Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2901: Unexplored Darkness (5)

Bedyville walked from the darkness, through the icy floors stained with bright red, and came to the last, the most hidden scene.

It was hidden so deep in Queeg's subconscious, that Bedyville had to even explore it along Quegue's memory before he could barely find this place, a fragment of that memory.

There, everything condenses. It is no longer a moving picture, but more like a scene composed of icy statues.

There, young Leopard Quig knelt down in front of a cold body, crimson.

He ended up the child's suffering with a pointed stake running through Tug's chest. The surrounding guards tried to stop Quigg with a spear, but their weapons penetrated the translucent Quigg's body and had no effect. Quig's [blurred] ability was probably awakened that day.

"Quig." The werewolf youth walked slowly and sat quietly beside the leopard youth: "It's sad, right."

[It's very sad. ]

"Nothing can be done but to release him, right?"

[Nothing can be done. ]

"You've been blaming yourself, cursing your weakness. You think you might be able to protect him if you had more power, right?"

[Yes. ]

"Then you are wrong." Bedyville said, "In order to resist destiny, you have done everything you can. You promised the little boy's request, you should have a clear conscience. The same thing, no matter how many thousands and thousands A hundred times, the results will be the same. The point is not the good or bad you did, but the choice you made without regrets. "

So there was a moment of silence.

"Tug will wake up, I promise. I will use the best medical technology, the best medicine, and find a way to wake him up." Bedyville said, "So ... please wake up too. Face him. Whether it's pain or remorse, whether it's an apology or thanks. Please raise your chest again and stand in front of him. "

Quig's apparition appeared beside Bedyville.

"I can't do it ..." he said.

"You can do it." Bedyville grabbed Quigger's hand. "He's your loved one, nothing terrible."

The deep lock of darkness receded, and the dusty world fell apart. Quig stood in front of Bedyville, this time no longer a translucent illusion, but a solid him.

"I'm so scared ..." He wiped his tears. Crying like a child afraid of darkness.

"I know you're scared. But we are too. You are not alone. Please believe us, shall you?"

"... Um." Quig agreed nicely.

And there was sound in the sky. Friction of air, strange noise.

Beddyville raised his head, watching the gradual fall from the sky, approaching quickly, the teeth of the giant Yodon. But the monster finally came, trying to stop Bedyville for the last time. But this time the Jotun giant is not terrible, he is slower than Beddyville-three times!

"In short, let the guy be flattened first." The werewolf youth took out the fire of curse without hesitation.

"Uh!" Beddyville looked back, and in reality Quig had let go of his hand. He pushed the leopard youth and backed away!

His throat was bruised and pinched, and it hurt, but at least it didn't break.

"Boss!" Lawrence, also a spellcaster, first understood what happened: "Success?"

"Successful." Bediville affirmed: "You, enter the second stage of the battle! Prepare the enchanter generator projection device!"

"Oh!" "Come on!" The two macho men next to each other couldn't wait to get their gear out. The chance to defeat the legendary ancient creatures such as the giants of Yotton with your own hands is probably only once in your life.

"Uh! Uh ah ah ah ah!" Quigger called in pain as he stepped back. Quieg's consciousness was fighting the consciousness of the giant Yotton, trying to drive the giant out of his body.

"You can't get rid of me!" The giant Yotton shouted in Quaig's voice: "you dumb guy! It's better to be obedient!

"No ... don't!" Quigg also rebelled with Quigg's voice, as if schizophrenic.

"What's struggling! What to resist!" The giant Jotten still kept up: "Don't mess around there! I want to beat you! Smash you! Ling ... insult you!"

"Just lie on the ground, and just accept everything I give you!"

"You just keep silent, just take the fate I gave you!"

"Slave race ... no, humble and cheap things below the slave race!"

The giant roared: "It's my supreme entertainment to step on the ground like your insignificant ants."

"So you lost, Giant." Beddyville held up the fire of spells: "Birthplace, status, race ... ignoring all these things, just calculating the value of that soul--

——All lives are equal, no one is more honorable, and no one is humbler than others! "

With a pinch of his hand, flames erupted from Quege's body, pouring from the nostrils, mouths, and ears of the Leopard youth. It was a harmless flame, and it had other meanings.

That's right, Bedyville just cast a curse in Queeg's body with a spell.

He ordered Quigg's body to drive out the spirit of the Jotun giant! Quig's consciousness is also happy to do so! Both the body and the mind of Leopard Quaker are repelling the giants of Yotton, and that guy naturally has no place to stay! Along with the flame, a white mercury-like mist emerged from Quigg's body, rising in the air, and forming a group!

"Closing the net!" The time was ripe, and Beddyville called.

Nat and Bereld shot the so-called "enchanter generator projection device" almost simultaneously, which were two spheres. Those spheres formed a spherical enchantment in the middle of the air, and instantly captured the white mist, and then they landed, the enchantment contracted, and became unbreakable.

The Jordon giant was perfectly trapped in it.

"Yo, giant Jotun!" Bedyville walked in front of the sphere and stomped on it: "It is indeed my supreme entertainment to step on such a trivial ant as you are on the ground!"

