Rengar's judgment has just been spoken, and the situation on the field has suddenly reversed.

Chu Nan throws a punch, but this time Maluk no longer changes his moves, a fierce light flashes in his eyes, and he doesn't dodge or evade at all, his right hand becomes a claw, and he grabs directly to Chu Nan's chest .


Chu Nan this fist follows the direction of the fist, and hits the weak position at the bottom right of Maluk’s chest, but it is like hitting an extremely hard rock Usually, there was a huge muffled sound, and it didn't even make Maruk's body shake.

As soon as the fist touched Maluk's body, Chu Nan already felt something was wrong.

However, at this time, he had no time to change his moves. Seeing Maluk grabbed it with one claw, he could only twist his body reluctantly, raised his left arm, and blocked it in front of him.

"Thorn and pull——"

Chu Nan's left sleeve was directly torn into pieces by Maluk's claw, along with a few pieces of flesh and blood. He was caught, and there was a rain of blood in the air.

The audience couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

Chu Nan has been suppressing Maluk all the time. Why did Maluk counterattack so casually, but Chu Nan was seriously injured, but he himself was unscathed?

After a successful hit, Maluk did not continue to pursue, but let Chu Nan back away, raised his right hand, and looked at the bloodstains still remaining on the right hand's fingertips, it was actually stretched out. Tongue up and licked directly.

Combined with the cruel smile on his face, this action looks extremely strange and cold.

"Damn it! Damn pervert!"

"Damn it, is this guy sick?"

"Fuck off! Keshili dog!"


The audience couldn't help but pointed at Maluk and yelled loudly.

However, when he heard the scolding from the audience, Maluk was not angry at all, glanced at Chu Nan who was holding his left arm, and hehe sneered.

"You continue to scold. The harder you scold, the harder I will attack this guy in a while."

After saying this, he raised his finger to Chu Nan and shouted loudly: "Kid, I will give you one last chance. As long as you choose to surrender now, I can let you go. Otherwise, I promise to torture you all over, not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death!"


"Chu Nan! Kill him!"

"That's right, don't you just get the fuck once, what are you proud of? Chu Nan , kill him quickly!"


Listening to the angry cries of the audience, Chu Nan showed a wry smile.

As Rengar judged, in fact, the storm just now was indeed drinking poison to quench thirst.

Just through the first fight, Chu Nan has already accurately judged through various data that simply using the second turn of Inner Breath to fight against Maluk will have no effect at all.

Maluk's strength is obviously far superior to the two Second Rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists he encountered before, and has undoubtedly reached the level of the third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

If it was Chu Nan at this time yesterday, playing against Maruk, it was like when he practiced with Enrique yesterday afternoon, because he was crushed in all directions in terms of strength, speed, reaction, etc. There is no chance of even fighting back.

After last night's adventure, Chu Nan can finally use the three-turn Inner Breath, which has the power of a battle.

In the storm just now, Chu Nan fully mobilized the three-turn Inner Breath with every hit, hoping to suppress Maruk with his powerful data ability, and then find his weak spot, One hit works.

But didn't expect Maluk's martial skill is also quite good, and Chu Nan didn't give Chu Nan any opportunity from beginning to end.

The last time he clearly showed the weak spot on purpose, only to let Chu Nan punch.

However, after Chu Nan's punch with a powerful three-turn Inner Breath hits firmly, it couldn't even break Maluk's protective Inner Breath, and it didn't deal any damage to Maluk at all. what damage.

On the contrary, it was Maluk who grabbed it and caused serious injury to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan glanced down at the five scratches on his left arm with deep visible bones, looked the head, raised his head and asked Maluk, "Black rock turtle breathing?"

Maluk startedled slightly, and then proudly replied: "I didn't plan to use this cultivation technique to deal with you like the Senior Brother. didn't expect your strength is beyond my expectations, but you still forced me to use it. You are already proud of that alone."

"Sure enough..."

Chu Nan put out a breath lightly, his eyes swept across Maluk's lower abdomen and lower body .

In the previous battle with Saha, he tested that Saha's Black Rock Turtle has several weak and vital parts, which are concentrated in the lower abdomen and lower body. I don't know if Maruk is the same.

Anyway, try it.

With determination, Chu Nan is no nonsense. The high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, which simulates pulse convection resonance, flows around the left arm for a few laps, successfully stimulating the activity of muscle cells, making the wound stop bleeding quickly and even begin to heal. , then took a step forward and rushed towards Maruk, throws a punch .

"courting death!" Maluk coldly snorted, ignoring Chu Nan this fist at all, and slapped it with his backhand.


Chu Nan hits Malook’s heart with a punch.

Malook shook his body, but the counterattack also hit Chu Nan's left shoulder at the same time.

Chu Nan was slapped by this palm and fell down, rolling on the ground several times before barely getting up.

As soon as I got up and opened my mouth, it was a mouthful of blood spurted.

He's not an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist after all, so he can't run Inner Breath all over his body at will.

even more how the mobilization of the three-turn Inner Breath takes time, so although he can use the three-turn Inner Breath on his fist to increase the threat to Maluk as much as possible, he cannot mobilize the three-turn Inner Breath at the same time. used to defend itself.

Although Maluk's slap had been calculated in advance, he tried to avoid it as much as possible, but because the speed of this slap was so fast that it exceeded the limit of his physical reaction, he still couldn't dodge it completely.

Being hit by a palm, the powerful force contained in the palm and the extremely destructive power of Inner Breath poured into the shoulder, which immediately caused a serious injury to Chu Nan's left shoulder, and even the meridian was also damaged. Minor internal injuries.

Fortunately, Chu Nan experienced as many as thirty-six meridian damages that were much more serious than this last night. Immediately, he operated Inner Breath, controlled it to a high-frequency vibration state, and quickly treated his left shoulder. .

However, in this situation, it is obviously impossible for Chu Nan to heal at ease.

He raised his head and glanced at Maluk, and rushed over again without waiting for the shoulder injury to improve.

Malook let out a sneer, learned enough of Saha's appearance, stood still and didn't move, he didn't avoid Chu Nan's attack at all, and slapped it back with a palm.


Chu Nan’s body sank slightly, and his punch hit the vital part of Maluk’s lower abdomen, but Maluk just shook his body again, as if It's not affected at all.

Chu Nan was slapped in the chest by Maluk's counterattack and flew out, again a mouthful of blood spurted.

"Hey, boy, do you think I'm the same as Saha Senior Brother? Would you be so careless that you don't take any precautions on vital parts?"

After seeing Chu Nan stand up again With a slightly surprised expression, Maluk smiled smugly.

“Let me tell you, although my Black Rock Turtle has only cultivated to the 4th Layer, which is a bit weaker than Saha Senior Brother’s Fifth Layer, but Saha Senior Brother still has a deadly hood, but I don’t. I have no weakness in my whole body since cultivation! It's just you, want to break my defense? It is impossible for you to cultivate for a hundred years!"

"No weakness?"

Chu Nan squinted at Maluk, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, while breathing, he used the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath to heal the injured meridian.


impossible is there any cultivation technique without weakness!

The reason why it doesn't exist is that it hasn't been found yet!

Feeling the meridian recovering quickly, Chu Nan, without the slightest hesitation, charged towards Maluk again.

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