Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2833: Sword Yaozhi in the Temple (5)

Chapter 2833, Jian Yaozhi in the Temple V

"We plan to use this to run through its head, or the heart." Segred grinned. "Mr. Bedieville, can you do that?"

"Wait, let me do this?" The werewolf youth was taken aback.

"We can use a backpack to bring such a huge harpoon." Saifel said while moving the harpoon: "But unfortunately, the device that launches the harpoon is too big and too heavy to fit into the object." It’s awkward in the backpack. It’s too time-consuming to assemble it, and it’s too unrealistic. So, next, Mr. Bedieville can only find a way.”

Knowing that he was counted, Bedyville was unhappy: "So your plan has counted me from the beginning."

"Well, it's probably like that." Segrad grinned, laughing like that, so that Bedieville almost wanted to rush.

"But even if Mr. Bedieville doesn't want to come, we have other ways to puncture the harpoon into the monster body." Saifer said: "But the success rate will be much lower."

(Ghost words.)

But Bedieville did not care about the two leopards and asked: "So, what to do?"

"When you use your Mithril stuff to become a big hand, how do you raise this harpoon?" Saifei proposed: "If you can target the monster's chest and throw it out, it will be better."

"Do you have a heart? Isn't it better to start?" Bettiville continued to ask.

"Some giants can regenerate even if their heads are destroyed. It really destroys the core of the heart." Seglader continued, "Do you get it? This harpoon has been as lightweight as possible."

"It's okay to change a Mithril hand, but" Biddyville replied, focusing on the shape of the Mithril fluid. However, he did not follow the instructions of Segrad to change the big hand of Mithril, but to transform into a structure similar to a large brake: "The big hand is just a shape, even if it is barely waved, it will not be enough. The strength of the force to throw out that weight of things. Or change this shape is better."

"Is the car?" Quigg squinted and asked if he was tempted to wear the glasses.

"Yes, pick up the car." Biddyville replied: "Or is it just a bracket with a brake shape? Well."

This car is not a vain thing. It is actually the structure that Biddyville steals from the different worlds after 900 years. The shape of the brakes is almost exactly the same as Verne's [corps-gun array], like a six-legged mechanical spider with a heavy artillery.

And Bediville can make some of the Mithril fluid harden to the hard steel, and the other part is silky soft, which means that the joints of this Mithril car are movable, and the rotation and adjustment angle of the artillery turret is natural. It can also be active, it is as flexible as [Legis - Guns]. In addition to the unfolding of the protective shield like the [gun array], this Mithril car is a high imitation of the [gun array].

No, it’s still an important part, and Bedieville has no way to copy it with Mithril fluid.

"This fluid seems to be unable to make a bowstring. Can the harpoon be successfully launched?" Safir really saw the problem of Mithril, and asked immediately. Although he had doubts, he kept working with his brothers all the time to put the Luna Steel Harpoon on the launching platform of the brakes.

"That," Biddeville naturally thought about a solution. He wandered around the back of the brakes and wrapped his arm with a tweezers. "The car is used for aiming. It is enough to launch the harpoon." Propulsion, I will find another way to solve it."

It doesn't matter if the Mithril car has no bowstrings. This shape-shaped brake is only the "launch bracket" of Luna Steel Harpoon. Being able to accurately control the launch angle as Bentwell thought, and to achieve a stable aim, has accomplished its mission well enough.

What really makes the harpoon fire is the power of Bediville, which is the heavy blow of the tungsten tortoise whip. The coiled whip accumulates a huge amount of elastic potential energy, and when released in one breath, it can directly puncture the steel wall like a powerful spear. It is also more than enough to provide propulsion for Luna Steel Harpoon.

Bedyville was sitting on the aiming pedestal behind the brakes, with a tungsten tortoise whip on the left arm, and the Luna steel tip at the end of the whip opened like a claw-like special structure, grabbing the Luna steel harpoon The end of the tail is pinned.

As a result, all preparations are complete.

"But from this angle, I can't aim at the heart of Yoden's giant." Biddyville raised one eye and looked at the crosshairs with the other eye, sulking: "The victory is at the moment when it climbs up." "It’s going to be awkward." Safir looked at the electric shock pinned pile that was running out of power, saying: "It’s okay, the Jotun giant who was paralyzed by electricity, just got up and acted. It’s still very slow. If you aim at it, you can definitely hit it with a hit.”

"Can't you fight?" Bettiville's forehead blew a drop of sweat.

