Prince Montico was the last to learn the flying cultivation technique from Chu Nan. He mastered it very quickly. After several attempts, he completely mastered the technique of this cultivation technique. , flew very skillfully in the air.

After he fell, a group of Imperial Princesses acted quickly according to the plan they had made earlier.

If the Imperial Princesses of the Declan Empire that Chu Nan met at the 1st Stage hunting party left him a very bad impression, he felt that apart from the occasional few such as Romanty If the Imperial Princess and the other princes other than Prince Montico are actually useless, then the group of Imperial Princesses in front of him has greatly changed his outlook.

Not only did they not panic when they were besieged by so many alien beasts before, but they also obeyed Prince Montico's arrangement in an orderly manner to resist the attacks of the alien beasts in turns and in batches. For a few days, it can be seen that each of them is excellent in terms of strength and willpower.

And just now when Chu Nan taught them the cultivation technique of how to fly, each of them understood it very quickly, not the kind that worried Chu Nan because one or two people just couldn't learn it. The situation of delaying too much time shows that the innate talent of each of them is also quite good.

Now that the plan is certain, the Imperial Princesses show extremely high mobility and collaboration skills. Although they have only just learned to fly in this special space, they can form a group as soon as they move. A fairly complete formation, echoing each other, quickly flew out of the alien herd under the leadership of Prince Montico.

Seeing that this group of humans, who had been surrounded by them for so many days, but had not been killed, dared to take the initiative to fly out, the surrounding alien beasts suddenly became noisy, and the dozen or so giant alien beasts on the ground were The attack was launched at a higher frequency than before, and the huge bright silver light was densely packed into the sky, as if countless bright moons suddenly appeared in the sky.

But now because everyone has learned to fly, these bright silver lights are not fast enough to fly, and their shortcomings are exposed, and the Imperial Princesses who have just learned to fly don't have much effort. Avoid these light clusters.

Although there are quite a few alien beasts that can fly in the sky, there is no particularly powerful existence among these flying alien beasts. A tool for venting the Imperial Princesses.

Although they can't control the space energy at will like Chu Nan, but with their own strength, just relying on fleshy body and Inner Breath is enough to exert a powerful formidable power.

The injuries on a group of people have long since recovered under Chu Nan's smooth treatment, and now they are all full of energy, and they are naturally crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to deal with these strange beasts.

It didn't take long for a group of people to break out of the beast's encirclement.

After stopping and looking back at the vast alien beasts behind him, a prince couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "It really feels much better to be able to fly, how come I didn't have this feeling before. What?"

"Nonsense, if you didn't come to this ghost place, you wouldn't be able to fly before you broke through the Eternal Sky Pass, right?" Another prince cursed with a smile.

The other imperial princesses roared and laughed. They had been besieged by alien beasts for so many days, and now they finally broke through, of course they were in a relaxed mood.

The expression on Prince Montico's face also became much more relaxed. Before, he was worried that Professor Chu Nan's flying cultivation technique was not perfect, and maybe something went wrong in the middle, but in fact they were It was a bit unexpected to break out so smoothly.

He turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan who was beside him, but found that there was not much joy on his face, instead he was staring in the direction of the large group of alien beasts, his brows were furrowed, and his face was worried.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Prince Montico asked curiously.

Chu Nan glanced at him, lightly sighed: "I'm wondering what's going on with Pamela now. From what we've observed on the way down, the beast swarm has swept almost everywhere, you He also said that Pamela left alone, and I am very worried about whether she will encounter any unexpected events.”

In order to help this group of imperial princesses break through, Chu Nan forcibly suppressed himself from thinking too much. , Now that everyone broke through, and it was confirmed that Angel Beili and the others were still safe, Chu Nan heart relaxed, so they naturally thought of Pamela.

Prince Montico had a look on his face, and a haze hung on his face, then shook his head and said, "Don't be so pessimistic. Pamela is not a little child who doesn't understand anything. Being able to revive the glory of the family and having experienced many trials of life and death, she may be stronger than me in terms of adaptability and survivability in this environment. Moreover, she is by no means a reckless person, I think if I encounter Dangerous, she should know how to avoid it."

Speaking of this, Prince Montico put his hand on Chu Nan's shoulder, leaned closer, and whispered: "To tell you the truth, the Imperial Family has In the second stage, some experts were actually sent to back them up, and the Great Clans in the Imperial Family and other families in the empire that supported them also secretly sent some people in. I don't know the specifics, but I'm sure, staring at There are definitely a lot of my people, and they..."

Prince Montico pointed to the other Imperial Princesses who were chatting and laughing easily because of the success of the breakout.

"I believe they have their own backing, but they may not know it. So don't look at us as dangerous, but we are not really that dangerous."

Chu Nan He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Declan Empire's protection of these Imperial Princesses, which he experienced firsthand at the 1st Stage Garden Hunting Party.

Of course, he snort disdainfully about this situation, and the Declan Empire Imperial Family said it nicely, saying that all the imperial princesses of the empire would also experience the most brutal competition, and even experience life and death personally, But in fact, such proper arrangements and protection have been made behind it.

It was a real life-or-death test for the other contestants, but for their noble princes and Imperial Princesses, it was no different than taking part in a game.

If it wasn't for the 1st Stage, that guy Grurick did a lot of things, I'm afraid none of Declan Empire's Imperial Princesses would really die at the end. Lose.

And now, Prince Montico came to tell Chu Nan that there were other solid backers behind the Imperial Princesses who entered the second stage, which really left Chu Nan speechless.

No way, after all, these noble Imperial Princesses are really not the same as ordinary contestants like Chu Nan.

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