Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2670: Shunko Shunno (52)

Chapter 2670 is based on instant light fifty-two

In the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea.

"Do you want to be clear?" Constance took out a special electromagnetic key card and confirmed it for the last time.

"Oh." Elbert replied in an understatement: "Quickly untie it."

"Well." Constance stroked a gap in the gap between Albert's magic bracelet.

The magic bracelet reads the signal from the magnetic card, and after a beep, it splits into two petals from the middle.

Albert moved his right arm and felt very relaxed. From now on, I will no longer have to limit his ability by this nasty bracelet. If you really want to take off this magic bracelet, he actually has a variety of methods, including violently cutting it. But this is, after all, the property of the Knights of Great Britain. Because of his respect for Great Britain, he was so troublesome to let the other party open the bracelet.

From now on, he and the [round table trial] completely clarified the relationship. From now on, he has no reason to stay in Cairo.

No, there is actually one reason left, the last game of the Diablo American Super Bowl. He will return to Cairo tomorrow morning, but that is the real last time.

Bedyville looked at the whole process of Albert's removal of the magic bracelet, silently. He didn't even say a half-sentence.

It seems that I received a message from the Twilight, and Mutter also drove in the iron ride of Albert.

"That," the young man of the Tiger jumped on the iron ride, and changed his position with Mutter and personally drove: "There will be a period later."

Bedyville crossed his arms to his chest and said nothing, so he watched Elbert's iron ride away. The iron ride pulled a long sky-blue tail flame in the air and flew away in the direction of the Mediterranean.

"Just let him go?" Cavalier whispered behind Bettyville.

"No matter what, no matter what, it is impossible for the guy to change his mind." The werewolf youth replied.

"So this is the reason you put the water in the last blow?" asked Arthur.

"No." Bedieville shook his head: "There is no water at all."

------ No water, just a light enemy.

The moment when he and Albert two swords were unbalanced after the collision, when the young tigers arrived in the back of Bediville with space transfer, the werewolf youth could actually react. However, his consciousness reacted and his body did not respond. Clearly deliberately to block the opponent's attack, his body was slow to shoot and did not listen to, eventually leading to his defeat in the duel.

[Accelerating the Pharmacy] can only speed up the thinking speed of Bediville, but it can't directly accelerate the body of Bediville like [Time Potion]. Obviously, the body can react to it but can't keep up with its own reaction. This is the defeat of Bediville.

If Biddyville used the time medicine given to him from the beginning, the result of this battle may become completely different. However, [time potion] is a rare product with a lot of side effects and a small amount of supplements. I don’t know when it will be used again after this time, so Bediville did not use it in this duel.

But from the beginning, Albert was not the opponent that Biddyville could defeat. Did not come up with all of his strength to fight against Albert, the natural loss is Bediville.

He should not despise Albert from the beginning. In Bedieville's memory, the guy still stayed in the stupid white tiger boy of that year, the child who was dizzy when he saw blood. Bedieville only looked at Albert's fragile side, but did not realize that Albert had grown to this point.

All in all, the loss was also lost, and Albert also left, and the review was not useful afterwards.

"Go back." The Werewolf youth said in a down-to-earth manner, jumped on the small transport boat of Rogan and others, because King Arthur and others went back to the British warships, and the pedestrians on the side of Bediville took the transport boat back to the Dawn.

"I haven't been able to use the time magic well." Sure enough, when Biddiville came up, Rogan spoke.

"Sorry, underestimate the enemy." Bedieville did not make an excuse to excuse himself, just apologize.

"So... just let the tiger go?" Nath asked, and apparently said to Rogan: "The guy can touch [the outside of the string], in the eyes of you Masters Isn't it a key research object?"

"To tell the truth, I have a lot of questions to ask the little tiger. But even if you try to use brute force to block, you won't be able to win him." Rogan confessed, and tapped his own fingers with his thick fingers. [Block bracelet] on the arm.

As long as you wear this one day, candidates who are round-table trials will not be able to exert their full strength. And Rogan is more of a type that needs to consume supplies to gain strength. Without his [time potion] and [accelerating potion], it is difficult to win the Albert of the heyday by melee.

"The Masters Association will not find Albert trouble?" Biddiville also asked with concern.

"It's hard to say. But if he is in the twilight region..." Rogan thought for a moment: "Well, the people of the Masters Association may not be able to catch up with that place. The little tiger is equivalent to being the orc." Protected. Not to mention that the Masters should not know that the person who touched [out of the string] is the little tiger. At best, they can only detect the reaction that [the door of truth] has been opened in this place."

Bedyville does not speak. Even if Albert left, he couldn't help but worry about the guy. Even he himself feels that he is too disappointing. Why do you have to worry about the guy in Albert? That guy is already an adult, don't you know how to take care of yourself?

After returning to the Twilight, just jumped to the deck of the ship, the werewolf youth stretched out. There are quite a lot of things going on today, and there is still one important thing to do this afternoon or evening. He just wants to go back and take a shower, wash off the slightly sticky red pigment, and then take a nap. ." Wait, I have something to say to you." Before other people dispersed, Nat grabbed Bediville.

"Well... let's talk." The werewolf youth replied reluctantly.

"So," Biddeville’s man, who looked a little scary, and the metal skeleton of his body, swept his eyes with his golden gleam, and said, "Remember our previous agreement?"


