It’s just a friend." Bedieville couldn't help but anger. It’s really awesome, and this kind of fake news can be passed around.

But indeed, his recent relationship with King Arthur is a bit too close. Outsiders know nothing about nature and guess wildly. He may have inadvertently damaged the reputation of King Arthur. Maybe you really need to reflect on it, and keep a more reasonable distance from King Arthur in the future?

"There is even more exaggerated speculation that you are the first generation of Pharaoh King Nice, who appeared in the contemporary as a werewolf through some kind of reincarnation, so you have a way to use the vast legacy left by the ancient gods." De said again.

"What the hell." Bettiville pretended not to understand, to put more words out of the other side: "Why is it Niceis himself, can use the legacy of the ancient gods and people?"

"Don't you know, boss?" Shilind shrugged: "Although it is also rumor... The first Pharaoh Wang Meis is said to be the descendant of the ancient gods and human races. It is a hybrid of humans and ancient gods. There are ancient gods in the body. He, who is of human descent, can use the vast ancient artifacts of the gods and humans. [The boat of the desert], [the sun of the sun god], and even [Yingqi Baozhu] ------ can be used."

The rumor is basically the same as what was known to Bediville before exploring the tomb. According to the information, Minnes has ruled Egypt for more than three hundred years, far exceeding the life expectancy of human beings. He may be a hybrid of ancient people and human beings, with enormous power that ordinary people cannot possess, and the use of ancient artifacts that were originally only available to ancient gods and humans. He is a powerful curse who can easily curse mankind and command humans to do what he wants.

His powerful mantra talent has been derived from his "race advantage" - because human beings were created from the beginning, they were ordered to listen to the ancient gods, which are bound to the deepest part of human genes. An instruction. Of course, Nice, who has the blood of the ancient gods and humans, can use this lineage to simply control humans and even the orcs.

The information also said that the United States began to explore the secret of immortality when it was dying. His conclusion was to use the power of the ancient **** ------ a higher existence than the ancient gods. By offering human sacrifices to the ancient gods and making a contract with the ancient gods, you can have people who are not old and not dead. The same thing happened to the ancient gods and humans, but it ended up failing for unknown reasons. Minness gave up the pursuit of immortality and sealed some artifacts that could be immortal.

------ This is all that Bettiville currently knows.

But, is Nice reincarnation? This is another brand new point.

"I am not a beautiful reincarnation." The Werewolf youth shouted: "Pharaoh King Nice should have been dead? If he is really capable of reincarnation, he will reincarnate and come back to get everything he deserves. The mummy is resurrected." , Pharaoh returns, and so on. Isn't this a common bridge in the movie?"

And still, that kind of subject matter has been used up, and now it has become a third-rate, horror movie.

There is no way. After going downstairs is an empty basement with traces of equipment being removed. It may be that the people of Great Britain moved everything.

"Well... no danger?" Sylander, who was behind the werewolf youth, made a decision.

But Bediville's left arm is shining, and the [Sunday of the Sun God] hidden in the secret silver prosthetic arm in the form of an armband actually shines golden light.

"There is something to come, be careful!" Bettiville turned to tell Lindlin.

But the artificial man has been stunned by something and fell to the ground. The lightsaber in his hand also slipped to the ground. Without anyone manipulating, the green sword of the lightsaber gradually disappeared, leaving only a cold metal hilt on the ground.

"Hey! You still ------" Bettiville had wanted to say something, but he felt a bit cold in front of him. He suddenly turned his head to deal with the danger, and the weapons in his hand were already ready.

What appeared in front of him turned out to be a familiar figure.


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