Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 952: Looking for peace in the heart (25)

Chapter 952 Searching for the Earth's Heart 25

"Oh, easy! It's too easy!" Calvin smiled and walked over the props on the ground.

"Easy a fart!" Husky took up the sword. Once he got out of danger, he thought of swearing: "What are you doing? Wang just can avoid the battle! We almost killed you. Do you know Wang?!"

"Oh, please, this is just a game. It’s no big deal when you die!" Calvin disapproved. "And, letting the three chapters pass, will only add more trouble to us in the future. It's better to kill like this. Off, we earn experience and props - give!"

He threw the two long swords he had searched into Husky, leaving only a short sword in his hand.

Husky immediately put on a pair of swords, and the weapons were rich, and his heart was solid. He turned to look at the small iron rod in Calvin's hand - it was the garbage that fell from the iron fence of the cell, which could not be looked at. Did Calvin just use this thing to launch some kind of magic?

The canine boy temporarily put away his anger and curiously asked: "How did you do it? There is no staff in hand, you obviously can't use magic?"

"Oh, don't be stupid," Lalvin said with a waving short sword. "As long as there is a core, you can use it as a stick. The thing is to help the speller concentrate, and Better convey the flow of magic. Even if it is not a special staff, it can be used, and the effect will be discounted."

"Yes, is it?" Husky knows nothing about the spells and can't comment more. However, Calvin had just used an iron bar to make the ice magic, which shows that the kid's understanding of the magic is really deep.

If Calvin does not play this game in the incarnation of "human", this guy can definitely cast spells by hand, and the spells that can be made are estimated to be even more powerful.

(Note: Most of the mermaids are casting ice spells by hand. Very few mermaid will use the stick, because it is inconvenient to carry that kind of thing.)

They packed up the battlefield and were preparing to move on, the fighting sounds coming from the distant corridor. Awkward, the swordsmanship only stopped after a few thoughts, and the battle seems to have ended.

"Hal must be there." Husky was overjoyed, but he was worried: "I hope that he will win. We will hurry to see Wang."

"You'd better keep a low-key point." Calvin sneered and said: "If you win the chapter, that is, the little black cat is dead, there are several guards on the scene who need to deal with it."

"At that time we will avenge the vengeance of Hal." Husky ignored the advice of the prince of the fisherman and rushed over with the sword.

After turning two intersections, the scene that Husky saw was far beyond his expectations. There were about five to six dead Zhang people guarding the ground, and the body had just disappeared, exploding a prop.

The Leopard, a young boy, was standing there silently, holding only a short sword in his hand.

"Hal? Ha--" Husky’s words were half-hearted and were caught by hand.

"Don't be near him!" Calvin grabbed Husky from behind and pulled the canine boy back.

The leopard teenagers heard the sound turning around, and Husky had hid in the dark corner of the corridor.

Husky was surprised to see that a huge wound in Hal was constantly bleeding. The leopard, the young man himself, has a sullen expression, his eyes are dull and seemingly in a state of sleepwalking.

However, it is this Hal in this "sleepwalking" that killed at least five of them, the fully armed Zhangman guards, relying only on a short sword.

What happened here?

"Hah...Hall? Do you still recognize me? Wang?" Husky couldn't help but whisper.

"No, he has to rush to attack!" Calvin raised the dagger with hostility.

"No! Don't irritate him!" Husky tried to hold the fisherman's prince so that Calvin's short sword could not be revealed in front of the leopard.

"Husky-?" The leopard teenager in a state of sleepwalking seems to have a sense of sorrow. He discerns Husky as a friendly from the voice and smell of the other party, and thus does not attack.

Hey. The canine boy swallowed and boldly stepped forward: "Yes, it is Husky Wang. Do you still recognize Husky?"

"" seemed to be relieved, and the leopard teenager slowly closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the East African Plateau, the entrance to the Kilimanjaro Palace.

I don't know how long it took, the round table knight Cador called: "The average score is ranked thirty-two: the fifteenth group - Beddyville, Solar and Tristan. You can leave."

"Finally!" Tristan, who should have slept against the wall, jumped up and looked energetic.

"You didn't sleep at all?" The werewolf also recovered from his state of closed eyes and immediately climbed up.

"My business doesn't need you to control." Tristan was still flustered with the werewolf.

