"Oh, that's great, I didn't think there was a place with such a good environment!" As soon as she stepped out of the Transmission Gate, Angelique immediately let out a cheer. "Oh my God! Chu Nan, did you see it? There's still water over there! I suspect it's a lake at all! It looks like we can take a good bath!"

Looking at the excited An Qi Beili, Chu Nan shook the head.

"Don't be too happy, according to our experience in the past few days, there must be a very powerful rare beast in it. I'm afraid it's not that easy for you to take a bath happily."

"No problem! If there is a rare beast, kill it! The guy who dares to disturb my bath, even if it is a god, I will kill you!"

Angelberry waved her fist, Deputy full of energy.

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

In fact, let alone Angelique, he also feels sticky and uncomfortable right now, and he really wants to take a shower immediately to refresh himself.

After saying goodbye to Nkosidu, the two continued to explore the depths of the endless abyss.

There is no specific difference between day and night in the endless abyss, but in Chu Nan lightbrain's brain, it can be clearly calculated that this is their eighth day into the endless abyss, and now the two have dived into the endless abyss Nineteenth Layer .

On the way from the Thirteenth Layer to the 19th-layer, the two encountered all kinds of rare beasts without any surprise, and the battles continued, although they did not bring any substantial threat to them. , but the blood, bodily fluids, or other messy things when fighting monsters, or even just the sweat that sticks to the body, is very uncomfortable.

So Chu Nan understands Angelababy's excitement after seeing the water, because he is actually very excited too.

It would be the highest enjoyment to be able to have a good bath now.

"Okay, don't rush to kill God, let me see where we are now." Go, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal, dug out the material about the endless abyss that Nko Siduo had left him before, went to the Nineteenth Layer, and found that the place passing through the Transmission Gate was still in the E37 area, but it was not there. Continuously deep forward to somewhere else.

Seeing this, Chu Nan had a question in his heart.

They went all the way down from the Thirteenth Layer to the 19th-layer, and passed through so many Transmission Gates in the middle. It stands to reason that so many areas have been transferred, but why are they always divided into the so-called E37 area?

What is this partition based on?

"Hey, Angelique, let's try to find another transmission door when we go to the next floor?" Chu Nan suggested to Angelique.

"Okay." Angelique agreed without the slightest hesitation. "Anyway, didn't you say it before, the information given by Nkosiduo is getting more and more imperfect, and sooner or later we will have to explore on our own. Rather than being forced to take risks in the future, it is better to take the initiative to try now."

The "Chu Nan" engraved the data. He lowered his head and continued to study the data. After a while, he said happily: "I have good news for you. According to the information, the water we saw should indeed be a small lake. The lake water in the lake can not only be used for bathing, it is even non-toxic and can be drunk directly."

"Oh, very good, then what are we waiting for, let's go!"

Getting an affirmative answer from Chu Nan, Angelique got even more excited, stepped down a little, her body rose up, and she flew over a full 100 meters in the air before falling.

Chu Nan hurried to keep up, and also jumped over 100 meters.

Although they still can't fly, but after the two have adapted to the special space energy environment in the endless abyss, even if they can't use space energy at will like in normal cosmic space, they have mastered some borrowing. So even if you can't fly, you can easily jump more than 100 meters away like this.

Chu Nan is very confident that as long as he is given enough time to analyze the space energy environment in the endless abyss, he will be able to mobilize space energy at will sooner or later.

The two jumped 100 meters, and it didn't take long for them to jump several kilometers. When they walked out of the Transmission Gate, they could only see a little rippling lake. Now they can see a piece of water. The light, embedded in this jade green prairie from a distance, reflects the bright radiance of the star overhead like a crystal.

Angie Belle in front suddenly stopped with a sudden brake, showing a vigilant look.

Chu Nan at the back didn't need to think about it at all. The tacit understanding they had cultivated over a long period of time made him react immediately. In front of Qi Beili, she smashed down with a punch, which just happened to form a perfect angle with Angel's punch, completely covering the space in front of Angel Beili.


A black shadow that came out of nowhere was blocked by the fists of the two, making an unpleasant harsh sound of chirp chirp twitter twitter, and swelled suddenly It got bigger, and suddenly it exploded.

Chu Nan and Angel Beili felt a strong anti-shock force at the same time, and the two of them were shocked together. Angel Beili took a step back, and Chu Nan was shocked. The body flew up into the air.

And after the black shadow exploded, it suddenly turned into countless black shadows that were not as big as palms, whiz whiz whiz looked towards all directions and rushed out.

It looked like it was about to flee and leave, but in the blink of an eye, it reunited after leaving and became the same as before.

At the moment when it was condensed and formed, Chu Nan and Angelique Belli could see clearly at the same time that it was not a whole monster, but densely packed more than 20 much smaller monsters. , The monster that looks a bit like a bat is formed by a combination of ingenious connection methods.

Now they are re-condensed and formed, the faint aura that was originally on each little monster instantly expanded more than a hundred times, but the flash of the wings drove the space energy in the surrounding space to surge wildly, unexpectedly with No difficulty, the surrounding space has been mobilized for its own use.

"Catch it alive!" Chu Nan, who was still in the air, moved in his heart and suddenly yellowed.


Angelbely complied, originally planned to take a picture back, relying on the completely crushed palm force to arrange these little monsters together into a meat sauce, listen now At the shout of Chu Nan, the white radiance in the palm of the hand suddenly burst open, but it is not to suddenly strengthen the Inner Breath and increase the palm force, but to spread the Inner Breath, turn it into silky strips, and meet the monster. It completely enveloped them like a cage.

When the monsters met the light, they seemed to have detached from the general body, and their breath suddenly disappeared. The original aggressive appearance immediately softened. land.

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