"Hello everyone, I'm the examiner of your second exam, Mite... Clams?

Mitarai Red Bean pretended to speak halfway through, and he stopped and looked at the classroom with a confused expression.

She turned around and asked Ibiki suspiciously

, "Ibiki, is your first exam sure it's over?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are there so many people left? 1, 2... 37 groups? Just kidding, right? Are you transgender?

No, wait, you wouldn't be another village spy pretending to be, would you?

Mitarashi said warily, as if looking at a stranger?

Ibiki clenched her fists, resisting the urge to hammer Mitarashi to wash the red beans.

Is he an outvillage spy pretending to be?

Even if Naruto-sama is a spy from the outer village pretending to be, he can't be it, right?

Is it really that he, the captain of the dark torture and interrogation team, is in vain?

Don't look at Mori Hiki is just a special Shinobi, but his status in Konoha is much higher than the average Shinobi.

In the original work, Sunset Red became a stolerant, but he had never even heard of Ibiki's name, and he hadn't even touched deep things.

It is only Kakashi, Kai, Asma, who are the absolute cronies of the ape flying sun, that can be compared with it.

"Ahem, this session is very good, and the pass rate is very high."

Ibiki cheeked and said embarrassed.

"Excellent? Cut, that's your dish!

My second exam, I'm going to knock you out in half!" "

Mitarashi red beans cross the waist with one hand, and the front finger of one hand, and the spirit is high.

However, nothing happened.

Everyone looked at her quietly, as if they were looking at a fool.

Moreover, this scene is familiar.

Many candidates fell their gazes on Naruto in unison.

Naruto, Mitarashi Azuki Bean:

It's embarrassing.

"Ahem, the exam is on the second day, the location asks your leading ninja, disband."

Mitarashi red bean blushed in embarrassment and turned into smoke and disappeared.

Ye Zero Yu looked at the place where Mitarashi red beans disappeared, and sighed:

"A good sister paper, how did it become a ball in the end?"

Hey, it's all Maruko's fault. And

Hinata also looked at Mitarai Azuki Bean, but her focus was not on Mitarai Azuki as a person, but on her clothes!

Dark Web!

Teacher Hong is this style of clothing, this main examination teacher is also this style, even more daring, there is a small leather skirt left, or the super short kind.

Is there any special charm of this style of clothing?

Would you like me to try it too?

Good shame.

Hinata's face grew hotter and hotter.

After the first exam, everyone dispersed one after another.

Ye Zero Yu and the two women warmed up for a while, and then they left separately and went home.

But Yoru did not go home, but came to the roof and overlooked the bustle of Konoha's night.

And under this prosperity, there is a conspiracy hidden!

"Here it comes!"

Suddenly, Ye Zero Yu's expression was shocked, and he disappeared in an instant.

Konoha village, somewhere.

"Who are you?"

The three Kusanagi Village ninjas held kunai in their hands, wary of the three people opposite.

"Hmph, don't be nervous, you should feel lucky, because you are the ones I have chosen."

The first one, pale and with an eerie smile on his face, who is not the big snake pill?

And the three people who can be sent by Caoyin Village to take the Zhongnin Exam are naturally not vulgar people.

Although the talent is not as strong as Konoha's twelve, he has only a lot more experience, and he immediately judges that the other party is not good.

"Do it!"

Among them whispered.

In an instant, the three of them shot together, one by one, attacking the three of the big snake pill, extremely tacitly.

However, how could they, who were just Shinobi, be the opponents of the legendary Konoha Sanshinobi?




Three snakes appeared, entangled the three at an unknown time, and bound them in place, unable to move.

"Good, so strong!"

The three Kusanagi Village ninjas were shocked, but they didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, they didn't even have a chance to strike.

"Huh-huh! I love you, woo! The

big snake pill's body twisted and stretched, like a snake, and tied the man with a hair butterfly behind his back, long hair, and a feminine appearance.

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the man's face.

"Hold the grass, gag!"

Seeing this, Ye Zero Yu, who was standing in the shadows, almost didn't spit out his dinner, and said in shock: "It's

worthy of being Aunt Snake, this taste, heavy!"

Originally, he was extremely interested in the snake escape of the big snake pill.

In particular, people spit snakes, snakes spit people, and people spit snakes, snakes spit swords, and people spit people, and so on, all kinds of commotion operations.

But when Zero Feather Reality saw the big snake pill that night, he vomited!

This meow is not a snake, it's a tongue shield!

Aunt Snake, your tongue skills are so good, where did you practice it?

Pharmacist's pocket? Shigego? Junmaru?

Wait, after Sasuke followed Orochimaru, why did he start to like Tan's fierceness?

It won't....

Hold the grass, think about it is terrifying!

Snake escape, or not!


Ye Zero Feather threw out a handful of kunai in the air and shot it at the extended neck of the big snake pill.

Eh, I twist!

The big snake pill stretched out his long neck, like a leather band, and shook lightly, avoiding Ku Wu.

But the next second,


Ku Wusui actually wrapped a detonation charm, and at the moment of being dodged, it was detonated by Night Zero Feather.

The smoke and dust of the explosion dispersed, and there was one more person in the field, and there were zero feathers in the night!

When the three Caoyin Village saw the person who had rescued them, they were shocked.

It turned out to be him!

Can't help but recall the terrifying eyes of Ye Zero Yu before the first exam.

"Let's go, get out of here and act like nothing happened."

Ye Zero Yu turned around slightly and said to the three.

The three glanced at Ye Zero Yu with trepidation, and after a slight pause, one of them said in a deep voice:


After speaking, the three quickly fled.

Their first reaction was to inform them to lead the team, but when they recalled Ye Zero Yu's indifferent eyes, they dismissed this idea.

Still is...... Good when nothing happens.

The other side.

"Hehe, it's interesting to find me."

Orochimaru said with an eerie smile.

Since the Great Snake Pill had just entered Konoha, he was discovered by Night Zero Feather, so the medicine master had not yet had time to report the situation of Night Zero Feather to Orochimaru.

And the big snake pill was extremely surprised by the appearance of Night Zero Feather.

Because he was once the Konoha Legend Sanshinobi and served as a high-ranking person, he had a way to avoid the Konoha Enchantment and not be discovered by Konoha.

This is also one of the strength of his daring to unite with the Sand Hidden Village to attack Konoha.

But to his surprise, Konoha didn't find him, but the kid in front of him actually found him.

And the big snake pill knew that this was no coincidence, but that the kid in front of him was coming for him.

Looking at this kid's age, it should be about the same age as Sasuke, right?

In addition to Sasuke, Konoha actually had such an interesting child, and he was getting more and more excited!

"Shhh! Hiss! The

big snake pill spat out the snake letter, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more sinister.

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