"Then we will be overwhelmed by the whole army." Seglad laughed jokingly.

If it wasn't for the preparations for the aiming launch behind the brakes that couldn't move, Bedyville would have to rush to knock on the leopard's skull.


At this moment, as Saifer expected, the electric shock pin that bound the Yodon Giants' action finally consumed up the electricity, and after the last bright flash, the pickets began to darken and the electric light disappeared. . The surrounding scenery is dimmed again, responding to the embarrassment that should be in the morning. The body of the Yodon Giants no longer swayed under a continuous strong electric shock and gradually calmed down. It is worthy of being an ancient and superior giant race. It was supposed to be smoked by the kind of strong electric shock. It should have suffered a lot of damage, but after a few seconds, it was able to take the initiative. It moves the arm, tears off the electric shock pin on the shoulder, and then pushes the ground, supporting it to get up from the ground!

"Good aim" Saifel said.

Bedyville used the brakes to face the Yodon Giants and prejudged the location of the heart when the Jotun Giants fully climbed up.

"Stabilizing" Seglad also said.

A little annoying. Bedyville’s forehead has blue veins. Is it true that these two brothers have always been like this?

The Yoden Giant climbed higher and his chest was almost exposed to Bedieville's sight. The moment it was exposed, it was the moment when Betdiwell launched the Luna Steel Harpoon through its chest!

At this moment, Bedieville has patted the silver bracelet on his arm and injected [accelerating agent] into the body. With the effectiveness of the drug, the situation in front of him began to slow down! The whole world seems to be slowing down, which allows Betdiville to aim better and accurately!


Hey! Suddenly, the Yodon Giants changed their movements and turned into a forward sprint, and they rushed straight toward Bediville!

He pressed his weight so low that it was hard to imagine that the Yoon Giants could balance in this position, but it did! And his high-speed sprint is also extremely fast in the state of Bradyville's spirit acceleration. The Yoon Giants are really paralyzed by electric shocks. Is there no way to act well? !

No, there is absolutely no way to aim at the guy's chest. It uses this sprint to completely cover up its weaknesses! Bediwell wanted to not change the combat plan and instead aimed at the head of the Yodon Giant. However, there is only one hair in the moon **** steel harpoon. If the head of the attacking Yodon giant is not able to kill the spike, they will never have the means to defeat the Yodon giant!

"Raise the elevation angle!" Just as the Werewolf youth hesitated, Safir and Segrad actually shouted at the same time.

Bang! ! About 20 yards in front of the ground suddenly burst into a blast, a shock wave from the ground, picking up countless dust and snow!

Inductive mines! And it is specially designed to deal with the inductive mines used by large Warcraft! Also buried dozens! Seifer and Segrad had previously smashed around here, and in addition to the electric shock pin, there was another killer! These inductive mines are almost harmless to humans, and even if people step on them, they won't trigger. Only the huge creatures like the Jotun Giants will close them!

The huge explosion was picked up at the foot of the Yodon Giants. Even the tonnage giant couldn't help but be hit by the shock wave in the air. It was ten feet away from the ground and was slamming down on Bedford's head in an unstoppable way. ! If Bedieville does not promptly shoot the pressed Yodon Giants, their group will be squashed by the fallen giant!

Fortunately, the two Leopard brothers had loudly reminded Bediville to raise the aiming angle before. Biddiville did not daze because of the explosion. He has re-adjusted the launch angle of the brakes with the fastest speed. Now it has lifted the Luna Steel Harpoon on the launcher, aiming perfectly at the chest of the Yodon Giant!

"-Go!!" The Werewolf youth also released the slamming of the Tungsten Tortoise whip in one breath, and used the powerful impact to launch the Harpoon!

啪滋! ! The strike hit the Yodon Giant precisely, and the Luna Steel Harpoon rotates at a high speed, fiercely and mercilessly drilling into the breast under the ice blue skin, opening in the chest of this ancient and superior giant. Make a huge pit with a rotating thread!

That should not be the illusion of Bediville. At the moment when the Luna Steel Harpoon hit the Yodon Giant, its size seemed to expand several times. The originally slender harpoon made such a huge hole in the monster. Is it possible for SGL to discover the new usage of the Moon Steel?

The impact of the Yodon Giants' fall is not enough to attack the full force of the Luna Steel Harpoon. It is also hit by the chest while being hit, and it is dull! The blood of the purple-blue giant is also scattered like a rainstorm!

Naturally, the heart of the monster is also perfectly destroyed!

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