Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 894: Guild Wars in Tianyuan (12)

Chapter 894 Guild Wars in Tianyuan 12

"Husky, this is the phone for you." The Cavaliers handed the phone to the dogman, and said mysteriously.

"Would you give Husky?" The canine boy took the call and put it in his ear in confusion: "Hey? Who is Wang?"

"Husky!" The phone sounded a familiar voice, and his mother’s voice: "Oh--thank God! You are fine!"

"Mummy?!" The eyes of the canine boy gave up the light of hope: "You have already lived over Wang?!"

"Nonsense, I have died." Lian Yin slightly angry.

"Oh, sorry, Wang." The teenager said with a smile.

"Mummy is a superman, how could it be killed by a knife?" Lian Yin also whispered.

That is not a reluctant word, but a real thing. The life of the lotus sound of Patimo is hundreds of times stronger than that of human beings. On the side of the hospital, the petrified lotus sound was just released, and it was successfully recovered under the spells of several therapists. The big wound that her left chest was embarrassed by the dagger has basically healed.

"You are now King Arthur, kneel there, right?" Lian Yin said again: "Mom will come back to pick you up when I recover, and I will be honest before that. Don't give trouble to you, okay?"

"Yeah!" The canine boy shook his tail and promised to smile. He was sweeter than ever: "Mama should also be jealous, don't bother the doctors."

"Huh." Lian Yin smiled and hung up the phone.

"That's great." Arthur took the call from the canine boy: "Now, go wash and put on clean clothes."

"Hm Uncle Arthur -" The dogman is blushing: "Tonight, don't tell anyone, okay?"

"What?" Arthur smirked and deliberately stupid: "Are you still wet the bed when you were eight years old?"

"Hey!" Husky was deeply stung by this sentence: "Uncle Arthur is really bad-hearted!"

"Oh, maybe." The Cavalier King picked up a dog boy, just like picking up a puppy: "If you are jealous, you won't tell your friends about it. Otherwise -"

"Husky will be awkward!" The canine boy was depressed and said: "Now let people clean their homes!"

There was a false smile on the face of the Cavaliers. What he can do is to use ridicule and threats to divert the attention of the canine boy and let Husky temporarily forget the terrible nightmare.

The terrible experience of a child in his childhood will definitely affect his life. Greenville may be right, Arthur must do something for this child.

At the same time, the East African Plateau, the village of the Bergman cannibal.

The savages hosted a banquet for their "Sonhasta" in the square of the village.

Under the accompaniment of the original style of music, a large group of Pygmies formed a big circle, madly twisting their buttocks and dancing very flamboyant dances.

"Ah, hahahahaha! Get more barbecue! The juice is more!" Paramitis ate and sipped, shaking his cat's tail and letting his tail dance with the music.

Seeing that Biddeville is extremely depressed.

The werewolf took a sip of roast lizard meat, spit it off, and then hurriedly drank a few mouthfuls of juice. The hundredth and one time urged his companion: "Don't patronize eating, Parami, we are also time to return to the camp. went."

"It’s still early--the big cat is completely drunk, and the excitement is red and red." The group of kids will take care of themselves. What are you worried about? It’s rare that these savage people are our guests, of course, we must have a good time!"

"No, I am worried about you." Biddiville gave White a look at Paramitis.

At that time, the Pygmies came up with more food, including the aphrodisiac mushroom soup that would make people drunk - what Bettiville worried about finally happened.

"Don't drink that!" the werewolf exclaimed.

"Hey, hahahahahahaha!" Palamidis did not care about Bettiville's advice. He took the stone bowl and poured the mushroom soup into his stomach.

After drinking, the big cat was almost flushed all over the body. Paramidis was like a steamed big cat, with a mist of fog and a strong alcohol.

Almost drunk Paramitis swayed even when he sat, his mouth whispered with vague words, completely teasing.

"Look at what you have done!" Bettiville sighed and sighed. He thought it would be very tiring to think of carrying this dead drunk cat back to the camp.

This is not the worst.

"Hello, hahahaha! This is a good drink? Don't you drink something?" The big cat continued to talk nonsense.

"Don't drink. Don't come over, you are stinky." The werewolf couldn't stand the wine of Paramitis, just don't look over and drop his eyes on the dancing Pygmies.

"Hello, hahaha, little betty, how can you see it outside? Come on!" The big cat slammed into Bediville, and the bowl of soup in his hand had been stuffed into the mouth of the werewolf before Betteville reacted. Just put the mushroom soup into the mouth of the werewolf!"呜?!咕--"Beddyville had no time to resist, and had already drunk a small mushroom soup.

