Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2942: The Never Returning Morning (17)


It was about a day some ten years ago.

The teenager cried in front of his mother ’s tomb, while his brother silently buried the soil there and buried their mother.

"Don't cry, cry." His brother put down the shovel, wiped his hands, and stroked the tiger's head: "From now on, our two brothers will be left alone. I can't stand your weakness. Quick Make me strong. "

"But, but ..."

"Noisy!" His brother smashed it with a punch. He has always been such a grumpy guy.

I don't know how long it has passed.

One evening, the teenager and his brother had dinner in the same room. On the table is a pea soup, which tastes terrible, just eatable.

"Brother," the Tigerman asked in a low voice: "Mom often says that Dad is a fighting hero, is that really the case?"

His brother fell into silence for a while and did not answer.

"So ... mother is lying?"

"No." The tiger youth couldn't help but negate: "You are not allowed to say this to your mother."


"Father's sacrifice was indeed great in her eyes, so she would regard him as a hero, respect him, and deified him infinitely. But he was not as great as she described.

The teenager asked: "So what is he? Me really just an ordinary soldier who died in the battle on the battlefield? Or is he a real hero? Or, as the group of uncle soldiers said, Is he a deserter with no honor? "

"No. He's nothing. He's just him." Tiger's youth looked slightly sad in his eyes. He looked directly at his brother, but his eyes seemed to penetrate his brother's body and looked somewhere in the distance:

"You, too young. You may not understand now, but one day you will understand.

War, war will never change.

There will be no winners or losers in this war between orcs and humans. In the end, it just changed the dynasty and continued the meaningless cycle.

Whatever the reason, war is ugly. The soldiers participating in the war are neither good nor bad, neither honor nor shame. They are just pawns. The simple consumables between the two groups leading the war. "

The teenager looked at his brother: "... Is my father the same?"

"Yes. Just chess pieces. Then he became an allowable sacrifice in the war. That's all." The Tiger Youth shook his head: "I have said enough about this matter, Othello. Don't stay with me again in the future. Ask the same question in front of you, get it? "

The teenager pouted and did not answer.

After a few more years.

The teenager grew up and became a strong young man. He packed his luggage, attached a shoulder strap with a scabbard, put the sword in the scabbard, and prepared to go out.

And his brother was in front of his house. Despite being young, his brother's face had a little bit of wind and frost.

"I'm leaving, brother. Please don't stop me." Othello to Castro.

"Did you know? You can obviously leave quietly at night when the night is quiet, so I won't stop you." The strong tiger man said coldly: "But you chose to go out at this time. Do n’t be afraid that I will stop you with brute force and tie you up in the basement until you dispel this stupid idea? "

"I'm afraid. I know you can do this kind of thing." Othello replied: "But I can't leave without saying goodbye. Maybe if we say goodbye today, we will never have a chance to see you again."

"Yes." Castro gave up half his body, just enough space for Othello to squeeze out of the door.

"... You don't stop me?"

"Perhaps I will. You come boldly and you will know the answer." Castro said lightly.

Othello froze for a few seconds. His brother is a terrible person. Even though the two brothers lived together, he had lived with his brother for so many years, Othello was still afraid of his brother's anger. When they quarreled for the last time, his brother gave his arm a crooked bone, and it took him several months to recover.

If it were so close, would n’t his brother suddenly attack?

Nevertheless, Othello took a step.

He couldn't be able to fight with his brother. If Castro wanted to stop him from starting, he would have stopped it already.

"How good is the army." Castro asked in a low voice when he saw Othello taking that step. Obviously, he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

"But I hate to stay here and be protected by my brother." The Tiger Youth said: "There must be something I can do in this world, and only I can do it. And I must find the answer."

"What proves that your answer will be hidden in the military career?"

"I'm not blind, brother." Othello took a step closer: "If I can't find the answer I want in the army, I will change the place. I can even join Warcraft Hunting"

"No, that's not the option for you." Castro interrupted before Othello finished. He did not want his brother to join Warcraft Hunter anyway, just as he did not want his brother to join the army.

"Look, you always do." Othello said angrily, taking another step. He is only three steps away from Castro.

"[I just want to protect you] ... I won't say anything like that." Castro hummed, letting go of the whole thing from the door for Othello to pass through: "Yeah. Go join yours Army, let ’s fight on the battlefield of life and death. Maybe it ’s better, it ’s more suitable for you stupid. Just "


"After stepping out of the door of our house, our brothers will never die. We will never see you again." Castro said: "Don't let me see your stupid face in this life. In this way, I am more relaxed."

