
Not one, but numerous roars sounded simultaneously from all directions.

The powerful sonic shock swarmed with countless black shadows and extremely terrifying space energy shocks, it felt like heaven falls and earth rends.

The three of them didn't even think about it, they immediately flew up, avoiding the attacks coming from all around.

Wait until they rise to mid-air, and then have time to look down all around.

The three of them startled immediately.

Around the Transmission Gate, all directions are densely packed with all kinds of beasts, blocking all directions.

Looking further into the distance, there is no end in sight.

Rough calculation, at least more than tens of thousands.

And not only on the ground, but also everywhere in the sky.

Seeing the three people flying into the sky, a large number of alien beasts flying in the sky surrounded them. Before they approached, they had already driven a large area of space energy to surge, and beams of different colors shot towards the three of them. .

"Damn it, did I make a mistake!"

Chu Nan couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. Chipley and Carolla loudly shouted: "Let's charge ahead together!"

Seeing that the number of alien beasts around was so terrifying, Angelique and Carolla naturally knew that they were no match, so they immediately followed. Behind Chu Nan, he flew quickly away from the Transmission Gate.

On the way, I encountered many flying beasts in the sky attacking, Chu Nan did not bother at all, and he had to deal with the injuries as quickly as possible.

However, there are too many alien beasts. Even if the three of them are not weak, the speed of breaking through is not very fast.

It didn't fly far, the three of them suddenly felt the pressure on their bodies loosened, and just when they thought they had been surrounded by protruding beasts, a silhouette with bright and deep purple light all over its body suddenly flew up from the ground, not yet. When you get close, you can already feel the terrifying space energy fluctuations it brings.

Chu Nan heart shivered with cold, I immediately judged that this body does not look very big, and the appearance is somewhat similar to a wolf. If it is placed outside the endless abyss, its strength can definitely be considered. It is the most powerful type of ominous beast in A-Rank, and it may even reach the level of S-Rank. Now in the special environment of Endless Abyss, its strength can only be more terrifying.

"I'll go up first, you can go up after you see the opportunity." Chu Nan explained, and flew straight towards the alien beast.

"Let's go together..." Carolla just wanted to make a move, but was dragged away by Angelique.

"Just listen to him, we don't have to worry." Angelique said.

Carolla startled: "But he's just alone, aren't you afraid that he's in danger?"

"Relax, I believe in his ability." Angelica face Shang's expression was not anxious at all, but full of trust in Chu Nan. "Besides, the two of us are not skilled at flying now, how can we help him when we go up?"

Carola's expression froze.

Indeed, although she and Angelique have mastered the cultivation technique taught to them by Chu Nan, they can finally fly in the endless abyss, and they can also try to mobilize some space energy for their own use. , but the wheel proficiency is far less than that of Chu Nan, and fighting in the air like this, of course, won't make much difference.

Comparatively speaking, Angelique is stronger than her.

"So that's what we're watching?"

"Of course not. Chu Nan will definitely show that guy a weak spot, come, get ready, and launch with me anytime Attack."

Seeing Angelina concentrating on her luck, and the energy of the whole body condensing towards her, Carola also calmed down and took the time to continue to familiarize herself with the cultivation technique she just learned. Try to fuse some space energy in, ready to launch the most powerful blow.

Over there, Chu Nan is already standing with the alien beast.

The strength of this alien beast is really good. Every move can easily stir the extra sticky and rich space energy in this space, and it is almost perfectly integrated into his attack, making his attack It always appears that formidable power is great.

Fortunately, after 15 Earth days, Chu Nan improved the cultivation technique more than 100,000 times. Not only did he finally complete a cultivation technique that was perfect for this special environment, but he also re-condensed a group that could A nebula that perfectly mobilizes the space energy in this special space.

Although the formidable power exerted is still outside the endless abyss, it is not that far away.

Now facing this powerful alien beast, Chu Nan was awkward at first because of his lack of experience, but he quickly became proficient, and it didn't take long for him to fight back and forth.

Nearly ten minutes after the fight, Chu Nan's body suddenly burst into bright white radiance, and he punched his right fist.

The black air seemed to have the power to devour everything, and as soon as it swept over the body of the alien beast, it forcibly dug out a piece from its side.

The alien beast roared in pain, a brighter purple light burst out from its body, and its entire body suddenly grew larger, as if it had entered a state of rage because of the injury.

Chu Nan tangled with it cautiously while avoiding it, occasionally going up to fight it, but every time the light on his palm was slightly different.

Actually, he is taking this opportunity to practice various cultivation techniques.

Although he is now more proficient in controlling the energy of the surrounding space, he still needs to try more if he wants to use the familiar cultivation techniques equally well.

The space energy environment in the endless abyss is different from the outside world. Of course, the same cultivation technique is different.

Chu Nan can take advantage of the opportunity to fight this powerful alien beast.

Chu Nan is constantly proficient in cultivation techniques here, but the alien beasts over there are gradually unable to support him.

High-level ominous beasts are generally not weak in intelligence, and even most of the ominous beasts in S-Rank have the same intelligence as humans, and this exotic beast is no exception.

Aware that even if he entered a state of rage, Chu Nan could not be solved, he quickly made another decision.

After avoiding Chu Nan with one claw, it did not pursue, but turned around and flew backwards, while making a series of dull and frequent roars.

The other beasts around were originally just watching it and Chu Nan dueling, but when they heard the roar, they immediately dispatched and attacked Chu Nan together.

"Hey, if you can't fight one-on-one, you can call your brother for help, right?" Chu Nan sneered. "When I don't have a brother? Oh no... well, I really don't have a brother."

Chu Nan scratched his head and called to Angelique and Carolla, who were also watching the battle in the distance one sound.

The two, who had been waiting a little anxiously for a long time, launched it instantly, accumulating space energy for a long time, and attacking the alien beast-headed wolf with the moves they had planned in their hearts.

The wolf had been consumed by Chu Nan to bits and pieces before, but now it was suddenly attacked by Angel Belle and Carolla, and immediately suffered heavy damage. In addition, Chu Nan strengthened the attack at the same time, and it still hasn't survived. When those "brothers" arrived to help, they had already been hit by Chu Nan's three violent attacks several times in a row, and finally Chu Nan kicked him in the head, his entire head exploded, and he died instantly.

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