Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2754: The shadow of the paradise (eight)

Chapter 2754 Paradise 8

"What about the far and long distance attack?" Elaine asked. The dead spirits on the docks are really not easy to provoke. It is best not to directly deal with them.

"As you can see, the arrows tied to them are left by long-range attacks." Marcus shrugged. "But it seems completely useless. Unless they are completely smashed, they become impossible." Rework the small pieces back, otherwise I don't think ordinary arrows are useful to them."

There seems to be no explosive gunpowder in this era. Even if there is, it is estimated that there is no way to waste a lot of the dead bodies in the repelling area. Listen to these necromancers who have been cut off their hands and feet and can fight back to continue? They probably have a strong self-healing ability. The arrows that are tied to the dead spirits do not seem to be much. The church people probably saw the appearance of the dead spirits after they were completely unaffected and continued to move. They quickly gave up.

If there is [sacred], it should be easy to get rid of these dead spirits. For example, when the enchantment [sacred] on the arrow hits the Necromancer again, they will soon be unable to move and change back to a cold corpse. But the exorcist of the church also tried to drive out the dead. Do they not know how to use the [sacred] enchantment, or simply because their skills are not superb, or because the dead spirit is special and not affected by [sacred]?

The Pope is right, to dispel these tough Necromancers, or to let the "angels" shoot.

Rather, it takes Elaine's Platinum Lions to do it.

Elaine took a little bit of a necklace with a stone in his arms and walked toward the pier.

"Fruit, sure enough." Elaine approached the distance that the Necromancers could see, but the other did not take the initiative.

The Necromancer on King Arthur's side should have imposed certain restrictions on the deceased, so that they would not attack the civilians indiscriminately, only to attack the church's combat power, or to be attacked before they will fight back.

Much like the style of King Arthur.

"Be careful, don't get too close." Captain Marcus followed Elaine and seemed to carry the order to protect Elaine.

But he did not wear armor today, only wearing a casual dress: "If you wear the armor of the Pope or the Crusaders, as soon as you enter the vision of the Necromancers, they will start attacking immediately. But if pretending to be civilians, They will wait for us to fight before they fight back. Having said that, even if they are close to the Necromancer in this way, it is still very dangerous. If they just irritate them, they will start to attack. This is the state without armor. If you cut it, you will die."

"Well," Elaine muttered, calling out the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion.

"If Ray and Renault do it, it has nothing to do with us?" He: "The dead spirits don't, they won't attack, right?"

"In theory." Marcus took out a large shield and stood beside Elaine: "But still just in case."

Elaine shook his head and did not pay attention to the Cavaliers, but told the Platinum Lions around him: "Move, do it."

The majestic Platinum Lions marched forward. Elaine also didn't know how far the Holy Spirit could move from Elaine. The Pope "angels can stay away from the summoner for a maximum of 30 yards," but Elaine had tested it before, and the Platinum Lion seemed to be able to run a long way from his own activities. It is not the way the pope is. Either the Pope’s complaint is wrong, or Elaine’s Platinum Lion is special, and is essentially different from the “angels” summoned by other Pope knights.

In any case, the big lion was so arrogant and heroic that he slowly walked into the ranks of the Necromancer, but he did not start attacking. The dead spirits saw that the lions did not attack, and they did not counterattack, so they watched Renault deep into their array.


"You better protect your eyes." Goff, who was behind Elaine, suddenly.

"Em?" Elaine didn't notice what was going on. He just heard Goff and turned to look at each other. Suddenly, a strong white gold thunder fell from the sky and landed on the dock.

"Wow!" Elaine, who was scared, subconsciously made a posture to protect the predecessor, and also blocked the glare of the front. Despite this, the light is still extremely strong, and Elaine, who has blocked his hands and has closed his eyes, still has a stinging eye.

This is the ability of Platinum Lion Renault. The ability to emit purely high currents. The lightning light just did not fall from the sky, but from the platinum lion.

"Is this the power of the power angel Renault?" It is clear that Marcus, who has protected his eyes, was almost stung by the violent thunder. He squinted as he squinted: "The amount is too great."

Obviously this is not Elaine's plan. The attack of the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion is also beyond the expectation of Elaine. It is entirely its arbitrariness. It is not controlled by Elaine, just obeying Elaine's orders and acting autonomously.

This Holy Spirit is too self-sufficient.

The Platinum Lions had just launched a powerful electric shock in the center of the enemy line just after the war, and the group of Necromancers was caught off guard. When the crowds (including the dead spirits) reacted, the Necromancers had already swayed a burst of white smoke, and their body surface was roasted half-cooked and seriously damaged.

