Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2891: Light at the End of Darkness (5)

TCP 2891

"What are you going to do after you catch Hydra?" Bedyville continued to climb and asked, "I don't think the current Germanic will make you sway to take the captured Nazists back to Egypt."

"Activating that artifact shard requires only the consciousness of a living person, right?" Said Nath. "Even if there is only one head left, those guys will come in handy."

"The reason is this. But human beings are so fragile. With only one head left, they can only live for five minutes ..."

Then the brain will start to die. Things that are high in protein and fat decay very quickly.

"Did you forget where I came from?" Nath said, "the institute where I woke up has the technology to make [human heads] prolong life. Even if there is only one brain left, soaked in special You can continue to live in the gel for months. "

"So they just put your mind in that kind of thing, and then remodeled it?" Bedyville spit out his tongue, just as Nat was climbing with a jet backpack, the werewolf youth almost bit his tongue.

"If you put a special nano-level golem in it, that's right, it's a remodeling operation," said Nat. "Then the brains in the gel are stored at low temperature, and it's not a problem for hundreds of years. The first-level golems can operate as usual at low temperatures below -50 degrees, and during this time they will reform the brain. "

"Awful," Beddyville said.

However, even with such advanced life-saving technology, only Nat survived. The brains of other volunteers broke down halfway through the transformation. How many people have died because of this crazy experiment?

"I voluntarily accept this transformation, and let them play with my life and turn me into an inhuman thing." Nat continued: "In order to keep my wife and children, I sacrificed everything. This group of Naz party **** are the most Let me know, they have treated my wife and children kindly. Otherwise, I will make them die. "

"Is there a difference?" Muttered Beddyville. "It's been two hundred years, and your wife and children ..."

"It's one thing if they naturally age and die in a comfortable and stable environment," said Nat. "If they persecute and die tragically, that's another thing."

Beddyville shook his head: "It's all about your self-consolation. When a person dies, he is dead, no matter how he goes. Death, the result is the same."

"It's just that I'm comforting myself," Nat replied. "But I still have to finish what I should do, otherwise I would be resurrected two hundred years later and it would be meaningless."

"It makes sense." The werewolf youth said, "At least I can enjoy revenge and kill this group of Nazists."

"Indeed." Nat also sneered, "So it's decided. If they treated my wife and children kindly then, I would let them die faster. If they hurt my wife and children that year, I would let them use the most pain Way to die slowly. "

"That's daring." Bedyville threw his whip again and continued to climb up.

I don't know how many stairs have been climbed, the jet backpack equipped by Nat has run out of fuel. He directly discarded the jetpack, reduced some load, and then used [Wolf Claw] to assist Bedyville to climb, reducing the physical strength of the werewolf youth.

Without knowing how many floors they climbed, they could almost see the elevator above. The elevator had reached the top, stopped there just like that, and it looked like it had just stopped.

"Very good." The werewolf youth jumped up directly, breaking through the floor of the elevator in one fell swoop and climbing out of the big hole.

"What about Hydra?" As soon as Nat got up, he rushed open the elevator door and looked out.

The emergency exit of the Naz Party ’s secret base is connected to a cave, with dozens of small gunboats moored around it, ready to take off at any time.

"Oops, it's a slow step!" Bedyville snorted. Unexpectedly, the Naz Party people were so well prepared, they actually filled their vehicles at the exit!

One of the neatly arranged gunboats was apparently driven away by Hydra!

"It's too late to recover now!" The werewolf rushed forward, planning to launch one of the small gunboats.

"Wait, don't!" Nat exclaimed, "It's going to explode. It's explosive!"

"What?" Bedyville felt bad as soon as he got on the gunboat, and immediately rolled off and jumped off, while unfolding the protective cover to protect himself!

Bang! The gunboat that had just been seated by Bedyville blew up immediately, and was almost implicated in Bedyville!

"These are the weapons of the Naz Party. They cannot be activated without the corresponding physical certification." Nath said: "And Hydra must use voice passwords to switch all the bodies here to self-destruct mode before leaving. You cannot easily drive its."

"Sly old fox ..." Bedyville rose from the ground, grey-faced. The protective cover blocked the explosive and explosive shock waves and heat waves, but could not block the dust. They naturally baffled Beddyville.

"What shall we do next?" He asked again: "If he is tortured, will he escape?"

"Do it this way." Nat walked to one of the gunboats and poked it with one hand.

He grabbed its photon reflector and ejector from the gunboat.

"You shouldn't ..." Beddyville was just about to vomit, and Nat's side had begun to stretch out a lot of metal pipes and wires from his broken arm, and he connected his body to those equipment.

