Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2919: Unexplored Darkness (23)

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At the same time, the British battleship Paramatis attacked, some virtual reality training room.

"It's this, this thing again ..." Elaine looked at the vision helmet in front of him and was dreadful.

"What? Have an impression of this thing?" King Arthur lay on a bench on the other side, ready to put on another visual helmet.

"There are no, bad impressions." The white lion boy said pale, although his face was originally white.

The last time he wore this helmet into a virtual system, he experienced hellish torture. Now when he sees this kind of thing again, he is naturally resentful. But then again, he had entered the real hell. He had endured even the worst torture. Compared with the real hell, the "hell" of this virtual system is less than one tenth of a terrible degree.

"Rest assured, the system here is not intended to torture people. It's just a game ... no, it's a training system. It hardly synchronizes with the human body's pain, and it won't hurt when injured inside." Knight Wang explained, "And we are not going to play. We need to use this system to connect to other places ... to do something."

What did he mean by doing things, Elaine didn't want to understand. He has a bad hunch.

"I must, must I participate?" The White Lion said tremblingly, "I want to go back to sleep, sleep ..."

"It's only a moment. You should accompany this lonely and poor old king." The Cavalier King said, take a visual helmet with you.

But he was neither lonely nor poor, nor even older. Elaine groaned in her heart, and put her helmet on in depression.

With a white light before him, his consciousness was transmitted to a certain room. This is naturally a virtual world constructed by the simulation system.

"Hmm ..." Elaine looked at her hands and feet, this is the human body. The simulation system doesn't care whether Elaine is orc or not. In short, all the people who enter the system are turned into humans.

"Doesn't have a tail feeling habit?" On the other side, a young man in black armor, who seemed to be King Arthur, came over and asked, "If the tail does not affect the balance of your body, let the system add it for you."

"No, no." Elaine replied that his most commonly used transformation was not the transformation of the White Lion, but the transformation of the White Bear. The white bear tail in that state is naturally a ball of fur-like bear tail, which has almost no effect on the body balance.

"Your Majesty, this is a terrible idea." Round Table Knight Cardol, who has long known about King Arthur's plan to monitor the virtual system, said, "It is true that the virtual system of the battleship can connect to the server on the British side, but there Dozens of servers are still running, and no one knows whether the secret base you want to connect to has an open server, and no one knows if they have an external network connection. This is a haystack. "

"They will definitely open the server, which is certain." The Cavalier King said, "They caught civilians in their bases, but they could not use physical torture. Naturally, they used virtual systems to torture civilians' spirits. Let the civilians surrender. They are clear about what they are thinking. "

"But what if their server is only running locally and there is no China Unicom external network?" Cardol asked: "If that's the case, you can't find their server no matter how long you look for it."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this." Another voice was suddenly added to the conversation. It was Gwen Green's voice: "The system was developed secretly within the Knights and has a program back door. Only the Knights are officially authorized to use this Only the system facilities can get the package that removes the back door of the program, assuming a completely local server. The secret base you said is definitely not a formal facility, and 90% of them may not get a formal package, and they use their own A pirated program at the back door of the program. If so, their entire system is already under my control, and it will be a piece of cake to track down. As long as there is any kind of equipment in their facility to connect to the outside photonic network, I can follow the network cable Climb over and give them some color. "

"Strictly speaking, you are not crawling along the network cable. Most of the photon communication network is spread in the air." The Knight King corrected.

"Just an analogy, Your Majesty. Don't care about the details."

"Who, who?" Elaine, who had been listening, asked curiously.

"Just a little clever ghost," the Knight King hummed.

"I can hear you talking, Your Majesty," Gwen Green snorted.

"Hurr." Arthur covered his mouth and sneered.

"In short, you should first connect to the main server of the Elder Berg North Knights." Gwen Green said: "Walk through each node from there, pass the access data for me to analyze, and I will definitely find that Hidden [black server]. As long as it is found, it is easy to handle. I can get you into their server. From there, you can check the physical address of the server for secondary analysis, and you can locate the secret base. ... then they are dead. "

"We are not going to execute anyone. This is just a rescue operation," the Knight King corrected.

"Then they were dead afterwards," Gwengreen corrected himself.

The Cavalier King did not refute, and seemed to really intend to do that.

A sweat dripped from Elaine's forehead while listening.

"The system is normal, and the connection begins," Cardol said. Elaine and King Arthur were inhaled by a light, and their consciousness was transferred elsewhere.

A few seconds later, Elaine stood on a huge shiny disc, surrounded by endless gray-black space. There are many inaccessible "channels" made of light beams that extend endlessly from the center of the round basin.

"Come and help, Elaine." The Knight King is touching the "channels" one by one, trying to analyze where they are connected: "In short, you can try to sniff these connections and see their destination. . "

"I, I don't understand this ..." Elaine said glumly.

"You don't need to understand. The data you detect will be explained to Gwen Green." The Knight King said, "In short, don't be idle. I didn't take you here to chat with you."

"Okay, okay ..." Elaine walked to one of the "channels" and touched it with her fingers. It feels weird. It feels like both the feedback of touching something and the touch of air. A bunch of windows popped up that channel, and the data and program block Elaine didn't understand at all. But these things he couldn't understand quickly turned into more fine-grained data that was inhaled by his body, and seemed to be transmitted to other places for others to interpret.

