"Node 107, 1.876831 kHz."

Chu Nan silently memorized this data, and controlled the thread that had just flowed through the Upper Section Scripture vein in his left arm. A high-frequency vibration Inner Breath continued to flow forward.

When he came to the next meridian damaged place, Chu Nan deliberately lowered the frequency of this Inner Breath vibration slightly, and then he found that the meridian parietal cells were subjected to high-frequency vibration Inner Breath. The activity after stimulation became slightly stronger, with an increase of about 1.37%.

This is of course a very slight increase, but a big one for Chu Nan.

What he's doing now is to continuously experiment to determine what frequency of Inner Breath vibration is more effective for repairing meridian damage.

Just like in high-frequency pulse convection resonance, different frequencies have different therapeutic effects, and the vibration frequency of Inner Breath is different, and the repair effect on meridian is also different.

More precisely, even the frequency required varies according to the specifics of each injury.

What kind of frequency is needed and how high the intensity of Inner Breath is, Chu Nan himself needs to carry out repeated tests.

He marked every meridian damage in his body as a node. After a full night of experiments, he finally confirmed that there were as many as 189 major damage nodes in his body that needed special repair.

If it were a person, the damage to such a terrifying meridian would have killed him long ago.

But Chu Nan's precise control calculation of the Inner Breath before hitting that punch allowed these meridian's major damages to be extremely severe, but still barely able to maintain his base bloodline running, not at all. As for death on the spot.

It's just that it's very troublesome to fix it now.

This terrifying meridian is traumatized, Chu Nan believes that even with such advanced medical technology, it is impossible to treat it perfectly.

That's why he has been in this hospital for so long without being completely cured.

But relying on his own Inner Breath, Chu Nan has the confidence to complete this extremely difficult treatment that requires exceptionally fine control.

With super data ability, Chu Nan can know every place in the body like the back of the hand.

No matter how high-precision the hospital's instruments are, it is impossible to thoroughly investigate the specific conditions of every meridian damage in his body, but he can.

And he can also control the Inner Breath for more precise and high-precision stimulation corresponding to cell activity treatment, which is currently not accomplished by any medical means.

Of course, this process is very complicated.

It may take a long time just to find out all the detailed data.

Chu Nan is not in a hurry, anyway, before he hit that punch, he had already calculated such a dilemma and was mentally prepared.

Inner Breath continued to flow in the damaged meridian, Chu Nan silently felt the changes caused by the flow of Inner Breath through every damaged meridian node, and took all these data into his mind.

Over and over, over and over again.

During this time, he heard someone enter the room, but didn't pay attention at all.

Because the man seemed to just observe his situation after entering the room, he backed out.

Judging from his movements, it might be a nurse who came to conduct a routine check on him.

Chu Nan concentrates on the meridian restoration work, ignoring the changes happening on the outside.

He didn't know how long it was like this when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, I just said the doctors are liars. They also said that Chu Nan's body is showing signs of improvement based on the test results. Bah! That's what they said last time I came here."

"Dong Fang?" Chu Nan is not surprised that Dong Fang is here.

After all, Dong Fang is his good friend. If he was lying in the hospital, it would be strange that he didn't come to visit.

But Chu Nan was surprised by the next sound.

"The doctor is impossible talking nonsense. Chu Nan has been lying down for so long, why should he be better? Look, his face is obviously much better than the last time I saw him, You can see healthy blood. I think it won't take long for him to get better."

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Chu Nan thought about it for a while, and then recalled it.

This voice was clearly Yang Qianrui, the federal information reporter who had interviewed him before during the game.

Why is she here? And with Dong Fang?

Chu Nan opened his eyes in surprise, just in time to meet the piercing gazes from Dong Fang and Yang Qianrui at the same time.

Six eyes looked at each other, and after a while, Dong Fang wa'ed screamed strangely, with a burst of ecstasy on his face, and his fat face even became distorted, took a step and rushed to Chu Nan, watching He got up and wanted to stretch out his arms to hug Chu Nan, but he reached halfway and stopped forcibly, staring at Chu Nan with wide eyes.

"Damn it! Damn it! Chu Nan, you brat woke up! Wake up! My God! You really woke up!"

Yang Qianrui beside him His face was full of shock, he covered his mouth, his eyes were round, and there was a deep inconceivable in his eyes.

Seeing the reactions of the two of them, Chu Nan is somewhat of an unfathomable mystery.

"Hey, is it weird that I woke up? You two have such a big reaction?"

"Nonsense! Do you know? You brat has been in a coma for a month! The doctor almost I'm going to give you a death sentence!"

Yang Qianrui desperately said: "Yeah, Chu Nan. Everyone thinks you can't wake up because... because your injury is too terrifying... "

"Isn't that exaggerated?" Chu Nan was very puzzled, and immediately noticed a problem. "Wait! Dong Fang, you said I've been in a coma for a month? So what time is it? How's the game?"

"The game?" Take a look.

"This..." Yang Qianrui hesitated and replied. "Chu Nan, the game... is over long ago. Although you defeated Maluk and entered the final. But because you have been in a coma, you can't participate. After the organizing committee postponed the final for a whole week, you still failed to participate. woke up, and was forced to announce that another finalist, Martial Artist, won the championship without a fight."

"Is that so..."

Chu Nan stayed for a while , couldn't help but bitterly laughed.

In order to defeat Maluk, I almost gave my life, but in the end I got this result.

But he doesn't regret it.

Before hitting that punch, he had calculated all the consequences, and now such results are also expected.

Although this fist made him unable to even participate in the finals, but if he did not hit this fist, he would have impossible to defeat Maluk, and he would not even qualify for the finals.

As for the serious injury caused, Chu Nan didn't care much.

Such injuries are terrifying, but not incurable.

even more how, when trying to deal with the injured meridian just now, Chu Nan found that as expected, the meridian was getting stronger little by little during the process of being repaired by Inner Breath after being damaged. up.

That is to say, if he successfully repairs all the injuries this time, Meridian's toughness will be improved a little more than before the injury.

Chu Nan doesn't know why this happened, but it's an extrapolation from his previous experience when he forced his breakthrough Inner Breath three turns.

Now it has proven effective, making him even less regretful about the choices he made at the time.

Besides, aside from all other factors, just being able to punch the annoying guy Pemaluk and avenge him for cutting off his own arm and leg is already very worthwhile.

In comparison, Chu Nan is more concerned about another issue.

He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at Dong Fang with a questioning expression.

Dong Fang slightly startled, then a trace of anger appeared on his face, and he gently shook the head.

Seeing his reaction, Chu Nan's heart sank immediately.

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