Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2695: Trial of flames (16)

Chapter 2695 Trial of Flames

Out of curiosity, Albert reached out and touched his own avatars.

Naturally, his hand passed through the head of the body directly like a holographic scene, and nothing was touched. In the deep sleep, these avatars are in a state of "not being interfered by the outside world", in short, the state of "invincible". Maybe, before they voluntarily wake up, no one here can touch or hurt them, or even move them.

But they were moved here by other World of Warcraft hunters because they were too inconvenient, stacked together. That is to say, the avatars were not in a state of non-interference at the beginning, and it was gradually deepened to such a degree that they gradually became like this. Either way, no one can interfere with these avatars now, and Albert can't normally get rid of these avatars. Just wait for them to wake up and wake up and say it.

Albert remembered who had said that the one who could reach the other side of the truth and thoroughly understand the truth of the universe would be infinitely close to "God." Albert's current appearance may be approaching "God". If he can take advantage of his avatar to take a rest, he may never sleep and rest in the future, and he can use all kinds of powerful moves in almost unlimited life. .

It has now been determined that it is entirely possible to let the avatar take a place to rest and sleep. I don't know if I can use the same way... to eat?

It is reasonable to say that he can let the avatar go to eat, and then lift the avatar. The result of "eat too much" is reflected in the deity of Albert, which means that he can eat by himself without eating.

People only have twenty-four hours a day, and more than half of them spend their boring chores on eating and sleeping. If the avatar can solve all this, Albert will get more time than anyone to learn, to become stronger, to complete the arduous tasks that mortals can't.

If you extend this wonderful method of use, let the avatar accept continuous "treatment"? Is Albert's deity equivalent to the ability to achieve unlimited infinity, never hurt or die, no matter how damaged the body, can it be restored immediately?

Unimaginable. too terrifying.

His thoughts are not necessarily right, and it takes a lot of risk to verify it.

Albert is not going to verify this kind of thing right now, he has more important things to do. But one day, he will fully develop the potential of his own avatar, and perhaps he will really be promoted to the "God" of omnipotence.

"Attention! Please pay attention!" At this time, Nina used the telepathy to think of all the Warcraft hunters of Lviv to convey the instructions: "President Nitrow has fallen into a state of slumber, and it is expected that he will fall asleep completely in a few minutes! The big hunting festival tonight is about to begin, please be prepared!"

it has started. The old rabbit actually stayed for so long. Albert thought. Although after several storms, the hunters are not prepared for today, but they will always come, let this big hunting festival begin.

The rumble of the rumble.

The tiger youth can vaguely feel the vibration of the surrounding floor. The hunters didn't know what they were preparing, but they created such a huge commotion. Albert ran outside the central sanctuary. He just ran out and immediately saw the pyramid-like structure in the upper part of the central sanctuary, and there were a lot of photon turrets.

I don't know why, Albert is not surprised at all.

It's no wonder. If it is the legacy of the ancient gods and human races, this huge fortress-like remains must have a self-defense system. I didn't use it before, just because of insufficient energy. Nowadays, it relies on the heat from the ground to generate electricity. The entire central sanctuary is full of electricity, and the system that drives the turret is naturally on the line. Lviv can be said to be blessed in disguise.

The large turrets seemed to be man-made, and Albert could see three hunters playing around each turret. On the upper level of the Central Temple, there are more than 30 cavalry teams, consisting of two rabbits who can control the flying World of Warcraft and two or three hunters who use long-range weapons.

The division of labor tonight is very obvious. The cavalry team is a team of four, facing the various flying World of Warcraft in the air; the artillery team is two to three people, using Lviv's photon turret to deal with Warcraft in the air and on the ground.

But Albert is not ready to join either side, he goes straight to his iron ride, and he plans to use his iron ride. It is reasonable to say that as long as everything is around him, as long as the quality is not too big, you can use the avatar to "copy" it out. In other words, he can change the number of dozens of dozens of driving irons, and form a strong iron squad to fight. The iron ride is equipped with large-caliber beam guns and large-power photon sabers, all of which are powerful weapons, specially used to attack the city and kill large creatures. Even if you don't rely on the weapons on the iron, the iron ride itself still has strong air movement ability, which is indispensable for the battle tonight. As a result, how much should you make up for the disadvantages of the big hunting festival tonight?

"Begin!" With Nina's notice, the sky-blue light ball in the sky suddenly turned into an unlucky purple.

President Nitro fell into a deep sleep, and the effect began to reverse. It turned from the sky blue light that originally made Warcraft calm down to the purple color that can make Warcraft shake. Warcraft in the entire Twilight region will be centered and gathered.

The ground in Lviv’s city is now covered with lava. Albert is very curious, will those Warcraft without heat resistance still stupidly plunged into the "lava" and ruin themselves?