Othello clenched his fists and stepped out of the door: "Understood. Since you are so persistent ... Farewell, brother."

"Ah." Castro replied coldly, watching his brother leave.

[How many years have passed since then? The specifics are not clear. ]

[As time goes by, he has slowly forgotten his face, his voice. ]

[But I never regretted that, on that day, I stepped out of that door. ]

"... Huh?" Othello opened his eyes slightly, and in the darkness, he vaguely felt something glow on his chest.

Very small. It was actually a shimmer that was barely noticeable. But the deeper the darkness, the more conspicuous the light is.

He tried to move his body, but he felt a numbness. With the faint light, Othello found a scarlet thorn around his body. The thorn seemed poisonous. It was the poison that prevented him from moving.

What happened? He tried to think back.

The last moment he could remember was the moment when he was standing by inside the ship while commanding the army on the ground.

Then what happened. The ship was retreating, and the scarlet ball of thorns floating in the air released a dark area. The darkness expanded at a rapid rate, and within a few seconds it swallowed the surrounding space.

Othello ’s ship was also swallowed into it. Everyone in the ship, even the army that might be fighting on the ground in Lviv, was swallowed up by the dark area.

There is a thick darkness around it, and the visible range is less than ten yards. There are a lot of thorns in the darkness, they spread not only on the ground, but also in the air, crawling the entire space.

What happened to the people in the boat? Is everyone under siege? How long has he fallen asleep?

"Yes, anyone?" Othello cried: "Who else is awake? Can you hear me back!"

There was silence.

The whole space seems to be immersed in the silence of death, even breathing is so heavy. Othello did not see anyone nearby being trapped by the same thorns. Before that, he was clearly in the bridge, surrounded by operators of other warships. Those people are now gone, not only because they are covered by darkness, they seem to be dragged away by the thorns, and vanish away.

But why is Othello still here and not taken away?

Was it because he had something to protect him?

Suddenly remembering what was the glowing thing on his chest, Othello took a deep breath. That's right, the shimmering thing on his chest was actually Castro's pendant.

Mr. Albert was desperate to grab the souvenir from the remains of thorns and return it to Othello. Before being swallowed by darkness, Othello wore the necklace around his neck.

It was his brother ’s relics shimmering, as if Castro had deliberately protected him.

"... Brother." Thinking of this, Othello felt uncomfortable like a knife.

Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, the current situation is not optimistic. He was still surrounded by the scarlet thorns, so numb that he couldn't move. He couldn't do anything but yell for help. And even if you shout, will someone come to rescue him? The people around him disappeared, and he seemed to be trapped in a dark world where he was alone.

... What a despair this is.

After shouting for a long time, no one responded. Othello felt thirsty in his throat and had to stop to rest. The situation is really bad, is it possible that everyone has been captured by this crimson thorn, and all the people who came to Lviv are wiped out?

Even if he was the only one who survived and remained sober, he could not move. If this state is maintained, he will certainly be weak and die. Is there no chance to make a comeback?

In this darkness and silence, Othello couldn't help but regret.

If he had listened to his brother's advice, did not join the army, and had nothing to do with the Warcraft Hunter, now he would not appear in such a place, trapped by this odious thorn.

Maybe he can live an ordinary person's life in a corner of the dawn region, without pursuit and carefree.

But ... if he has been living that kind of bland life, he can't see the wonderful things he has seen all these years. Whether it is the cruelty of war or the sorrow of defeat, whether it is the joy of victory or the relief of peace.

All this shaped him now. If you haven't experienced this, he won't grow up to what he is now.

So, never regret it.

Never fail.

From the moment he stepped out of the house, had he already decided?

Despite his numbness, Othello tried to move his arm and struggled out of that thorn.

The arm naturally didn't listen to him, and it was as heavy as lead. Even if you try your best, you can only move a few inches.

"Erhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!" He didn't give up, he still tried his best to drive his body. There is no other way than to rely on yourself to get out of trouble.

Or not.

As he struggled to free himself from the thorns, there was a golden light cruising in the distance, gradually approaching.

"... Brother?" Othello asked in a low voice.

"What brother, I am not your brother." The man approached. Holding a golden holy sword, he walked all the way and cut off the crimson thorns around him. King Arthur finally appeared in Othello's vision.

He took off his mask to reveal the true face of the King of Great Britain: "Yo, Commander Othello. Is there only you left here?"

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