Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2690: Trial of flames (11)

At the same time (?), Africa, Cairo Grand Hotel, Elaine's room.

"Hello!" Because the temperature on the Mediterranean coast was a bit low at night, Leopold sneezed.

At this time, he was lying on Elaine, his face was naturally pressed near the chest of the white bear. This sneeze hit, and a small amount of thin nose sticked to the hair of Elaine's chest. Leo not only did not apologize, but suddenly felt that it was so interesting, using his hand to start licking on the sticky hair, and smashing the bear's hair in Elaine's chest into a glimpse.

The childish movement of the other party made Elaine very helpless, and they were both sticky enough.

"Okay, is it fun?" The white bear man couldn't help but ask, and at the same time pulled the quilt higher and covered it below the nose of Leo's shoulder.

"Not fun. It's Elaine." The Golden Lion replied with a smile.

Elaine was a red face: "No, don't tease me..."

"Nothing." Leo buried his face deeper and almost fell into Elaine's chest: "Do you know? These twenty minutes may be the happiest time of my life. I must cherish it."

At this time, the phone in the room rang. I will call Elaine in this hotel room, I am afraid that only Bettiville will be them.

"...has to go?" the golden lion asked softly, taking back the hand that had originally hugged Elaine.

"Hold, sorry." Bai Xiong said: "You haven't stayed here, no problem? Would you send it back and send it back?"

"There is a sender on my bracelet. When the time comes, the hotel people will pick me up. If my vital signs fall to a dangerous level, they will come to save me." Leo said: Don't worry about me. Go do what you have to do."

"Well, um..." Elaine climbed down from the bed and ran in the direction of the bathroom. I can't go out without cleaning my body.

He hurriedly changed his clothes and ran out. When he pushed the door, he did not forget to turn his head and look at Leo: "So, goodbye."

"Goodbye (Kama) Goodbye, Elaine." The golden lion lying in bed replied. The farewell words are helpless and sad.

Ten minutes later, Elaine appeared in the battle room of the Great Britain battleship.

"It’s so slow." Bettiville pulled his face and complained: "Don't let everyone wait for you."

"Hold, sorry." The white bear man embarrassedly licked his head.

"There is no need to blame Elaine. Anyway, this is not completely ready." King Arthur said that at the time he was staring at the twin trees on the table, and Merlin was adjusting the tree with some sort of spell or unknown means. Let the flashing light gradually stabilize.

"How?" King Arthur whispered to Merlin.

"The connection with [the other side] has become extremely unstable. It seems that [the other side] has an extremely serious [space-time disturbance]."

"... disturbed?"

"It’s impossible to tell you clearly. In short, it means that [the other side] has a major turning point that can affect the historical process. From that turning point, the whole world has evolved a lot of [probability], that is, [parallel] The world] is exploding."

"I don't understand. You often say [parallel world] isn't there a myriad of things? Every choice made by everyone in the world at every moment is likely to generate new [possibility], Every possibility maps a new world. "The Cavaliers shrugged: "[Unlimited] can't compare sizes. Is it really meaningful to compare the size with one [infinite] and another [infinite]?"

"Normally, this is the case, Your Majesty." Merlin blinked: "But the ordinary [parallel world] is gathering faster, because those historically insignificant changes have little effect on the real historical process. Do you remember what you had eaten today's dinner a year ago? Is it fish or steak?"

"How can I remember that kind of thing." Knight Wang said: "Even if you remember it, it doesn't make sense. Anyway, it was dinner that was eaten a year ago."" This is what it means." Merlin replied with no emotions. "The choices that you made on an insignificant thing a long time ago can have countless kinds, but they don't matter. It doesn't matter if you choose the branches that you create yourself, and these branches eventually end up. It's like throwing a tiny stone into the water, the ripples are small, and it won't take long for the water to calm down. If you make a choice at a [significant historical turning point]? Like a huge stone falling into the water, it raises huge waves. The [probability] generated by major historical events also explosively increases, and most of them are It is likely to have a profound impact on the historical process in the future. This is [disturbance]."

"You know what you mean. How does this affect our actions?"

"The impact is very big." Merlin stopped the treatment of the tree species, and looked thoughtfully at Elaine.

