Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2966: Never return morning (forty-one)


At the same time (?), Somewhere deep inside the big hole.

"Huh?" Bedieville woke up and tried to see his surroundings in the darkness.

He remembered what had just happened. He had just joined forces with Nat and others, thinking he could continue exploring underground caves, but he didn't expect the floor under them to collapse suddenly. Then, everyone fell from there, and the time from the beginning of the landing to the end of the ground was speculated that they fell at least a few hundred feet deep.

The orc's body is strong, but it can't bear the damage of falling from such a high place. Bediville moved his body cautiously and carefully, trying not to make excessive movements as much as possible. He believed that he had broken many places in his body.

When he used the light from the spell fire to illuminate his injuries, he found that his speculation could not be more correct. His right leg was swollen and he was breaking back in an unnatural direction, and it hurt when he watched it. The biggest problem is that he can't feel the pain in his leg at all, which means that the injury he has suffered is beyond his pain, and his leg is numb. This is probably why he passed out for so long.

He also felt a tingling pain in his right chest, and the pain became more intense with his breathing, which made him unable to breathe normally. He knew he had broken at least two ribs. There is also a tingling on the right shoulder. From the pain it feedbacks, it should be a crack in the shoulder bone.

What a mistake.

He wrapped his body with Mithril fluid, the advantage is that he has a strong defense, but the disadvantage is that his body is in an overweight state, so heavy he cannot withstand falling, so he fell from a height of hundreds of feet and fell Seriously injured.

The injuries to the ribs and shoulders are fine. The right leg is broken like this, and even walking has problems. With a chill, he carefully moved his twisted right leg back to its normal position, and then wrapped it tightly with Mithril fluid to harden it into a structure like a bandage or splint to support this Broken leg.

Of course, this is just an emergency treatment. Without returning to the ship and using the medical cabin to cure this broken leg, Bediville may become a lame in the next half of his life.

But now is not the time to worry about this. The werewolf youth stood up carefully, confirming that the hardness of the Mithril fluid on his right leg was high enough to temporarily support his normal movement, and began to worry about his companion.

Falling from this height, other people will certainly not be harmless. Maybe except the guy with the metal skeleton in Nat. Berelde also wears heavy armor, and the bald guy is a human. No matter how hard a human is, there is no possibility of a strong orc physique. Such a fall may cause serious injuries, even more than Bediville. Othello probably won't get much better because the tiger is wearing heavy armor.

In the worst case, I am afraid that only Bediville and Nat will be able to become combatants. They have to take care of two seriously injured players. The big holes are complicated and changeable, and a momentary change may quickly turn their advantages into disadvantages. Sure enough, this "abyss" cannot be underestimated.

"Hey! Are you still there? Just respond if you are!" Cried Bediville in the darkness.

Bediville knew that he was in a hostile position, so it was dangerous to shout loudly. But he didn't have a better way to join the company. What's more, he was striking the light in the darkness, which was already very conspicuous.

However, he took a huge risk to call his companions, but no one answered him. There was still a dim darkness and silence.

It's a bit scary.

If at this time, he was seriously injured and ambushed by monsters in the dark, I am afraid it would be nine deaths.

There are worse things waiting for him. There was a smell of iron in his nasal cavity, and when he noticed it, he found that he was having a nosebleed and bleeding from his ears. concussion? Intracranial hemorrhage? In short, it is not a good thing. His head was buzzing, and he couldn't even concentrate on thinking.

bad. Feeling a little bit down. A weak thought in him kept telling him to lie down and sleep. After throwing away your worries, all this will become better after a sleep. But his reason refused to do this. He knew that he would fall down in such a place and he would not wake up again.

In short, you must find companions. At least you have to find Nat, it is possible to escape from this dilemma with that guy.

He had just thought about it, and after walking a few steps forward, the light of the spell's fire hit something.

"Huh?" He groaned, and at first thought it was Nat or other companions. But he found out that there was actually an orc he didn't know. The leopard was being wrapped around the whole body by the vein-like gray-white branches of some kind of tree, hanging in the air less than two yards from the ground. The man's face was pale and unconscious. He murmured under the roots of the tree roots, as if he was having endless nightmares. His dream must be terrible, because he has white eyes and foam in his mouth, his body is twitching slightly but continuously, his lower body is already confused.

Then Bediville suddenly understood that this leopard was one of those who was kidnapped by the abyss. They went into the big hole for half a day, and finally found these missing people.

