cycle exited the battle room with a sullen face.

In the game just now, he was assigned by the system to a fourth rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist with a First Rank higher than himself. As a result, even though he tried his best, he still failed unexpectedly.

Originally, as long as he wins this one, he can win 23 games in a row, and he is one step closer to the goal of 30 consecutive victories.

But now that this game is lost, the next thing I have to do is start from scratch.

Thinking of the difficulty of his previous 22-game winning streak, he couldn't help crying.

Damn! This damn system, simply didn't plan to let people get 30 consecutive victories!

As long as you have more than one winning streak, the system will match you with opponents who are significantly stronger than the previous one, making it extremely difficult or even impossible for you to continue your winning streak.

Under this kind of matching mechanism, how is it possible to win 30 consecutive victories, or even 100 consecutive victories?

Of course, under the perverted mechanism, it is not without exception.

As known by cycle, "Martial Spirit" Tyrant Body Grade has one of the most eye-catching special players on the battlefield.

This player's name is also special, actually called "Virgin001 1".

With such a ridiculous ID, this player started to fight from the First Stage, and has been winning streak, not only with no difficulty, but also a 30-game winning streak. He even liked all the way. a hot knife through butter, and a hundred-match winning streak in just a few days! Get the "100-game winning streak" achievement that no one has ever achieved before!

Getting this achievement instantly made Virgin001 1 get the attention of all players in the battlefield of Tyrant Body Grade, because before that, some players in "Martial Spirit" could get 30 consecutive victories, but 100 consecutive victories. Victory, but only this one!

The subsequent performance of Virgin001 1 was even more astonishing.

After winning 100 games in a row, according to the system matching mechanism, the opponents he matches next will only get stronger and stronger.

However, Virgin001 1 went on a winning streak, as if no one could stop his winning streak.

In the end, in less than a week, Virgin001 1 had a terrifying 278-game winning streak!

Everyone feels that the strength of this Virgin001 1 has already surpassed the Tyrant Body Grade, and has reached the strength of the Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

Many people even suspect that the system is simply wrong.

Virgin001 1 was clearly an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, but was judged by the system to be a Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, causing him to slaughter all sides in the Tyrant Body Grade on the battlefield, unstoppable.

However, in the face of public doubts from many players, the official "Martial Spirit" did not give any explanation.

No one can question the Chamber of Commerce, so everyone can only think that this Virgin001 1 is really just a Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist.

The reason why he is invincible in the Tyrant Body Grade than the martial stage is entirely because his strength surpasses all the Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artists.

And for this reason, low-end Tyrant Body Grade players have more worship and speculation about Virgin001 1.

Everyone is a Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, why is this Virgin001 1 so strong?

Could it be that he has acquired some very special and powerful martial arts inheritance, which makes him so powerful in Tyrant Body Grade?

Or is he simply a dísciple carefully cultivated by a certain Star Level Martial Artist, so he far surpasses his peers?

However, all speculation about Virgin001 1 came to an abrupt end after a week.

After a terrifying 278-game winning streak, Virgin001 1 was never in the game again.

Today, more than three months have passed.

His appearance, like a dazzling meteor, instantly attracted everyone's attention, but instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Overwhelming majority believe that this Virgin001 1 is obviously just a taste of "Martial Spirit".

He lost interest in Martial Spirit after discovering that the matchups in Martial Spirit hadn't challenged him.

cycle Cheng also thinks so, otherwise, with the level of "Martial Spirit" so realistic, and the opportunity to play against Martial Artists of the same level so easily, no Martial Artist would refuse.

"Ai, if only I could be as strong as him. Not to mention 100-game winning streak, as long as I can get 30-game winning streak, I can brag about it in school and make those who underestimate it. My dick has since shut up."

While fantasizing about it, the system hint cycle had already matched an opponent.

"Damn it, since the 22-game winning streak has ended, this time I will definitely be a rubbish opponent. I don't think I will teach him a good lesson!"

cycle After being coldly snorted, he chose to agree to the battle, then saw a flash and entered the battle room.

But as soon as he raised his head and looked towards the opponent on the opposite side, he immediately widened his eyes and completely froze.

On the face of the opponent who couldn't see his face clearly, his ID was displayed impressively.

Virgin001 1


Chu Nan kicked the dazed opponent in front of him and watched him disappear into a white light , somewhat unsatisfactorily hooked the head.

The opponent matched by the system was so weak that he didn't even have the feeling of warming up. It was a waste of time.

But that's a no-brainer.

Even if his Nine Revolutions Core Technique has already broken through to the 4th Layer, the intensity of the Inner Breath will increase much faster than before in the future cultivation Nine Revolutions Core Technique, but after all, he has just broken through and there is not enough time. Let him cultivate, so the intensity of Inner Breath still failed to get advanced by leaps and bounds, but it was stronger than before.

Generally speaking, it is probably between the third rank and the fourth rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist.

Of course, with the formidable power of his Nine Revolutions Core Technique 4th Layer, and the meridian he has become several times stronger now, under extreme conditions, the Inner Breath he can exert is stronger than before. much higher.

Now, if he were to face the Second Rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist head-on, even if he didn't rely on special tactical strategies, he could be evenly matched.

Even if he were to face Maluk again, Chu Nan still had enough confidence to compete head-on with him, not like before, once Maluk got serious, he would have no power to fight back at all.

However, in the final analysis, the strength he can really exert far exceeds his apparent strength, so he will still be determined as third rank Tyrant Body after being scanned by the data access terminal of "Martial Spirit" Grade Martial Artist, then matching to a third rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist is also as it should be by rights.

"It's not fun at all."

Chu Nan thought about it and quit the game.

The staff next to them immediately gathered around, and one of them asked: "Chu Nan, do you have any requirements?"

"You are the Chamber of Commerce Right?" Chu Nan asked.

The staff was stunned and nodded: "Yeah, this is the Chamber of Commerce branch of Noortham originally."

"Then..."Martial Spirit" is your Nooryan branch. It was developed by the Chamber of Commerce, you should know it very well?" Chu Nan asked again.

The staff understands that it seems that Chu Nan encountered some problems in "Martial Spirit".

"Well...strictly speaking, other departments within the Chamber of Commerce are responsible for "Martial Spirit", and have little to do with us..." Seeing Chu Nan frowned, the staff quickly changed their tune. "But if you have any needs, you can put it up, maybe we can think of a way."

"Oh, that's good. The opponent I've matched now is too weak, is there any way to improve it? Difficulty?" Chu Nan pointed to the "Martial Spirit" data access terminal behind him.

The staff blinked, a little dumbfounded.

What other players complain the most is that they always encounter opponents that are much stronger than themselves. The guy in front of him is now complaining that the opponents he encounters are too weak!

Is this guy... a masochist?

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