Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2748: The shadow of the paradise (2)

Chapter 2748 Shadow of Paradise

June 10, 1431, Holy Land Vatican.

Elaine and others were placed in a courtyard house in the backyard of a church. The opposite tower was said to be the place where the sick cardinal was placed, guarded by guards. The monks who came in and out of the tower were wrapped tightly, wearing gloves and masks, fearing that they would be infected by the Black Death.

"You settled down, and you can go to the Cardinal in the evening." Captain Marcus said: "The priests who had been preaching in France had inquired about it, every time they came into contact with the patient, clothes and body. Have to use alcohol or boiling water to disinfect, right? We will also prepare you."

"Yes, there is work." Elaine sat down on the chair and said at the same time. After the carriage entered the Vatican, it was not allowed to drive in the city, so they walked away for at least two hours, and Elaine’s legs were a bit sour. Unlike Elan, the white bear of the original world nine hundred years ago, the current white fat man Elaine is really just a fat man with albinism. This is the human body, but also high and obese. The burden on the body is quite large when walking.

"Yes, can you ask one?" Elaine asked again: "How big and big people like the Cardinal are in the dark?"

"... Is this a question that must be asked from the perspective of a physician?" Marcus tempted to ask.

"Well..." Elaine nodded. "Only, it only helps with diagnosis."

"The cardinal adult often participates in various charitable activities. He even went to the epidemic area to personally condolence to the poor people who were troubled by the epidemic. But he always thought that he had the protection of God and would not be infected with the epidemic. He is a bit... Too confident." The Cavaliers replied slyly.

"...good, okay." Elaine's forehead blew a drop of sweat. This is really pretty. If you don't die, you won't die. Don't you understand these people?

"The cardinal is infected with the Black Death is only a secret that few people know," Marcus warned again. "In the eyes of mortals, the cardinal must maintain the high-clean, God-protected look. Let the civilians know the cardinal The bishop is just an ordinary person who will get the disease. It is not a good thing."

"I, I understand." Elaine replied, but in his heart, the cardinal is not an ordinary person. Everyone is equal before the epidemic, and what is protected by God is simply nonsense.

"Then, please rest first, then I will leave." Marcus turned and left.

"A lot of people can't tell the difference and these two things." After Marcus left, Goff said: "So they will think that the person who is immune to the Black Death is a saint."

"Amount, then..."

"You are also a saint, Dr. Ifre, at least in my eyes, you are indeed." Goff replied.

"This..." Elaine blushed.

While arranging all kinds of medical equipment, he wondered how to find Queen Greenway in this vast holy place. In order to cure the cardinal, both his and Goff’s actions were confined to the interior of the monastery. It is reasonable to say that there is no other reason why it is impossible to move around in the Holy Land. But Joan of Arc is not necessarily locked in the same monastery, as big as the Vatican, she may be kept in other places. If you don't want to expand the scope of your activities, you won't see Jude for how long it takes.

Um... no way. Elaine knew that his brain was not good, and it would not help to think hard about it. At present, we can only take one step at a time.

At the same time, the Knight of Marcus, who left the monastery, met with his men at the main entrance.

"What is the situation?" he asked when he came up.

"It’s awful," he said in a low voice. "For a few days, the dead spirits at Funonika have not been suppressed. Those who do not die can occupy the port and do not leave. The team couldn't use the port. We tried to use shelling, shooting with arrows, and piercing them with swords and spears, but they seemed to have the ability to regenerate, and the broken bodies that were blown up could be put together again to continue fighting. "

"Who did it with Necromancer? It’s **** it." The Marcus Knight said with a sigh: "Isn't the technique of death is not the skill of Cardinal Fernandez? How do he say that?"

" contact. His message was completely cut off." His men said, "We sent another fleet to Elba Island. There was no one there, and a group was The mouse controlled by Necromancer will randomly attack people, and there are also deaths and injuries in the fleet. At least five crusaders have died, and another Pope knight has died of the disease. From the current situation, Cardinal Fernandez It is very likely already ------"

"Sure enough, the magician from the ivory tower can't believe it." Marcus said: "You send people to stare at the other five cardinals who are honest, they must secretly contact Fernandez, maybe they are ready Betray the church."

"Of course, the amount, Hervin Man!" Pope Knight suddenly interrupted the conversation and increased the volume to say hello to a cardinal.

The bishop in red robe seems to have no cardinal at all, saying that she is a red witch. Such a glamorous, so petite and pitiful, wearing a red robe and graceful to the knights of the cardinal, there is no atmosphere for the priesthood.