A burst of warmth spread in the wolf's abdomen.

"Hah--" Biddyville showed a wretched expression, and he was drunk.

"Ah, hahaha, this is good--" Bedieville also took the stone bowl and sipped the mushroom soup. He also sold drunk and has completely ignored the consequences.

The big cat and the werewolf began to talk a lot of nonsense, and stood up and danced, even into the ranks of the Pygmies dancers, the buttocks twisted.

At the time, Bedieville was still awake, but the surrounding scenery seemed to melt together, and the whole world swayed and swayed. The werewolf's body acts more uncontrollably, as if it were sleepwalking.

The banquet continued, and the people of Bergman pushed a huge stone bowl filled with potions and firewood at the bottom of the bowl.

The wild people came up and pulled off the clothes of Bediville and Paramitis, and lifted the two and sent them into the bowl.

"Ah, hahahaha, look! Hey, little Beddy!" Paramitis smirked at the cellar, "They even gave us the bath water, hey, are you ready? Oh, really thoughtful." !"

"Ah, really!" The werewolf had to shake his head and replied, "Oh, this water is really good."

He buried himself in a stone bowl and let the liquid soak the whole body.

A variety of mushrooms float in the wonderful potion, which is the material of the mushroom soup they just drank into their stomachs.

The effects of the aphrodisiac not only entered the body through drinking, but are now directly absorbed from the "bathing water" and infiltrated into each of them.

As a result, Bedieville only felt more dizzy, and the whole world was covered with pink happiness, and there was nothing to say.

"Hello, hahahaha - come back to the barbecue! Grilled meat!" Paramitis cried.

The savage sent a string of barbecues, a glass of juice, and fed a big cat like a duck.

"Ah, hahahahaha, delicious, delicious--" Biddiville also happily leaned against the stone bowl, opened his mouth and ate the food sent by the people of the Pygmies, and was completely unaware that the atmosphere was a bit inappropriate.

Until the wild people began to put vegetables and seasonings in the stone bowl.

"That, oh-?" Biddyville shook his head and looked at the wild people throwing carrots and green peppers into their bath water, first of all doubts.

"The bathing water of these wild people, hey, the ingredients are so strange, even adding vegetables -" The drunked Bediville still maintains a sense of reason, but the speed of his thinking is obviously delayed, a bit mad. .

"Hahahaha, hey, take care of him! Maybe this is them, oh, the secret of eliminating fatigue--"Paramitis was even more drunk and couldn't support it. He had to lean his head against the stone bowl and lean halfway on his body. Beside the werewolf youth.

"That's not so close to the heat--" Bedieville only felt that there was alcohol in the running, hot as in the steamer, but the whole body was soft and too lazy to move.

"Hello, hahaha, are you kid shy?" The leopard warrior opened his arms and grabbed the werewolf. "What are you afraid of? Everyone is a man, hey, we used to have a bath together, just seven years ago." When you are still a little boy, hehe-"

"Seven years ago and now, hey, things have changed a lot, aren't you?" The werewolf tried to push the big cat away: "And the heat is dead, don't rely on it -"

"Hey, hot, enthusiasm? This is not my reason -" Paramitis shook his head and shirked responsibility: "The heat is clearly a bath water -"

He is right. The heat is indeed bath water. The wild people kept adding fire under the stone bowl, and they had already burned this large bowl of bath water.

"Hey! The bath water is a bit overheated!" Biddyville then climbed to the bowl and protested: "Want to heat us? Let the water temperature drop!"

However, the wild people did not understand the English spoken by Biddeville.

Seeing that there is no way to communicate with these wild people, the werewolf will look around and look for Professor Paul everywhere.

Didn't find it. The professor did not know where to go.

The bath water is getting hotter and hotter, so if you go on -

Bedyville was about to climb out of the stone bowl, but he was unexpectedly blocked by several Pygmies. They smiled and pressed Biddeville into the water, regardless of the werewolf's protest, and continued to stuff the barbecue and vegetables into Beddyville's mouth.

"Hey, hey! Oh!" The werewolf stuffed with food was squatting in the bath, barely drowning. The bath water with strong anesthesia continued to take away the strength of Bediville, making him unable to struggle.


At this time, the wolf talent thinks that something is wrong.

It is not a bath water at all, this is a pot of soup!

But Bediwell and Paramidis are [soups], like the stew in the pot!

The people of Bergman are not treating them, but throwing them into a big pot of soup and preparing to cook! !

This group of savage is really a cannibal, and they are planning to eat Bedyville and Paramitis!

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