"You will regret it!" The white mist made a faint sound.

"No." The werewolf youth picked up the sphere and smiled insidiously. "The energy of this sphere is said to last for two hundred years. I'm going to seal you in the cement, sink into the deepest part of the Red Sea, and lock you to the old days.-And How about you? "

He looked at the chaotic white mist in the sphere.

"No body can be attached. No other person's will can be merged. How long can you survive if you are no longer a parasite?" Bedyville sneered: "[The decay of the soul] has caught up with you. You are quiet on the bottom of the sea Wait to die, old things of the old age! "

"No!" The monster's roar grew weaker: "Don't ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Ten minutes later, Shuguang's medical room.

British staff had just come over and removed Tugue's life support compartment, preparing to make the last attempt to perform multiple operations on the child. In the medical room where the living compartment had been moved, Quig stood quietly.

"Are you okay?" Beddyville asked behind the Leopard youth.

"Yes." The other side answered a little perfunctoryly. Absent-minded.

"That's right. I just want to let you know that those things I've seen in your subconscious will never be told to others." Beddyville added: "Lorrence also rest assured, I will Let him seal his mouth. "

"I'm not worried." Quig face bitterly: "Even if you know, you don't care."

"That's good." Beddyville also smiled bitterly: "Let's go. This time with [Lake of the Lake of Immortality], Tug will definitely be saved."

"Huh." Quig nodded.

"I want to confirm it one last time," as the werewolf youth stepped out of the medical room, and asked the magic swordsman Solar, who was standing outside the door: "Is it really okay? I tried to save Leopold with that lake before It only worked for a little while. Then he left. It seems that the lake is not a panacea. "

"That's because Mr. Leopold died before using the lake water. Even the lake water can't violate the laws of nature and come back to life." Solar replied, "But the Leopard Tuger who was sent for treatment this time is still alive. Very weak, but there are signs of life deep in the body. The lake will amplify that sign of life and temporarily release him from the line of death. After that, look at the level of the doctor, my friend. "

"Okay." Beddyville nodded and turned to look at Quaig. "We did everything we could. Regardless of the ending, don't regret it?"

"Don't regret it," replied the young Leopard man, with firmness he hadn't had before.

"Elaine? What are you doing here?" When he arrived at the medical room, Bedyville not only saw Constantine, but also the white lion Elaine waiting. Elaine, who had just lost Leo, was supposed to rest in the Dawn. I didn't expect this guy to cheer up and ran here to join the fun.

Cheer up ... it doesn't seem to be. Elaine looked a little distracted, her eyes still red.

"Because of a minor problem, I may not be able to be the surgeon for this operation." Constantine raised his arm, and he was bandaged on his arm. . "

"Surgeon by Elaine?" Beddyville was unaware of what had happened before, so surprised: "Are you kidding me? How is he surgeon? Is he a doctor?"

"He is." Constantine said, "Leopold was saved by him. Although the resurrection lasted only a short time."

"No, I won't fail this time ..." the White Lion man whispered in a low voice: "Absolutely, yes, save. Real save."

Bedyville still doubts Elaine's ability, but he cannot doubt the persistence in Elaine's eyes.

"I will also guide him. Fuck and knife. There will be no trouble, I promise." Constantine also said.

Elaine, who had just lost Leo, must have regained consciousness before appearing in the operating room again. Even if you have encountered misfortune, you want others to be happy.

-Who can deny the sincerity of helping others?

Beddyville turned to look at Quigg to confirm. Quig nodded, no complaints.

"Let's get started, please." They ultimately chose to believe in miracles.

The procedure was very short. I don't know if Elaine moved faster than Constantine's [Hand of God], or because [Lake of the Immortal Lake] is so powerful, anyway, the operating room lights turned off for a while. But it wasn't really a major operation, it was just a trauma treatment and a sutured body. All that is left is the credit of [the waters of the immortal lake].

The tired white lion boy stepped out of the operating room. He was followed by Constantine, and looked quite tired. Elaine found a bench leaning aside, and was instantly overwhelmed by the drowsiness.

"Surgery ... success." Constantine was also weak and leaning against the wall, said, relying only on his spirit as a healer: "The child's life sign ... has stabilized."

"That's great." Beddyville was finally relieved, knowing that the same was happening to Quig beside him.

"His condition will continue to be observed for some time. But I believe he will survive." Constantine used to pick up the sleeping white lion boy: "Leave the rest to other doctors. No, good Sleepy ... I have to retreat first. "

As if he was afraid that no one would take care of Elaine when he fell here, Constantine hurried away with Elaine.

"Thank you ..." At this time, Quig cried again, and wiped the tears in his eyes in turns with his hands: "How the **** ... how to repay you?"

"Nothing," Beddyville said, but he thought for a while and changed it to: "I really want to repay us, just invite us to dinner, chef. Especially, please make a good meal for Elaine."

"Uh, huh!" Quig promised with a husky voice, crying and laughing like a simple child. (To be continued)

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