"I came to your ship and served this ship for such a long time, not asking for a return." The gunner Nat yelled: "I have heard from the academician Zuster."

"The guy with the mouth..." Bettiville’s forehead had a blue vein.

"You don't blame him. I also have a lot of friends inside the Melson Brotherhood. There is such a big change in the Brotherhood. I naturally have a way to know." Nat added: "So is it true? You are completely Have you mastered the use of [映奇宝珠]? Can you use it to find everything in the world?"

"In the words of the Brotherhood, the theory is." Bettiville did not deny.

Natton paused: "So, can I borrow your [Yingqibaozhu]?"

Nat's wish, Bedyville is known. This man from two hundred years ago just wanted to find his wife and children who were separated from him two hundred years ago. It is precisely because [Yingqi Baozhu] is a more direct and effective method of tracing than the help of the Knights of the Round Table, Nat will stay on the boat in Bediville.

"I can lend it to you. Anyway, I have nothing to lose." Bettiville shrugged. "But you should have heard of it. You want to use [Yingqibaozhu] to pinpoint the location of something. I need the help of the [artifact] of the Brotherhood. And the artifact still needs the operator to recover."

"I heard that." Nat replied.

"Those operators must also see the thing you are looking for. That is to say, there must be multiple people who want to find the same thing at the same time. [Yingqibaozhu] and [artifact] can work normally." Werewolf youth said "You want to find your wife and son, right? But they are all two hundred years ago. You really... can you find someone who knows them in modern times?"

In fact, Bedieville would like to say "two hundred years, maybe people are dead", but he said no, just changed the word. Two hundred years ago, people who knew Nat’s wife and son were estimated to have already been buried, and how could they survive to modern times.

"Jutai," Nat said suddenly.


"My wife is a Uthai, and I am pure Germanic." He said, "Well, when I was a human, I was."

"and so......?"

"The Naz Party, which was held by Germanic two centuries ago, advocated [ethnic purity theory], thinking that Germanic talent is the most noble and purest race in the country, while the Uighurs are inferior citizens." Nath continued: "At the time they I even thought about eradicating the Uighurs in the Germanic territory."

Bedyville frowned.

"When I was very young, I met my wife and got married. At that time, the Naz Party did not take power, and later became the shadow government of Germanic, and began to implement this inhumane ethnic policy."

"But your wife and children are under the protection of your military, and have not been affected for the time being, right?" Biddyville asked.

"Yes. But my military position can't always protect them. The voice of my wife and children in the Naz Party is getting bigger and bigger as time goes by."

"So, in the end, you made a deal with them. You sacrifice yourself and are willing to accept the frozen human experiment, let them transform your body into the appearance of this man-made person, in exchange for the political asylum of your wife and children?"

"Yes." Nat replied coldly.

"You are such a fool." The Werewolf youth couldn't help but sigh: "Why can you trust your government so much? You are not afraid that it betray you? Maybe they will send you to the freezer one second before, and it will be for you one second later. The wife and children started."

"Of course I am worried about this kind of thing. But there is no way." Nat blinked: "The situation at that time was already very tense. My family was closely monitored by the Naz party. Even a family of three overnight Escape, it is absolutely impossible to escape the German territory. Even if it flees to other countries? At that time, the whole Europe was filled with the white terror of the Naz Party. Other countries were jealous of Germanic and would not give me and my family any form of politics. Asylum. Even if we flee to France or Pantorac, if the Naz party negotiates with these countries, we will still be extradited to Germanic. I know that I can't believe in Germans at the time. But at the time, besides believing them There is really no other way to go."

"...what is the point." Biddyville listened enough, slightly annoyed to try to get the topic back on track.

"There are two points. First, even if my wife and children have already been killed, I have to find their remains. Second, although the Naz Party has already fallen, I don’t think that these shadow governments that have secretly affected the entire country will be like this. Simply dying. The Nazard party of the Naz Party must still exist in some form, and ------"

"They have been able to sleep for more than two hundred years with the same freezing technology, and now they are still secretly moving somewhere in the world." Bettiville pointed out sharply: "But these guys are still alive, it doesn't mean they know you." Wife and children?"

"No. The core members of the Naz Party, the sixty people, each of whom must have seen my wife and children." Nat said with great certainty: "Because I was in the freezer when I was transformed, these people I came to the institute for a visit. At the time, my wife also took my son, who was less than one year old, and watched me enter the freezer."

"That is, if you can find the remnants of the core members of the Naz Party that have lived to the present two hundred years ago, you can let them manipulate the artifact fragments and the arches of the angels, and finally find your wife and children?" Bediville Ramp, "But will they cooperate?"

"I will find ways to let these people cooperate. They owe me." Nat said in an understatement, but a chilly chill in his tone.

"Don't mention how difficult it is to realize your plan." The Werewolf youth can't help but smile: "We still can't start now? If you want to find the Naz Party Party that has been frozen for two hundred years, you need at least a little decent intelligence. Do you have information?"

"...Ardoff Hydra." Nat suddenly issued a name: "The leader of the Naz Party at the time, the true supreme ruler of the Germanic shadow government. I have sufficient evidence to prove that he is still alive. And ------ I have a way to find him."

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