It's not enough to be shocked, but Chu Nan was still a little surprised when he reached the door of the VIP room.

"Are you sure... I can really get in here?" He glanced at the luxurious facilities in the VIP room, which were obviously far superior to ordinary waiting rooms, and couldn't help turning his head to ask the waitress beside him. .

After stopping the black clothed person who was suspected of being a thief just now, it took him some time to find the waiting room where he was about to take the space flight line.

But didn't expect that the receptionist who was in charge of verifying the identity complexion changed as soon as he showed his identity certificate, and even invited him to the side to wait for a while.

Just when he was a little flustered, wondering if there was something wrong, a beautiful waitress appeared and led him directly to this VIP room.

Chu Nan has heard that every space station has this kind of VIP room that is different from the ordinary waiting hall, but this kind of place is clearly prepared for the real VIPs who are powerful and powerful. Yes, what kind of VIP is he?

To save some money, he bought the cheapest spaceship ticket.

"Yes, sir." The waitress still kept her perfect smile, and nodded gestured to Chu Nan.

"Okay, then can I ask why?" Chu Nan slightly frowned.

Before he figured out what was going on, letting him rush into the VIP room felt a little unreliable.

The waitress turned her beautiful eyes and glanced up and down at Chu Nan, as if she understood why this young man, who was dressed in very ordinary clothes and didn't look like a powerful person, would have such doubts.

"Dear Mr. Chu Nan, since you hold the star VIP Card of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, you are the most distinguished VIP of the Chamber of Commerce. Enjoying such a service is as it should be by rights, you don't have to be surprised."

"Is that so?" Chu Nan was suddenly surprised.

When he received the one-star VIP Card from Yu Tingfeng before, he was just referring to the various discounts Yu Tingfeng said. He never thought that even taking a civil aviation spaceship can now enjoy special VIP treatment. Really surprising.

On second thought, Chu Nan still felt something was wrong.

"But I don't remember that this spaceflight is under the name of the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham?"

"Sir, our company is Chamber of Commerce of Norantham. If you are one of the properties under your name, you are a star VIP directly under the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, then any property under the name of Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum can enjoy the most distinguished VIP treatment, and our company is no exception. ”

The waitress patiently explained Chu Nan while looking at Chu Nan curiously but calmly.

On the surface, this distinguished guest is estimated to be less than 20 years old, and his clothes and temperament reveal that he should be from an ordinary family.

Such a person should have any connection with the star VIP Card impossible, which is extremely difficult to obtain, and even the top politicians of the Earth Federation do not even have a few cards.

But during the authentication, it was obvious that he did have this identity.

Although it is only a one-star VIP Card, for the Federal Merrill Lynch Aerospace Corporation, which is responsible for operating this space flight, it is already the highest VIP, and of course they want to treat Chu Nan highest.

"so that's how it is." After hearing the explanation from the waitress, Chu Nan reached out and touched his pocket.

The one-star VIP Card that Yu Tingfeng gave him was carefully kept in his pocket, and he didn't take it out just now, but it was recognized by the other party.

It can be seen that this physical card is just like what Yu Tingfeng said. It is completely his personal interest. In fact, it doesn't matter. His personal identification is bound together, and there is no need to foolishly take out a card every time.

"Okay, thank you for your explanation, you can go and do it, I'll do it myself." After solving the doubts in his heart, Chu Nan relaxed and said with a smile to the waitress.

"Okay. If you have any questions, we are always at your service." The waitress gave a salute to Chu Nan and backed off.

Chu Nan finally calmed down. Through the door of the VIP room, he glanced inside and found that there were not many people inside, so he walked in cautiously.

After looking at the indoor environment for a while, Chu Nan settled on a place that was some distance away from everyone else.

Just as he was about to walk over to sit down, a person who was sitting in the room suddenly got up and walked towards Chu Nan.

Coming to Chu Nan, the man spoke directly.

"Excuse me, are you...are you Chu Nan?"

Chu Nan was stunned.

Before leaving Western Cloud Star with Dong Fang, Dong Fang made a joke to Chu Nan, saying that Chu Nan is now a federal celebrity, and if he travels with him, it will definitely attract others onlookers.

In order to avoid this situation, the two also discussed some countermeasures. Even before departure, Dong Fang specially prepared a camouflage plan for Chu Nan to cover the whole face, but Chu Nan was caught by Chu Nan. Nan refused, citing the heat.

However, when the two really set off, they found that this worry was completely unfounded.

From the time the Western Cloud Star boarded the spaceship, until the spaceship reached the Vika Goddess galaxy, not a single person recognized Chu Nan along the way, let alone caused a sensation and onlookers.

Now that I think about it, this is actually normal.

Although Chu Nan was a big hit in the previous Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition and got a lot of attention, the people who follow Chu Nan are only those who are interested in martial arts. The Earth Federation's huge population of more than 20 billion is only a minority, and it is nothing at all.

In addition, after Chu Nan lay in the hospital for more than three months, and Chu Nan did not attract attention, he deliberately did not let Yang Qianrui report the news of his awakening, which was equivalent to the public. He disappeared in front of him for more than three months.

Such a long time is enough for most people to forget him, and it is normal that he is not recognized.

But now, someone ran up to Chu Nan and opened his mouth to say his name...

Chu Nan looked at him in surprise.

This person is also very young in appearance, not much older than Chu Nan, probably in his early 20s.

He has a slightly square face, with a high nose bridge, deep eyes, tough and clear facial lines, and with blond hair, he is a typical young handsome guy of European and American descent. will leave a lasting impression.

But apparently, Chu Nan didn't know him.

“Who are you?” Chu Nan asked back with a frown.

Hearing Chu Nan's rhetorical question, Dunleavy smiled slightly, confirming that he did not recognize the wrong person.

He pointed to the seat next to him and turned sideways to make an inviting gesture.

"Can I chat with you?"

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