Anyone watching the game was stunned.

What did you just see?

Malook was kicked back by Chu Nan, and then... vomited blood?

It's not dazzling!

Before Chu Nan hit so many punches of Maluk, he was not damaged, why does Chu Nan this fist look nothing special, but Maluk looks like he was severely injured, You vomited blood?

Everyone's suspicious eyes turned from Maluk to Chu Nan, and found that Chu Nan had just spit out a mouthful of blood, which was no different from being slapped by Maluk with his backhand before.

How did he do it?


" did this kid do it?" Rengar was also shocked in the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Rengar, can't even you see it?" the host next to him asked in surprise.

Rengar shook his head. "On the surface, I can't see any difference between Chu Nan's punch just now and the previous punches. The specific reason, I'm afraid, only Chu Nan and Maluk can understand."

"The unexpected punch of Chu Nan's heart also hit Maluk hard, does that mean he has the possibility to win?" the host immediately asked.

Rengar frowned and thought for a while, then looked the head again.

"It should have been Maluk's carelessness just now, which gave Chu Nan a chance to take advantage. From the current point of view, it is still Maluk who has a much bigger chance of winning."

"Then let's look forward to his next performance."


On the martial stage.

Chu Nan staggered to his feet again, looked at Maluk opposite, and finally showed a smile.

The test was successful!

Using the high-frequency vibration of his own Inner Breath to resonate the Inner Breath in Maluk, thereby affecting the operation of the Inner Breath in the opponent's body - this was originally just a bold conjecture of his, and it has not been verified in practice. , I can't believe that it actually works now!

But it's still a pity, Maluk reacted very fast, and immediately slapped him away, making him unable to continue to expand the influence of the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, and the result was that Maluk vomited. A mouthful of blood did not really inflict serious damage on him.

Maluk wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised his head to meet Chu Nan's gaze, the relaxed smile on his face had long since disappeared, and there was only endless cold hatred left.

"Boy, this is what you forced me to be serious."

As soon as the last word came out, Maluk's body suddenly emitted a faint dark red light from the inside out, It was as if he was suddenly fitted with some kind of light-emitting device.

Chu Nan immediately felt a strong sense of crisis, and without the slightest hesitation, the Inner Breath that had consumed most of the energy was fully activated, and he had completed three turns in his body in an instant.

The moment he completed the third turn of Inner Breath, Maruk turned into a dark red light, rushed to Chu Nan in an instant, punched towards Chu Nan.

Since the two fought, apart from the first attack, this was the only one after Maluk took the initiative to attack Chu Nan.

Countless precise data flashed through Chu Nan's mind, and he had instantly judged that with the speed of Maluk's attack this time, he could dodge at all, so he made a decisive decision and poured all the Inner Breath into the air. Left arm, in front of him.


A loud bang.

Chu Nan's body was actually blown away by Maluk's fist, and when he was still in the air, he had already spurt a mouthful of blood.

Before Chu Nan landed, Maluk had followed along, and flew up, punching Chu Nan who was still in the air.

Chu Nan was in the air and couldn't dodge at all.


Maruk’s fist hit Chu Nan’s lower abdomen, and the flood-like Inner Breath knocked Chu Nan into the sky again.

In this case, Chu Nan doesn't even have the chance to use the high-frequency vibration of Inner Breath to achieve resonance by judging the specific operation of the Inner Breath in Maluk's body through contact. Naturally, he has no ability to fight back. .

After hitting this fist, Maluk fell back to the ground and looked up at Chu Nan, who flew back more than ten meters above the ground.

When Chu Nan was close to the ground, he raised his right leg, bent his right knee, and pressed his knee heavily on Chu Nan's waist.

"pu ——"

Chu Nan spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground like a rag.

The audience was stunned.

Just now they were still rejoicing at the fact that Chu Nan punched Maluk so much that he vomited blood. How could the situation change in a blink of an eye? As soon as Maluk shot, Chu Nan was unable to fight back. , was beaten so miserably?


"Ai, this Maluk really has the strength of a third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, and even he can be called a third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. It's extremely good."

In the live broadcast room, Rengar sighed and looked helpless.

"Once such an opponent is serious, Chu Nan will be crushed in all directions. There is really no way."

"But just now Chu Nan clearly punched him. Spitting up blood..." the host next to him said eagerly.

"That's just his carelessness. But now he's clearly starting to get serious, Chu Nan has no chance. If I were Chu Nan, the best option at this time is to surrender."

When Rengar asked Chu Nan to surrender voluntarily, the host was still a little unconvinced.

But now he glanced at the situation on the field, but couldn't say anything.

Chu Nan was beaten by Maluk several times and couldn't get up, how could he win?


Chu Nan was lying motionless on the ground, desperately trying to get up, but felt severe pain all over his body, almost every bone was caused by Maluk just now. The terrifying attack was disconnected, leaving him unable to exert any strength at all.

After struggling for two times, Chu Nan gave up the attempt, concentrated on the Inner Breath left in his body, tried to control these Inner Breaths to maintain a high-frequency vibration state, and slowly moved forward in the meridian .

The two attacks by Maluk just now were mixed with the terrifying Inner Breath, which severely injured the meridian in his body, so that the Inner Breath is extremely reluctant to operate now, and the recovery is naturally extremely slow.

And Maluk obviously doesn't plan to give Chu Nan time to recover slowly. Chu Nan just mobilized Inner Breath, he leg raised again, kicking Chu Nan who was lying on the ground again. , Lingkong turned over, and after falling, it became lying on his back.

"Hey, boy, Young Master, I'm too lazy to play with you any longer. I'll give you one last chance, will you surrender?"

Chu Nan opened his eyes and looked at With an impatient look on his face, Maluk didn't understand why he had to let himself surrender.

If he just wants to win, he can just throw himself off the court.

Anyway, with Chu Nan's current situation, there is no way to resist.

Seeing that Chu Nan didn't answer, Maluk coldly snorted, raised his right foot, and slammed down, just stepping on Chu Nan's left calf.

"ka-cha ——"

Chu Nan's left calf twisted into a weird angle, and was directly stepped on by this foot!

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