Withstanding the headache, the werewolf youth made the fire of the spell spell brighter. The light began to illuminate a larger area, showing everything around Bediville's eyes.

The scene that appeared before him was both scary and spectacular. Hundreds of billions of gray-white roots drooping from the sky are trapping countless people in it. The position of the people hanging there is high and low, far looking like the same bunch of grapes. And these people are all having nightmares, rolling their eyes and spitting foam, twitching and trembling, feeling invisible fear in the illusion.

How many people were kidnapped, Bediville could not count. In short, there are many people and orcs, and even some strange races, because Bediville saw creatures such as mermaids and trolls. Some of the people trapped here may have been for some years. Their bodies have become dry, thin, and weak. It seems that there is no difference between them and the corpse, but they have miraculously not died.

"My God" Then Bediville turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the place where he had just fallen. In fact, there are also a lot of roots there. Experience the same eternal nightmare.

However, Bediville was lucky. When he fell, his body was protected by Mithril fluid. Although he broke his leg, Mithril fluid protected Bediville ’s head, preventing him from being comatose Get caught by those roots. Those wonderful roots could not move Bediville, and finally gave up.

It is also strange. Why do they give up so simple? Why didn't the same thing as the root of the tree attack now, trying to seize the awakened Bediville?

Do not. This is not the time to pay attention to this. The most important thing is to find the musketeer Nat. If Bediville didn't misunderstand, Nat wouldn't hurt much when he fell from that height, and he must still be alive and kicking. And Nat is already an artificial person with a metal skeleton all over his body, and those tree roots may not be able to trap him.

The question is, did that guy really fall from such a high place? Would he have some kind of jet flying ability, and find a way to avoid this before falling from a height? If yes, where is that guy now, why didn't he come down to save Bedieville?

Again, how long has Bediville passed out?

It's useless to think wildly. Bediville forced himself to calm down and take a deep breath. He wanted to concentrate on thinking, but it was so difficult. Maybe intracranial hemorrhage is pressing on his brain nerves, affecting his thinking.

The nose smelled of blood, his own blood. His nose is dead, and it should be unrealistic to find his companions by smell.

So what else is available next?

By the way, the fire of spells. I saw Lawrence used it before, and the fire of spells can be used to find people. But how is it used? Can't remember. There was a mess in his mind. And now the spell fire is controlling the Mithril fluid, and this form cannot be lifted. Once changed into other forms, the Mithril fluid wrapped around Bediville's broken leg would be scattered, and he could not move around.

Then Bedieville thought of the "split ceremony" mentioned by Lawrence. That is to divide the smaller spell fire from the existing spell fire, and let the two spell fires do different tasks. If it can be done, then Bediville can use the tracing of the spell fire to find people while maintaining control of the Mithril fluid.

But the "Split Ceremony" initially required the teacher Krana to help him complete it, and Bediville had no way to use this high-end curse alone. Teacher Krana in the Turkic Moor certainly cannot come to help him at this time. So the situation is desperate?

Nonetheless, Bediville wanted to try it, and he used it alone to perform the "split ceremony". This is also his only way to save himself under such adversity. The tracing of the fire of curse should be a very simple curse, and the separation ritual is difficult to control. Shouldn't even this simple curse be controlled?

"Please, please." So, the werewolf youth held the fire of curse in his palm and said to it like a wish: "Help me."

In this terrible darkness, only the ice-blue fire was swaying. It shares the heart with the werewolf youth and is part of Bediville's wish, so it will do its utmost to realize Bediville's wish.

It swayed, swayed, swayed more and more violently, wanting to split a body from itself. In the despair and darkness, only the gleam of the flame is endless.

In the end, it did. A fireball smaller than the soy grains leaped out of the ice-blue spell fire, making it unique. The little fireball is also a spell fire of Bediville, its color is the normal flame red.

"Ha" just to do this, the werewolf youth spent a lot of mental energy, sweating, he quickly gave orders to the fire of the newly-born little curse, and let it launch the hunt.

The fire of a spell as small as yellow beans stretches on its own, turning into a flame that can indicate the direction, always pointing in the direction of three o'clock. Bradyville propped up in the direction of the spell's fire, and finally saw one of his companions.

There, Othello was entangled in a large number of tree roots and was in a comatose state, just like the others trapped. But instead of spitting foam, he burst into tears and seemed to be having a sad dream.

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