Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 383: Killing on the magic marsh (1)

Chapter 383 is killed by the magic marsh (1)

At 6 o'clock the next morning, Bedieville was woken up.

When the Tutan chief handed the magic bow [the fire of Nale] to the hands of Bedyville, Brady was shocked: "Return this to me, is there really no problem?"

"Are you not arrogant as a [pacifist]?" The elephant sneered a little, "If you come for peace, you will not use this bow to face my people. Hold it, in the wild moor. Warcraft is rampant, you need it."

Bedyville took over his weapon with a complex mood. He never thought that he would be so trusted.

"Ayr, comet will ask you to take care of it." Bedi said, watching the tiger boy who was still sleeping in the bed, immediately shook his head and sighed.

"Follow me." A elephant came, and Beddy saw the young elephant, vaguely feeling where his smell had smelled.

"This is the herbalist Paff. He is responsible for taking you to pick the medicine." Tutan sneered, although Bettiville did not know why Tutan was laughing, but he knew he would figure it out soon.

"Yeah. It's too tender. It will die." The herbalist looked at Bediville, and the words were hard and unrelenting.

Bedieville frowned: Puff, the rude and rude guy, said that people would die, it was a crow's mouth!

"Let's go," Tutan urged. "It's hard to come back when you missed the time when Warcraft was asleep."

It is also time-limited for people to take medicine in the large moor. From 6 am to 8 am, the swamp's World of Warcraft's most inactive time period to collect medicine, in order to be able to come back alive.

There are a lot of greedy elephants who have forgotten the time when they took medicine, and the World of Warcraft swarmed and swallowed and there is no bone left. Strict adherence to time is the only way to live in the big marsh.

After the departure of Brady and others, the tiger boy, Albert, slowly climbed up and looked at the Paphos.

"Do you really want to go?"

"I have to go." Albert seems to have made a lot of determination. "I want to prove it to you. I can also create value for you. I have no home to go back, if I can show you Prove my value, please let me stay here."

"You said the same thing as my son." Paphos whispered. "But the waste was finally smashed by Warcraft in the big moor. You will work hard. If you can survive, let you stay here too." can."

What he really wants to say is not this. However, [you don't have to work hard, please don't take risks]. In this case, the Paphos chief said that he could not. He did not say such a thing to his son, and it is even more impossible to say this to the sons of others.

In the wild moor, two figures are walking quietly. Even if Warcraft is already asleep, it doesn't mean there is no danger at all. An inadvertent move may also awaken the Warcraft lurking at the bottom of the swamp, and they will come to eat in groups.

Bedi stunned and moved slowly, and Paphos on the side walked in a steady footstep on each raised hill in the big moor. Trying not to be close to dangerous waters is a big principle of living in this swamp.

In order to relieve the tension, Bedieville began to chat with the Herbs, of course, he pressed the voice as low as possible: "Mr. Papho, where have we seen?"

"No." Paphos whispered. He does not seem to need to deliberately suppress the voice. He was originally a silent man. When he had to speak, his voice was low and empty.

"But, your smell--" Beddyville believes in his nose, and the smell he remembers is definitely not wrong.

Reminded by Bedyville, Paphos said: "Dad. Rome." was said this, and Biddiville really remembered it.

Elephant pharmacist Lepafer. The orcs were sent to the envoys in Rome. They had a duel with Arthur, defeated Kay, and finally the guy who was betrayed and killed by Paramitis in the night attack on Biddyville.

Can fight with Kay, like a person Paphoben is a hero. It was a pity that he died in the hands of his companions. At that time, Paramitis, who went back to report, pushed everything out and said that the rest of the group was killed by Arthur.

Wait. Puff's son? ! In front of Bediville? ! This guy, it should not be resentful, come back to revenge at this time! ?

He is now a guide for Bediville in the big moor. If he is in a bad position, he will frame Bedi and point him to the dead. Does Bediville not die for a lifetime? !

Thinking about it this way, the werewolf teenager could not help but be afraid. He tried to ask: "I am sorry about your father's business."

"Yeah." Herbalist Paphoe just snorted as an answer, which made Bedieville even more uneasy.

"It’s gone," he said, looking at the opposite platform. There is a section of water that has to be crossed in the middle, which seems to be dangerous.

He slowly walked over and passed without incident.

The werewolf teenager also learned to slowly drown, but he is not like the human race, and does not have that burly figure. He walked into the seemingly shallow waters and found that he was almost immersed in the water, leaving only one head on the water!

The feet are soaked in the sticky mud, and the part above the feet is also soaked in the water. It feels disgusting to the extreme. But the most chilly on the back of the Bediville is a furry touch.

The touch, touching his lower body, crossed his tail for a while, and then swam by his thigh.

Brady knows what is in the dark water of this pool. He panicked and almost wanted to scream and rush to the platform in front of him.

However, Paphoe raised his hand and stopped Beddyville: "Don't move."

Beddyville has no idea in his heart. He didn't know if he should believe in Puff's goodness, or whether he should run away. A distance of five yards from the shore, you should be able to run away. But does that thing in the water really make him run away? !

Taking a cold sweat, Bediville tried to suppress his own panic, standing still in place.

After about five minutes, the feeling of being touched by the thing began to disappear, and Paphoe also let go: "Come on."

Brady was safely on the shore. He could not help but curiously ask: "What was that thing?"

"The carrion jellyfish." Papho replied briefly.

Bedyville secretly rejoiced that he believed in the words of people. The dangerous creature of the carrion jellyfish, Betdiville also heard. These things specifically attack the living things in the water, killing the active creatures with the tentacles with severe toxicity, and then parasitizing on the dead bodies to continuously absorb their nutrients.

Since this kind of jellyfish only knows the objects in the water, it is the most correct way to stand still when it encounters this jellyfish. This is the same reason that you can't hold it in the water when you encounter a shark.

On the other hand, if Biddiville ran to the shore, he would not be able to take the first step, but he would be caught by the jellyfish's tentacles and immediately poisoned and died! A werewolf boy in his area, to be faster than the creatures in the water, will die!

Puff is indeed a herbalist who lives in the wild moor. He knows how to survive in this terrible swamp.

Whether Paphos still hates it, Bedyville is not clear. But he knows that Puff is professional and will not influence the task because of personal feelings.

The werewolf teenager took a deep breath, strengthened his courage, smashed his doubts, and quickly followed his guide.

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