"Hello, Cardinal Hervin, Master." Knight Marcus greeted politely.

"Hello, Captain Marcus." Cardinal Hellman said: "In this broad daylight, I can seem to feel someone talking about my bad things?"

"Hahaha, nothing, Hurman is more worried." Marcus replied with a smile, playing a poker face.

"If it's true, then it's good." Hervin looked up and stared at the handsome young man who was two heads taller than her. Marcus also smiled and looked down at each other. The two just looked up and the air seemed to be full of smell.


The scene in front of Marcus suddenly darkened, as if the day suddenly turned into night.

This sudden change did not scare the Cavaliers. He smiled and said: "No matter how many times you have experienced it, it looks so amazing."

"There is nothing magical. I just used to speed up your physical sensation by a hundred times, and then use telepathy to talk to you," Helvin replied.

The two people's mouths are naturally not moving. They also maintain the original four-eyed posture. The deadlocks are different, as if they were solidified in a static time.

"No, no matter how the principle is, the magical thing is magic. The somatosensory time is a hundred times faster, right? No one will think, we will be in the moment of this pair of eyes, in the unexpected seconds of others, This is a blatant discussion of love."

"I hate it, who talks to you about love." Cardinal Hervey sighed: "Because we have different positions, there are so many eyes in the Vatican, there is no way to talk to you in this way." You are a ghost, don't get an inch."

"So I became a ghost." Marcus couldn't help but smile: "You can't be much better, the witch who leads the crime."

"Jokes will be here." Hervin pretended to be a little angry: "I blame you for talking, saying that the cardinal who is loyal to the secret secretly has contact with Fernandez, and wants your men to keep an eye on me. You say this is not Give me more pressure? Being stared, my next move will only become more and more difficult?"

"That's no way. The church didn't believe you. Even if I didn't say it, my men would still have the same idea." Marcus said: "The Pope Knights are not as you think. Organized disciplined groups, even my subordinates, have a lot of independent ideas and want to find opportunities to replace my position. And like you are closely watching, I also have a lot of insidious guys in my eyes."

"...oh." Hervey sighed: "It's a little tired."


"Unlike other big masters who pursue power, I chose to betray the ivory tower with you. But even in the Holy Land of the Vatican, even if you are by my side, I still can't hug you and tell the world. The fact of falling in love. Even if you talk, you can only choose this form. This is not romantic, and it is too far from true love."

"...Is it? I feel very stimulating and fun." Marcus casually said.

Hervin looked at each other.

"Hey, Marcus... When can I hug you without any scruples and live with you? Now this life is not what I want. I don't want to be a cardinal at all. I only I want to go far with you and live a quiet life. Is that too much extravagant?"

"...just be patient, Herman." Marcus said, "You know this is unrealistic. If you run away, not only will the church not let us go, but even the Masters Association will Find ways to chase you."

"So what should we do? Dodge the Masters Association, but you can't take the initiative to bring down the church." Cardinal Hervin sighed: "The church is faith, it is immortal. Even if there is The way to kill the current powers, there will still be another group of madmen who claim to believe in God. Unless you kill all the believers in the Vatican, I don't think your plan is likely to succeed."



"Then we fled to the Garden of Eden and lived a peaceful life in a paradise where no outsiders could interfere." Marcus replied: "This is the only solution I can think of."

"... Are you serious? In the hands of the Pope, and it will not be open to any mortal, starting it requires the blood of the Three Holy Ones."

"No, it will take the blood of the Three Holy Ones when it is fully activated. Just open it to the point where we both enter. The blood of the two saints is enough." The Cavaliers said, "The blood of Joan of Arc is good." I have a way to get the blood of another saint. Oh, I just escorted the Holy One to the Vatican today."

"So you plan..."

"I will plan everything. You just need to act according to the plan. Don't worry. No matter whether Joan of Arc or Dr. Joffrey is a person on our side, we will cooperate. When we get the saints Our blood, we have tried to trick the pope into the Garden of Eden. When we enter the paradise, I will also destroy it, so that no one can enter the paradise to chase us."

"If things are so simple........."

"Believe me, Hervin. Everything will be fine. I have never let you down before this, aren't you? You even went to the Cardinal."

"So all this is your plan, from the very beginning."

"Yes." Knight Marcus long shouted: "We will certainly be able to enter the paradise. In a world where no one can interfere with us, we can freely fall in love. Let's walk. No one can dismantle us. The church can't, the ivory tower can't, even the secular can't do it."

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