"His Majesty and Mr. Bedieville have been in the world nine hundred years before, and you have established your identity in the world over there, and you will go hand in hand. Send you precisely to the world after 900 years. It is not difficult for you to continue to act with the identity you used last time."

Merlin fixed his eyes on Elaine: "But the child is going for the first time. His identity on the other side has not yet been determined, and it is likely to be assigned to a remote corner of the world."

"Amount, what?" Elaine looked at the crowd with a blank look, apparently did not understand what Merlin said.

Arthur and his party used the power of tree species to reach the world after 900 years (parallel world). In fact, only consciousness passed through the past, but the body remained on the side of 900 years ago. Because [substance] is difficult to travel by time, the energy it takes to get things through time is very large.

Arthur's spiritual body (light soul) reached the world nine hundred years later. Naturally, it is impossible to exist only in the form of spiritual body. In fact, it borrows the "right body" of the world to act. Arthur occupied the body of a teenager in the world, and the boy seemed to have the blood of the Great Britain. Bedyville occupies the body of a human wolf (a kind of demon, not a werewolf), who usually turns into a wolf and acts with Arthur.

This is the identity that they have been there before. Now that the world is re-traversed to 900 years later, it will still continue to use those identities.

Elaine was the first to cross, and his [identity] has not yet been established. In general, after reaching the other world in a spiritual form, the "will of the world" will temporarily give Elaine a usable body, the "prosthetic body." In another world, Elaine's righteous body is not necessarily a white bear, it can be other [people], and even other creatures.

The question is, where is the "prosthetic body" that is scheduled to be allocated to Elaine after 900 years. If he (it) is still in England or France, it will be fine. If in other countries, even on the other side of the European continent, Elaine, who is single, is estimated to be in trouble.

"Understood." King Arthur sighed: "Merlin, when you get there, you use Harry to find Elaine's whereabouts and give priority to his actions. Hey and Bedieville will use our own rhythm to act. Until confluence with Elaine."

"Is Arthur serious?" The Werewolf youth is quite vocal: "If Elaine dragged our hind legs, it would be better not to bring this guy to the world after 900 years from the beginning... "

"He has made up his mind." The Cavaliers said: "Ilan wants to help, let him help. He has his difficulties, he wants to help himself. Just know this is enough. Because of trouble, it is easy to refuse others. Sincerely, it is not the way of the knight."

The werewolf youth bitterly said: "Since you say this."

He understands the truth, but he still thinks that Elaine is a drag-and-drop guy. I only hope that King Arthur’s decision really has its foresight. He looked back at Elaine, thinking that he would see a sly and retreating expression on the timid white bear face, but the expression he saw was completely different from the expected one.

There was no haze on the guy's face.

Probably, King Arthur had noticed the expression of Elaine from the beginning, and did not stop the white bear. Or, it is Elaine, who is already this expression, who can't stop it.

Merlin also seems to be ready, and there is a steady and wonderful light in the twin trees. Unlike the previous ones, the blue light and the red light in the tree are mixed together, but it is a soft white light. The radiance of it shines brightly around, and even the black enchantment cast before Merlin seems to be grayed out by this light.

Gradually intense light, dragging the consciousness of King Arthur and others into the gap of time.


Arthur opened his eyes and found himself in the wilderness. This is not a hotel, but a camp in the wild. Arthur looked at the equipment at the waist and knew that he was still using the body of the blond boy. However, I always feel that there is something different.

His body is full of strength. That kind of pure "power" is the power that people gradually accumulate in the long-term physical exercise. He quickly rummaged through the pile of equipment and luggage in the camp, and finally found a bronze mirror. By the sunlight that was shot from outside the tent in the early morning, Arthur took his face.

This is not a teenager's face. This body seems to have grown up for a few years. It should be a young man. And Arthur also saw the chest muscles hidden under his clothes. There are actually six well-defined abdominal muscles. The muscles of the chest muscles and arms are also ideal.

At the time, this boy named "Yaslan" did not know how long it took to train his body into this fighting machine. With this type of body, Arthur no longer has to worry about not being physically fit in a protracted war.

But the question is, how many years did Arthur suddenly jump over?


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