Chu Nan looked down and was immediately embarrassed.

He heard Angel's exclamation just now, and jumped out of the lake immediately, but he didn't have time to put on his clothes, and now he was standing naked in Carola. before.

Fortunately, he has enough experience in this area. Although he is embarrassed, he can still maintain his composure. He quickly put on his clothes and signaled to Carolla again: "Miss Carolla, let's go. Let's go hide in the lake together."

Seeing Chu Nan getting dressed, Carola then looked back and glanced at the dark shadow in the sky that was getting closer and closer in the distance , gently nod.


Seeing Carolla agree, Chu Nan hurriedly motioned to Angelique nodded. The three looked at each other and jumped in unison.


Not long after the three fell into the lake, the black cloud in the sky had already reached the top of the head, and the ground shook violently. , a large piece of ominous beast thunder that almost covered the entire land rushed over.

You don't need to test yourself, just by looking at the fierce looks of these wild beasts, you can be sure that none of them are good.

Not to mention that the space energy surging around these guys is enough to prove that they are all powerful ominous beasts capable of manipulating space energy.

The three of Chu Nan just glanced at each other, and then they all sank to the bottom of the water in a very tacit understanding, not daring to show their faces again.

The lake water is clear. Through the lake water, they can see a large group of birds in the sky passing by at high speed, and the three of them feel at ease.

But they didn't rush to the surface immediately. Chu Nan gestured to Angelique and Carolla from the bottom of the water, signaling them to continue to wait patiently.

With the strong fleshy bodies of all three who have been tempered, naturally they can stay underwater for as long as they want.

After waiting for another twenty minutes, the three of them resurfaced after hearing that there was no major movement around.

"Hoo...we're really lucky, so we can just meet a large group...ah..."

Angie Belle just came to the surface and let out a sigh of relief, Before he could finish his sentence, the voice stopped abruptly.

Chu Nan looked around and was also stunned.

Just now they came to the surface when they heard that there was no movement around the bottom of the water. They thought that the large group of ominous beasts should have left, but didn't expect to come up and see that the shore of the small lake was crowded with There are all kinds of ominous beasts, most of them are lying on the shore and drinking the lake water. The three of Chu Nan suddenly appeared like this, just face to face with a group of ominous beasts.

The trio and the ominous beasts looked at each other in blank dismay, all looking confused.

The three of Chu Nan didn't expect After so long, the ominous beasts didn't leave, but left so much here to drink water and rest, the ominous beasts obviously didn't expect from the lake There will suddenly be three guys who are obviously not of the same kind.

But for less than two seconds, the ominous beasts on the lake shore immediately roared as if they had discovered some novel prey, and many ominous beasts roared in unison. They simply jumped directly into the lake, and the three of Chu Nan, who swayed and looked towards the heart of the lake, rushed over.

"Damn, are these guys hungry for three days and three nights without food?"

Chu Nan cursed, his body was shocked, and he jumped up from the lake. Flying straight to the nearest ominous beast, the Inner Breath exploded, and the simple ordinary punch smashed the ominous beast head.

Angelberry and Carolla were not slow to react at all. They jumped up and attacked the ominous beast rushing over.

As soon as the trio comes into contact with the ominous beasts to fight, they immediately show a distinctly different fighting style.

Chu Nan and Carolla have similar styles. They both take precise and precise routes. They will never waste any extra effort. They always use the simplest, direct and fastest way. Killing the ominous beast, while Angel Belli is a big move, it's not subtle at all, but the formidable power is huge, and the speed of killing the ominous beast is also the fastest.

The most important reason for Angel's fighting style is of course the cultivation technique of the flame of life that she is best at.

With the support of this special cultivation technique, Angelababy and Ben are not afraid of any injuries. In order to kill the ominous beast as quickly as possible, she often fights to get injured a little bit herself. A price move.

In addition to her cultivation technique, which fits her personality and is straight, the process of killing ominous beast looks extremely simple and rude, but it is the most effective.

In this way, she kills ominous beasts much faster than Chu Nan and Carola.

But correspondingly, the price she paid was even greater. It didn't take long for her to be injured everywhere on her body. From time to time, a few drops of blood fell into the lake, leaving scarlet marks behind her.

Chu Nan, while fighting with the murderer, also pays attention to Carolla's movements.

Although Carola played against him just now, it gave him a certain understanding of Carola's fighting style, but it is obviously not enough to only fight once. Now watch Carola and the ominous beasts fighting , you can learn more about her.

Under such careful observation, it is found that Carola's style is indeed very similar to his, both of which are the pursuit of extreme precision and precision, and must kill the ominous beast with the least cost.

But after observing for a while, you will find that there are still some differences between her and Chu Nan.

For example, Chu Nan can still find the most accurate and efficient attack route even under the siege of many ominous beasts, and choose the most correct attack method, but Carola obviously can't do it. .

In Chu Nan's view, she often has better choices, but she is obviously not perfect, so she often wastes more time.

From this point of view, it is obvious that she does not have the powerful data ability brought by Chu Nan's brain, which is equivalent to a lightbrain. Naturally, she cannot make the most accurate judgment on the situation at any time. Mistakes still occur occasionally.

But even if there is a mistake, she can always react immediately and make a correct response quickly.

After observation, Chu Nan also discovered a very important feature of her, that is, her rapid progress.

As long as you made a mistake in the previous battle, you won't make it again the next time you meet her, and each time you deal with it better than the last, getting closer and closer to perfection.

Chu Nan couldn't help clicking one's tongue in wonder in the heart.

Carola's performance is like a lightbrain that was originally blank, rapidly gaining experience and growing rapidly through constant battles.

Chu Nan even believes that if she is given enough time, sooner or later she will be as completely accurate and precise as herself.

Meanwhile, Chu Nan also notices that Carolla has been watching Angelique in between the fights, and appears to be clearly imitating Angelique on several occasions. the battle method.

But she obviously has a special cultivation technique such as the flame of life. After learning Angelbelie's battle method a few times and suffering a loss, she quickly corrected her actions and started Get back to your own rhythm.

However, she was still watching Angelababy constantly, as if she wanted to seize all the time to learn from Angelababy.

Chu Nan felt more and more strange in his heart.

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