Despite this, the Necromancers did not seem to be afraid of fire, and naturally they were not afraid of lightning strikes. They did not fall down completely, but acted and raised their weapons to the platinum lion Renault.

Hey! A sword is drawn, and it is necessary to meet the Platinum Lion. However, it slid away like a lightning bolt, and it had already flashed to the back of the attacking Necromancer, lifting a huge and majestic lion's paw to the back of the dead spirit.

Snapped! Wearing heavy armor, he should be a necromancer of the Holy Cross crusade. He was crushed to the ground by a lion with a strong current, and the brain wearing a helmet was easily crushed, together with the helmet! The power of the lion's palm is so amazing that it is a heavy weapon in itself!

The two Necromancers wanted to sneak a white lion from behind and shoot with a gun. However, Renault looked like a long-eyed eye. Before the other party shot, he noticed the other party's actions. Not only did he cleverly leaping over the spurs of the rifle, but he turned around in the air. The lion's tail with platinum thunder swayed like a whip to the opponent. The wide sweep swept the two necromancers and even ignored the heavy armor on them!

No matter how strong it is, the ordinary lion's tail sweep is at most the degree of sweeping people. It is absolutely impossible to have such a level of destructive power. However, the Platinum Lion as the Holy Spirit was originally a transcendental existence, and the current it manipulated naturally added extra lethality to all the attacks he had.

This powerful power comes from electric shocks. Or, electric shock. When the impact of the ultra-high voltage current is attached to the object, they will transmit the strong shock when they touch any other object, causing violent destruction on the target at the molecular level! Therefore, the strength of the hit is not important. What matters is the fact that "there is contact." Just sweeping gently with the lion's tail, a strong current is transmitted to the enemy, and the enemy will be destroyed by the high-voltage electric shock!

Even if the Necromancers have a strong ability to regenerate, they can't compete with this destructive power at the molecular level. Their bodies will be smashed by electric shock, and they will become smashed into unrecoverable dust particles, thus completely losing their ability to regenerate!

The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion, who can control the current, has an almost infinitely high attack power. If he has this meaning, everything he touches will be destroyed by the strong current he sends out. This is the [law] of the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions - [dust todust].

In a blink of an eye, the Platinum Lion has completely destroyed the six Necromancers who besieged him, and they are directly smashed into pieces of minced meat and become incapable of acting again. Although other necromancers have also been besieged, they are estimated to be unable to escape the fate of destruction.

"It's so powerful to this point," Marcus whispered.

Elaine did not respond, and the fighting power of the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions exceeded Elaine's imagination.

But this is actually an inevitable thing.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit produced by people's prayers. The more pure the desire, the more determined the will of the wishing person, and the stronger the Holy Spirit born. From the time of the original world nine hundred years ago, the Holy Spirit, born from the round table system, has been operating in accordance with this principle.

Most of the Pope's Knights made with the Holy Stone are evil spirits. It is not because the "Holy Stone" is not pure, or there are restrictions on energy efficiency. It is only because the majority of the Pope's Knights have evil thoughts, and their "motivation is not pure."

The desire for power, wealth, beauty, and material, but only the deposition caused by the continual expansion of desire. The things born from the bad desires are naturally filthy and ugly. Therefore, the spirits created by the Pope's Knights with the Holy Stone are almost all evil spirits, and most of them have the appearance of demons and ghosts, just like the twists of these people's hearts.

Compared to them, Elaine had only one wish when using the Holy Stone. His wish is only to "save someone", just to "see another side with someone." It is a pure desire to go straight to almost as white as a blank, but it is one of the strongest wishes in the world. Even at the round table knights, this degree of desire is pure and firm, and the platinum lions created naturally have the power of the Holy Spirit who rivals the Knights of the Round Table.

What's more, Elaine also projected his feelings about Leo on the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion. His thoughts, his confession, his love, all became the energy of the Platinum Lions.

Therefore, the platinum lion born, not strong is a strange thing.

"Oh!!" Once again, the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions launched a strong thunder blast, with strong currents throughout the dock, and involved all the Necromancers. Originally long-term entrenched in the docks, it was a sinister warrior. This time, the electricity was completely burnt and fell one by one. They are naturally not only as simple as scorching on the surface, but the necromancers hit by strong currents are completely destroyed by internal structures, and it is impossible to regenerate. If they fall, they will fall forever.

The church spent a few days unable to deal with the dead spirit, the Platinum Lions took only a few minutes to completely process it. This is the gap!


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