“Chu Nan, are you really leaving?”

Penn, the vice president of the Western Cloud Academy Martial Artist branch, looked at Chu Nan with regret.

"Even if you want to apply for Nebula Academy, you can stay here. At least there is a teacher here to give you detailed guidance, which will also be very helpful for you to apply for Nebula Academy. Where do you go when you leave here? Find such a good environment to improve yourself."

"Vice President, many thanks for your kindness." Chu Nan smiled slightly. "I've made it very clear in the report I submitted to the Academy, and I've made other arrangements to stay at Western Cloud Academy... uh... bluntly speaking, it's just a waste of time."

Associate Dean Payne bitterly laughed.

"Well, I have to admit. The level of our Western Cloud Academy is too different from that of Nebula Academy, I'm afraid it really can't meet your requirements. At least...there is no possibility of helping you break through the Eternal Universe. . But even the Nebula Academy, I'm afraid there is no possibility in this regard."

"But I always have to try. If it is true as the two Star Level Martial Artists said, I am If you can't break through Zhouyutianguan in your life, you can't even become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, so it's better to give up the road of Martial Artist early, and become an ordinary person obediently and honestly."

Vice Payne The dean fell silent, and after a while, got up and patted Chu Nan on the shoulder.

"Promise me, don't give up easily. Even though both Star Level Martial Artists have made their judgments, Chu Nan, your innate talent is far beyond the average Martial Artist, just keep at it," said Miracles may be created."

Chu Nan gave Vice President Payne a very bright smile.

“Of course I won’t give up easily. I even look forward to the day when I can stand in front of the two Star Level Martial Artists again and prove them wrong!”

Pe Deputy Dean En was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily.

"Okay! Ambitious! I look forward to that day."

After that, he reached out and pressed the mark belonging to the Martial Artist branch on the leave of absence approval on the table , on behalf of Chu Nan's "Certificate of Suspension" officially takes effect.

Chu Nan took the suspension certificate with a smile, and suddenly approached Vice President Payne with a mysterious face, and whispered, "Actually, there is another very important reason why I don't want to stay. , do you know?"

"Oh? What's the reason?" Vice President Payne was very curious.

"The reason...is that the tuition is too expensive..."

Abandoning these words, Chu Nan turned and left without hesitation.

Deputy Dean Payne was stunned again, looking at Chu Nan who was leaving, his expression became didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

What kind of excuse is this?

The tuition fee of Western Cloud Academy is indeed not cheap. The tuition fee for an ordinary 2nd year student like Chu Nan is as high as 40,000 federal dollars a year, which is not easily affordable.

But with the current attitude of the Academy towards Chu Nan, if he is really unwilling to stay because of this reason, as long as he speaks out, the Academy will definitely waive his tuition fees directly, and may even give him Special grant.

Chu Nan is such a good sign, the Academy is absolutely willing to pay any price to keep him.

However, Chu Nan's will to leave is too firm. The Academy has made many attempts to retain him. Even Institute Head Feng Tianlin personally persuaded Chu Nan to change his mind. In the end, he agreed. Put him out of school.

"Actually it's fine..." Associate Dean Payne sighed. "This Academy really can't help you achieve your goals. I hope you can experience miracles in other places."


After leaving the dean's office, Chu Nan Instead of returning to the dormitory to pack up and leave, he came to a corner, opened his personal terminal, and sent a communication message to a contact.

"I'm ready, come pick me up."

Twenty minutes later, a private hover shuttle stopped at the North Gate of Western Cloud Academy and picked up here After waiting for a while, Chu Nan galloped towards the center of Xiyun City.

Half an hour later, the shuttle flew into the most prosperous street in the center of Xiyun City, and then flew directly into one of the most eye-catching buildings.

The shuttle stopped in the wide space below the building. As soon as Chu Nan got off the bus, a group of people gathered around.

It was Yu Tingfeng who took the lead.

"Chu Nan, welcome to the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham." Yu Tingfeng was full of smiles, and his attitude was even more enthusiastic when he saw Chu Nan last time.

Chu Nan nodded at him, looked around curiously, and asked, "What should I do?"

"We have made all the arrangements, you just need to talk to him. I'll just take a few tests." Yu Tingfeng smiled, made an inviting gesture to Chu Nan, and then led the way forward.

The other people who came with him also followed, and everyone looked at Chu Nan with curiosity.

As members of the Chamber of Commerce staff stationed on Western Cloud Star, they certainly knew about the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition three months ago, and they were very interested in Chu Nan in this competition. I heard something about Chu Nan's performance in this game, and he was praised by countless people.

But they couldn't figure it out. No matter how good Chu Nan performed, he was just a low-level young Martial Artist. How could he allow his immediate boss to treat him with such serious courtesy?

If Chamber of Commerce sees Chu Nan's innate talent and thinks that he is very hopeful to become a very powerful Martial Artist in the future, it is understandable that they want to build a good relationship from now on .

But Chu Nan was clearly judged by the two Star Level Martial Artists at the same time that he could not even become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist in the future. It is incomprehensible that Yu Tingfeng still treats him so solemnly.

They didn't know, but Yu Tingfeng was even more puzzled than them about this.

As the Chief-In-Charge of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum on the Western Cloud Star, with the detached status of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, Yu Tingfeng is on the entire Western Cloud Star But there is no doubt about the great character.

The only other great characters at the level of the Chairman of the Western Cloud Star Federal Federation Joint Conference are the only ones who can make him solemnly treat him.

And Chu Nan's identity is just an ordinary student of Western Cloud Academy.

However, being such an ordinary student unexpectedly attracted the special attention of Lord Lubbers, and even raised the level of attention to Chu Nan.

Usually speaking, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce inspection team, Mr. Lubbers, personally ordered to raise the level of attention, all of which are major events that can affect an entire country.

This time, he only targets an ordinary student like Chu Nan, which is really surprising.

The only explanation that Yu Tingfeng can think of is that only Chu Nan this time can be said to have directly affected the passage and implementation of the Earth Federation's "Basic Martial Skill Promotion Act", which is indeed worth paying attention to.

However, this matter is very important to the Earth Federation, and to the Norantham Chamber of Commerce, it is nothing more than a policy implemented by a small country outside Orion's spiral arm. Not to mention any surprises.

"So why should Mr. Lubbers pay special attention to this Chu Nan?"

With this question, Yu Tingfeng and a group of members of the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum The staff of Western Cloud Star grandiosely walked into the data testing center on the ground floor of the building.

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