"Don't say it, let's go." Solar urged him, and he had already stepped forward and walked toward the entrance to the underground palace.

"Hey!" The werewolf hurried to follow up, in order not to lose to the fisherman prince.

The three men passed through the hidden stone gate and ran into the Gili Mazzaro Volcano Palace.

As soon as he entered the underground palace, the werewolf could not help but sneez. The icy cold here is more powerful than the outside, and it is very uncomfortable to stimulate the puppies of Bediville.

There are ice crystals everywhere, ice is everywhere, and the volcanic rock walls are thick with hoarfrost. Their thickness is so high that the wide aisle should be narrowed by nearly one foot. The labyrinth corridor Basically only enough for five people to pass at the same time.

Still, it doesn't look so cold. After coming in, probably because the air flow is not fast, Biddiville feels that there is no cold inside the entrance to the palace, but there is a feeling of sultry.

When Bedieville was still observing the surrounding environment, Tristan had already taken the opportunity to catch up with the werewolf. He walked forward and said proudly: "You will not wait for you if you are behind us!"

"No, you have to follow me." The werewolf wiped his puppy's nose and said with pride: "Only I can take you and get to the right destination with the fastest speed."

"Oh? Do I have to believe in your slang?" The prince of the fisherman is ready to carry out the next series of cynicism on Bedieville.

The werewolves walked a few more steps. When they were some distance from the entrance to the underground palace, they said, "You must believe, but don't believe me, believe in my nose, and believe in Paramitis."

Tristan even smiled in disapproval: "Hey. Is this related to the leopard uncle?"

"Of course. Paramitis has been here, have you forgotten?" The werewolf smiled confidently, ignoring the taunts of the fisherman prince: "Seven years ago, he came here to find Kay and went deep into the underground palace. He Knowing the structure of this palace, I also know which way to go to the deepest part of the underground palace - and I guess, there is our destination."

Bettyville said this, the fisherman prince doubted it: "It’s as if you have experienced it and know what the big cat has done -"

Without waiting for the fisherman to finish his stupid words, the werewolf rushed to interrupt: "I didn't, but when I took a bath with Paramitis, he once boasted about his adventures."

"Let's take a shower together?" Tristan changed another look and squinted at the werewolf: "Hey, the circle is really messy... I guess his wife Vivian will be happy to know what you can't say between you." secret--"

"Cough!" Solar had a dry cough and couldn't hear anything.

"What are you talking about, idiots!" The werewolf stunned the fisherman's prince: "In short... there is nothing wrong with following the smell of Paramitis. Follow him, the shortcut to success."

"You can only agree half of your words." Tristan even sneered at it, as if to sing a contradiction to Bedieville is the greatest pleasure of the fisherman prince: "It is very convenient to follow them behind. But in doing so, we will always only Can be the second place.

The treasures in the maze will be searched and cleaned by them first. The monsters will be killed by them one step ahead, and even the [things] that the task is assigned to will be taken first. There is no point in doing this!

What we have to do is not to follow other people's followers, but to be angry and find ways to overtake them, and this method is --"

Looking at the more proud of Tristan, Bedieville groaned and asked: "This method is -?"

The fisherman prince spit out his tongue: "Hey, I haven't thought of it yet."

Bedyville and Solar also glanced at the idiot prince: "There is no nonsense, no more nonsense! In short, let's go with Paramitis and see the form again! - here."

The werewolf sniffed close to the ground and found the trace of Paramitis from the complex and varied smell on the ground. He sniffed and ran, chasing the footprints of the big cat.

Come and take it easy—Beddyville, who is busy tracking, is meditation at the moment.

He was worried about the Safir brothers, as well as Albert's team—especially Albert's team. The ranking of the Ayr team is far behind other candidates, and it is impossible to get good results from this test in the normal way.

In order to win, Albert's only shortcut is to learn from Bettiville and pursue the smell of Paramitis. In this incomprehensible, crisis-ridden maze, this is the best way for tigers to bypass other obstacles and reach their success.

What is the truth?

Albert, waiting in the cave outside the underground palace, is now wiping his own sword of sea, so as to get the unique treasures of the world, is intoxicated.

He didn't worry about his (far) lag behind others, and he didn't even think about tracking the smell of Paramitis.

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