The answer is "correct" and "error." This is probably the last madness. There are countless monsters outside the city, and the black pressure is pouring into Lviv. These crazy World of Warcraft don't care about being burned by lava and rushing directly into the city. All of them were directly ablated by high-heat fluids and were buried in the fire without going deep. And some other World of Warcraft, which is more powerful, jumped high and fell on the roof of those hollow buildings in the city.

This is too... crazy?

Albert swallowed a sip, stepped on the throttle of the iron rider and lifted it. He also launched a split-length technique. He wanted to change his avatar as much as possible, but in fact he only had five avatars.

It turned out to be the case. Because it is necessary to bring out the big iron ride together, it is already the limit to change the five avatars. If the tiger enters the mode and has a more thorough understanding of the truth, it may change more avatars riding on the iron ride. However, it is very physically and mentally consuming. Even if there are several other avatars who are taking a break from him, Albert does not intend to use this kind of decision-winning killer just after the war.

Since there is no way to change more iron rides, at least double the avatar.

Albert once again launched a detachment, and he became another avatar behind the sprinters.

This is originally the configuration of the iron squad, otherwise the iron ride will not have two front and rear drivers. One person is responsible for driving the iron ride to avoid the attack, and the other is responsible for the offensive, division of labor and cooperation, in order to fully exploit the potential of the iron ride. Just now, whether it's driving an iron ride or attacking, all of Albert's avatars are doing it.

"Distributed!" Albert's deity slammed, and the iron squad dissipated in four directions in the southeast and northwest. He also controlled eight avatars to fight, single-minded, and all involved in precision operations, apparently a little powerless. Therefore, his deity did not attack, but floated the iron ride over the central sanctuary of Lviv, while driving the iron shield to the maximum.

The monsters invaded from all sides of the city, crossed the wall and jumped onto the roof of the building. There are so many people in Warcraft, and in fact, they can hit the fire. Even if Albert's avatars can't precisely control each hit, there's not much problem with the offense.

In the east of the city, the iron ride screamed through thousands of light bullets, and the scattered light bombs randomly killed hundreds of wolves. While the iron rider rushed to prepare to turn around, the Albert's avatar in the back seat also summoned the Holy Spirit White Tiger to make further pursuits from above. The high-pressure seawater from the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea splits into hundreds of passes at the moment of leaving the portal. A high-pressure water column thick like an arm pours straight down from the sky, puncturing the bodies of the monsters on the ground. Leave one by one blood hole. Most of the water columns that are not hit fall on the lava, igniting boiling high-heat fluid slurry and hot steam. The splash of magma and the burning sparks of the magma all have lethality. The creatures inhale the steam of that kind of heat into the lungs. The alveoli will burn and edema instantly. This is an acute reaction that can kill, so the monsters fall down in pieces!

In the west of the city, the light bombs accompanied by the formation of water bombs whizzed past. At the same time that the light bombs smashed the flames and jumped the spiders, the water bombs also crashed on the monster's body and the corners of the building, blasting one by one, forming a violent shock wave, and blowing the fragile insects of those outer shells. There are a lot of flame jumping spiders leaping high, intending to attack the iron ride, but the actor's avatar driving the iron ride has swung a huge photon saber, and the daring insects are cut into fly ash!

In the south of the city, the powerful water beam guns of the iron ride and the huge water-column guns composed of deep-sea wave guns crossed and swept back and forth. The monsters here are large in size and scattered, so Albert's avatar will use this brute force attack to defeat the enemy with a long-lasting powerful sweep. Under the impact of huge beams and high-pressure water cannons, dozens of silver-backed snow shovel fell, and they were on fire and began to struggle in the hot magma! More rock skin spurs rushed into the city, depending on the impact of the beam with their strong body, forced to advance. Therefore, the beam gun and the water column gun are combined into one, becoming a more powerful beam water pressure gun, and the giant rhinoceros that are arranged in a row forward all pass through!

And in the north of the city, something is coming. In the air, a huge, honeycomb-like structure, surrounded by countless shadows, slowly approached the central sanctuary of Lviv!

"Flies...?" Albert looked at the shadow of the giant nest and felt a cold.

Those are indeed flies, a huge red-headed fly, and their shells are dark red, seemingly weird and disgusting. Their bodies are still burning with flaming flames. These disgusting worms, which are bigger than their heads, seem to be immune to burning. These are the notorious "flame flies" that operate in specific areas of the Turkic Atoll.

Efly)", but they are not fireflies (fi


"The detected reaction." Nina suddenly informed Albert: "There is nothing wrong with it. It is the giant nest of the flame fly. There is a presence in the giant nest!"

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