"I, we are going to save people, aren't we?" Elaine was doing this kind of "temporary passage" work indifferently, and asked casually, "how, what is going on?"

"Simply put, some people are doing things on my country and arresting a group of civilians for interrogation." The Knight King replied: "The guy thought he was a noble and could spread wild land on his own territory and not treat him as a king. ... he's going to give them some color to see. "

"Is this kind of thing that the King needs to do by himself ..."

"They never know that it is the king's own hands, this is the key." The Knight King replied, "Elaine, don't call me 等 ... my name is called, or I will kill you."

"So, use an alias ...?"

"Yes, you call me Aslan. What should I call you ..."

"Jeffrey?" Elaine replied subconsciously. After all, he was called "Jeffrey" for ten years in another world after nine hundred years.

"Do you use the name [that world]. Okay." The Knight King nodded.

"Your Majesty, I found it." There was a voice from Gwen Green in their ears.

"What? So fast? How is that possible." Even the Cavalier King was surprised.

"It's true. That little lion's luck is really good. The first connection he encountered was the connection of the" black server. " There are no registered servers, pirated simulated reality systems, only a few people log in, and they do not know what they are doing. There is no more suspicious place in the world than this server. "

"Very good. Break their firewall and help us pick it up." The Knight King turned to Elaine and said, "Great work, Elaine. No, Rufrey. It is true that the rumor is true. -Or, in other words, is Mr. Leopold the bet?

Elaine's ears moved: "Ray, Leo?"

"It is rumored that the child has a strong luck against the sky. As long as it involves the betting of interests. He will bet on winning. He also went to the small experience once, no matter how he used small tricks, he won't win on the table. The Cavalier King sneered: "That child can be the general manager of the Cairo University. It is natural that he excels. Do you think that because he is the adopted son of Sphinx, people let him casually? Get in the position of general manager? "

Elaine frowned. King Arthur's statement was almost like Elaine had accepted everything from Leopold. The appearance of his lion-boy, his [lion roar], his [blurred] ability, and even this "gambling luck" are now reflected in Elaine.

Well, Leo's Light Soul is indeed still in Elaine. Maybe "gambling luck" exists with Light Soul, so Elaine inherited this gambling luck.

... It's almost as if Elaine wiped out Leopold from body to soul and stole all of Leo's abilities.

[You are a scourge, a disaster, a plague. No matter who you meet, it will bring disaster to the other party. ]

Someone's curse resounded in Elaine's mind. That man might be right. Just thinking of this, Elaine's heart was as uncomfortable as being cut.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not necessary." The King of Knights said, "The child is gone, but you are still alive. You are still acting with the same body as him, using the power that belongs to him, just Already continuing his existence. You are proof of his existence. Do n’t forget this alone. Use his ability to do more good things and save a few more people, if you can. The ability is used on the right path, and the child will surely be happy. "

"Okay, okay ..." Elaine, who was about to cry, tried to cheer herself up. He followed King Arthur and teleported to another server.

"It's so big." What just appeared in the dark server just before King Arthur's eyes was a huge space like a dungeon. The surroundings were dark and humid, and the smell of rust permeated the air.

"Is this really a virtual world?" Elaine asked puzzledly, "It's like real, real ..."

"They made the scene like this, presumably trying to scare the captured prisoners." The Cavaliers said, "The lunatics arrested the civilians in order to interrogate [some information] from the civilians' mouths. They There is no way to attack those civilians in reality, and torture them in a virtual system is also poisonous. "

"Humble, despicable guy ..."

"Hey, hey, you ... we ... hear ... to ...?" There was a communication from Gwen Green, but the communication was strange, Gwen Green's voice was pulled very long, and the voice was extremely low, almost like It's like being slow-released.

"Communication obstacles?" Said the Cavalier curiously.

"They ... were ... serving ... server ... inside ... time ... time ... flow ... moving, becoming ... to ... now ... actual ... ten ... times ..." Gwen Green continued to use that Anxiously speaking very slowly, "Is there ... what ... what ... the ancient ... strange, you ... we ... the little ... heart ... point."

"That is to say, is the time flowing here ten times faster than reality." The Knight King glanced at the surrounding environment: "It's really troublesome. Will it take Gwen Greene ten times more time to resolve the physical address here?" . "

"Virtual, virtual systems can do this?"

"No, the speed of the photon quantum reaction in the human brain can be accelerated up to two thousand times the reality." Knight King said, "That is to say, it is entirely possible to construct a virtual system that is two thousand times faster than the flow of real time. Practice in it. It ’s just that it ’s too dangerous to do so, or it will burn the user ’s brain. The dangerous operation of accelerating time in the server has long been prohibited by law. ”

But this is a "black server" without registration, and the users of this server do not care about the law at all.

"Wait for Gwen Green, I'm afraid it will take a long time. It's too big here, let's break up." The Cavaliers commanded: "I'm responsible for getting the physical address of this server. You are responsible for rescuing the civilians imprisoned here Come on. "

"How, how?" Elaine asked blankly.

"Are you stupid, Rufrey. At this time, the **** who run the server are naturally busy torturing the civilians." Knight King said, "Go along with the wailing sound, you can find it."

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