"Integrated with the machine? Is there anything else you can't do?" Bedyville looked dumbfounded.

"It's just a very basic system hijack." Nat replied. "I have both the reflector and the injector. But I still need ... well, wheels? That's at best only let us taxi on the ground. I have to Remove a hull, hoping that thing is wear-resistant. "

"Let me leave the taxiing." Bedyville released a large amount of Mithril fluid, letting them form a flow channel.

One minute later, Bedyville and Nat stepped on a "jet skateboard" temporarily converted from the hull of a ship and sped out at speeds that were not iron rides. Of course, they just taxied against the ground. The friction between the hull and the ground is negligible. Mithril's flow channel almost offsets all the friction, allowing the "skateboard" to move forward smoothly. All of this is just an emergency response. No one knows when the skateboard will fall apart or run out of fuel. They can only hope that this shabby thing will last until it chases Shanghai Della.

"Wow!" They drove out of the cave, and the light outside almost blinded Bedyville's eyes. Through a forest area, they can see the coastline of the North Sea in the distance, which should not be far from Hamburg.

"There!" Nat, sharp-eyed, found the small gunboat that Hydra drove, flying in the sky a hundred yards away. Beddyville they stayed relatively still with the gunboat, and they traveled at the same speed!

"This can't catch up with it ..." Beddyville whispered. They don't know when the overturning jet skateboard will be damaged, but the other side is driving a gunboat that can operate normally for a long time. The speed of both is equal, which means there is no way to get closer. If there is no way to narrow the gap here, no matter how long the chase is doomed to fail!

"I understand that," said Nat, holding up his intact hand, using Beddyville's shoulder as a gun rack, and setting up a long-range photon sniper. Rifle.

"Aim and fight again, maybe only once," Bedyville reminded. If you fire, there will be recoil. This recoil will make the jet skateboard out of balance. Bedyville must find a way to balance again, and the speed of the skateboard will drop.

"Who are you talking to?" Nat was calculating the wind direction and wind speed, and even carefully calculated the surrounding photon flow: "I have a complete Vegas sighting system, the world's only precision sniper prototype. what."

After speaking, he opened fire. A powerful, fuchsia light bullet came out of the bore and flew out in a stun. But it draws a weird arc!

"Missing." Beddyville couldn't help irritating: "Can't you aim and fire again?"

The only chance was wasted by Nat. What the **** did he brag about being the only sniper prototype in the world?

"Don't rush to a conclusion first," said Nath, looking calm.

One second after the light flare flew out, the wind suddenly rose.

The weird arcs hit by the light bullets are affected by wind and the photon flow in the atmosphere, which once again changes the orbit. It drew an s-shaped light arc, which obviously should be greatly deflected, but eventually magically caught up with Hydra's gunboat and landed on the gunboat's ejector. Hydra's gunboat started to smoke!

"Middle target bullseye!" Beddyville cheered. "I take back my words. You are indeed a marksman!"

"No. The attack was too shallow!" Nat was stunned. "Damn, only two hundred years later, did the German shipbuilding process become so mature! There are such sturdy machines!"

Although the light bomb that landed on the ejector did hit, it did not cause serious damage. Although Hydra's gunboat was smoking, its speed was almost undiminished and it was still flying! The British iron rider was estimated to have been scrapped by the shot, but the German gunboat was not hurt by the shot, but just smoked a cigarette. German technology is not the first in the world?

To make matters worse, the jet skate on Bedyville slowed down, the farther and farther it was from each other. This is to be expected, after all, the recoil of the blow just now is not small!

If this continues, Hydra will escape!

"In the future ... I will definitely catch him." Nat said, seeing that he had no hope of catching up with his enemies, he could only choose another day to revenge!

But at this moment, a huge light swept across the sky! The powerful beam gun accurately hit Hydra's gunboat and cut the gunboat back!

In the distance there was the shadow of another iron rider or gunboat. No doubt, it shot down Hydra's gunboat!

"Who?" Nut hummed in doubt. It stands to reason that their attack and Hyderabad's escape were classified operations. Except for the German military, no third party could know the news. It is impossible for the military to intervene in the matter here. Who was the gunboat that shot down Hydra just now?

"The crash was on the beach." Bedyville pointed to the distance, and he always estimated such things accurately: "Come and see."

"Natural. But be careful." Nat put away his sniper, rifle, rifle, and said with caution: "Maybe someone wants to **** the technology of the Vegas system before he shot down Hydra."

"We'll figure it out." Bedyville changed the direction of the Mithril runners, inducing jet skis through the forest and heading for the crash site on the beach.


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