The light and dark flickered several times before finally returning to a steady light.

However, this light is slightly different from the light brought by ordinary constant starlight illumination. The warmth contained in the light and the constant light intensity show that the light is obviously from an artificial light source.

Perceiving this light, Nkosidu let out a long sigh.

It's finally back!

All the way, he reminded him, cautiously, that he was always worried that another Giant Insect and a monster similar to Giant Insect would suddenly appear to attack him, and he didn't dare to stop at all. At full speed, the journey back from the Thirteenth Layer was much faster than when he followed Chu Nan and Angelique into the endless abyss, and it took less than half a day to return to the surface of the endless abyss of the First Layer.

Different from the top-to-bottom transmission location, the exit of the First Layer, which came back from the depths of the endless abyss, is set up at the exit which is not huge, but appears to be very formal and orderly. Get all kinds of adventurers, and even more fully armed Declan Empire soldiers to-and-fro everywhere.

As soon as Nkosidu appeared, he was stopped by two soldiers.

"Immediately go to quarantine, hurry up!"

The tone of the two soldiers was cold and very bad, full of condescension, but Nkosidu had no disgust in his heart. And discomfort, just obediently nodded, and automatically lined up behind a group of people waiting for quarantine.

The so-called quarantine is specially done by the Declan Empire military for their adventurers who came back from the endless abyss. A ruthless attack by the Empire's military.

Almost no one understands why Declan Empire does this, but this is a rigid rule of Declan Empire, but no one dares to disobey it - those who don't comply have now become the outer universe of the endless abyss in the dust.

In the past, Nko Siduo also hated to accept this forced powerhouse quarantine, but now he has just experienced a life and death escape, and being forced to participate in this quarantine makes him feel at ease.

The procession was not slow, and it wasn't long before Nkosiduo's turn came.

Although he has not been to the Endless Abyss for a long time, Nko Siduo is very familiar with the routine here. Don't forget to say something.

"Don't smoke too much, I'm dizzy."

The soldier ignored him at all, picked up a needle-like thing in his hand and stabbed him in the arm.

According to the rules, the person in charge of quarantine should draw a little of his blood for a test, as if to test something with the test results.

Declan Empire's official secrecy is very strict in this regard, so Nkosidu doesn't know what to do.

"Wait." As the needle tip was about to pierce Nkosiduo, a voice suddenly rang out.

The soldiers stopped, and Nkosiduo and a few people in line behind him looked towards the direction of the voice in amazement, and found that the man who made the voice actually had an obvious Declan Empire officer logo on his chest, and he looked at it. The level is really not low.

The officer looked Nkosiduo up and down, and skipped the rows of information on the virtual screen on the personal terminal on his wrist. He looked at it and asked Nkosiduo: "From Judging by the transmission points you've passed before, you've been coming back non-stop from the Transmission Gate on the Thirteenth Layer, E37?"

Nkosidol frowned.

He is not surprised that the other party is able to grasp his whereabouts, because the Declan Empire military has set up signal trackers at every teleportation point in the area that the endless abyss has explored so far. Nothing to hide.

He wondered why the other party would care about this.

"Yes, I just got back from there." Nkosidu admitted frankly.

"Why keep coming back all the way? Did something happen there?" the officer asked again, in a serious tone.

Enkosidu frowned.

Of course there is no problem with cooperating with the quarantine, but if the other party asks like this, it will violate his personal privacy too much.

But he thought about it for a while, knowing that resisting in this situation would not be beneficial at all, it would only make him suffer immediate losses, so he paused and replied: "I met a particularly powerful monster in Thirteenth Layer, I finally managed to escape, and of course I don't want to stay in this ghost place again."

"What is the monster?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen this. The monster."

"Describe it." The officer still pressed on.

Enko Siduo secretly sighed, knowing that it might not be so easy to get away today, and on second thought, the three Giant Insects I encountered today are indeed a bit weird, so it would be a little bit weird to report them like this. It can be regarded as a reminder to other adventurers, and it is a good thing, so I no longer resist and explain it in detail.

Listening to Nko Siduo's description, the other adventurers lining up behind him didn't pay much attention, but the officer's face became more and more serious.

After listening, the officer motioned to Nkosiduo to wait a moment, then went to the side to open the personal terminal, it seemed that he was going to have a long-distance communication with someone.

After a while, he came over and said to Nkosiduo with a stern face: "Come with us and tell us in detail what happened to you."

En Cosiduo knew very well that he couldn't get away, so he could only follow the officer obediently, board a small spaceship behind the camp, and in a short while he flew away from the asteroid belt where the endless abyss was and entered the vast space.

After another half-an-hour voyage, the small spaceship docked next to a huge space base.

Nkosidu was even more surprised.

Declan Empire has set up a huge space military base near the endless abyss. It's no secret, but very few people can enter this base in person, and even close to him, he has no special background. People don't even have to think about it.

Unexpectedly, he is here for an unfathomable mystery.

After entering the base, Nko Siduo followed a silent officer for a while in a small hover-lock car, and finally stopped in front of a building that looked obviously much larger in the base. Down.

After entering the building, soldiers wearing the emblems of high-ranking officers of the Declan Empire military come and go, which is enough to show that this must be the most important place in the base.

Enkosidu couldn't help but feel nervous.

He is just a person who is particularly interested in the theoretical study of martial skill. He can only be regarded as a mediocre ordinary person in terms of strength and background. Why is he deliberately called to such an important place?

Is it just because of the few big insects he met at the Thirteenth Layer in the E37 area?

After turning a few passages, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a large hall appeared in front of him.

The hall was crowded and bustling, but Nkosidu immediately set his sights on a platform at the back of the hall.

Not only because this platform is obviously higher than other places, but also because of the two people standing on the platform.

He doesn't know the young man on the left, but the middle-aged man on the right has a calm and dignified face with a natural and noble temperament, but he is known to everyone in Declan Empire. dawn.

Because of him, he is Prince Lycas!

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