"I can now confirm that these ominous beasts are all man-made." Angelbelie's face had a rare serious expression. "If I guessed correctly, they should all have been implanted with special genetic information and deliberately placed in this area."

"That is the same as the little one we encountered before. monster?" Chu Nan asked immediately.

Angie Belle slightly frowned, thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"There's too little information, I'm not sure if it's the same thing. But there are human factors, that's for sure, because their biological cell responses and genetic information have obvious inconsistencies, Stimulation through the cultivation technique of the flame of life is easy to find."

Angelbely handed the swollen flesh on her hand to Chu Nan, then the palm of her hand trembled, and Inner Breath penetrated, The meatball exploded automatically.

"Look, the cells and tissues in this place are obviously abnormal. The cellulose content is too low, resulting in too sparse meat quality. In fact, they can't bear the cellular organization power required by their huge bodies. Even if we Without killing them, their lifespan will not last too long. Judging from the ominous beasts I just checked, the longest one should only live for three Earth years at most. Judging by the biological standards of the same level, wild beasts of the same level can live for at least twenty years. Even more how they are still more powerful ominous beasts. It is reasonable to say that the lifespan is more than 2.7 times the minimum wild beast of the same level. ."

Chu Nan's knowledge of biological genes is naturally impossible comparable to Angelique Venerable's proud dísciple, so of course he completely trusts Angelique's judgment.

But this raises serious questions.

"In that case, the little monsters we encountered before are not special cases, but can be called universal in the endless abyss? So since it is man-made, who did it? Could it be? Is it Declan Empire?"

"I don't know." Angelique also shook her head in confusion. "Declan Empire is indeed the biggest suspect, but I don't think they need it?"

"Then who knows." Chu Nan shrugged. "Look, they also deliberately set this place as the second stage of the hunting party. Maybe they want us to play against these specially cultivated ominous beasts, except to test us contestants. , and help them test the strength of these ominous beasts."

Speaking of the contestants, Chu Nan thought of Carolla beside him, and found that she was just looking at herself and Angelique curiously. He was patiently listening to the conversation between the two, but he remained silent all the time, without any intention of interrupting.

Chu Nan increasingly thinks that this girl is really weird. I used to think that Angelique's character was weird enough. This Carolla is even weirder than Angelique.

"That... Carolla, did you have many murderers in the endless abyss before?" Chu Nan asked after thinking for a while.

Carola hesitated for a moment, then replied: "From the time I entered the endless abyss, until now, I have fought a total of 138 murderers and killed 94 of them."

Chu Nan was somewhat surprised by Carola's answer.

First of all, she was surprised that she answered obediently and honestly, and secondly, she was surprised that she answered so accurately and in detail.

Generally speaking, except for Chu Nan, a guy with a strong brain like lightbrain, he will be so busy to write down these big data, and no one will remember them all.

Associating Carola's battle method, Chu Nan felt that she was really different from ordinary people.

"So while fighting these ominous beasts, did you feel any ominous beasts were wrong?"

Carola blinked.

"What exactly do you mean by saying something is wrong?"

"Uh...specifically, it means that the strength or battle strength of this ominous beast is different from the general ominous beast. Also, like those ominous beasts we just encountered, they obviously can mobilize the surrounding space energy, but they never really use the space energy to attack us, otherwise we would not kill them so easily. They It feels like...they've never used space energy before, so they didn't expect it. Do you feel that way?"

"Um...I don't I really understand what it means to feel, but judging from the previous fights, it does have the kind of feeling you mentioned. However, I have very little experience with other murderers before, and the data is not enough to make me Give an accurate judgment." Carola replied.

Hearing the word "data" coming out of Carolla's mouth, Chu Nan was even more sure that this girl is really like a machine...

Chu Nan again After thinking about it for a while, she motioned for Angelique and Carolla to wait a moment, then jumped a few times, but returned to the small lake.

The ominous beasts by the lake saw Chu Nan leaving and returning, and they all grinned at Chu Nan, showing their hostility.

Chu Nan laughed, looked left and right, and looked at the three ominous beasts that were different in size and shape, and the Inner Breath burst out and swept over in an instant, forcibly grabbed those three Before the ominous beast could react, he stunned them all, then held one in each hand, then put the smallest one under his arm, quickly pulled away and jumped away, and after a while, he opened up the distance again, and returned to Angelababy and Angelababy. Beside Carola.

Chu Nan's series of actions went up and down, so that the other ominous beasts by the lake did not react at all, so that even the ominous beasts did not chase after them.

"You... what are you trying to do?" Carola asked curiously when Chu Nan threw the three ominous beasts he stunned to the ground.

“Do an experiment and collect some information by the way.” Chu Nan laughed and winked at Angelique. Angelique and him were in the same mind and instantly understood, and took over from Chu Nan. He passed a medium-sized ominous beast and carried it aside.

Chu Nan threw the smallest ominous beast to Carolla.

"Do me a favor and take a look at it."

After saying that, Chu Nan didn't care whether Carolla answered or not, and came with the largest ominous beast left. Go to the other side, and then run the cultivation technique of the flame of life, inject it into the body of this ominous beast, and quickly wake it up.

Ominous beast attacked Chu Nan unceremoniously as soon as he woke up.

This time Chu Nan didn't rush to stun or kill it, but to deal with it, slap a palm on the ominous beast from time to time, and it didn't contain much force, but just injected a little Inner Breath go in.

After fighting for a while, the ominous beast seems to have let go of sex, the roar is louder, the force is stronger, and more importantly, its inner Qi breath is more intense, and naked eyes are visible, the space energy around it begins Affected, it circulates wildly around it, and even... has begun to gradually condense and form.

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