Chu Nan remembered a game he played when he was very young.

That's an extremely old RPG game that was popular on Earth centuries ago.

Chu Nan thought of this game because in this ancient game, the protagonist of the game is at first a person, and then after going through constant events, companions gradually appear around him.

The number of companions gradually increased, some walked and some came, and finally completed the final adventure with three companions, ending the whole game.

When Chu Nan came to participate in the hunting party, he originally came alone. After the 1st stage, Angel Belle was the best companion.

In order to enter the endless abyss, he invited Nkosidu to join the team, and then Nkosidu left the team, but they unexpectedly added Carola as a teammate.

The tendency to add teammates then got out of hand.

Not only did Hathor, who rejected Chu Nan before, bring Canaan's Imperial Princess, a new teammate, to join the team, but also added two teammates, Prince Montico and Romandi Imperial Princess. .

"But this number is not right..." Chu Nan muttered softly.

"What's wrong?" Angelique, who was flying next to Chu Nan, asked curiously.

"The traditional setting of the adventure team should be four or five people. Do you see how many people we have now?"

Angie Belle glanced around.

", seven people, um...that's a bit more."

"No, you missed one." Chu Nan raised his head. Thumbs behind.

Angie Belle glanced back, frowned.

"Why does this guy have to follow me?"

Prince Kandel, who was behind the crowd, saw Chu Nan and Angelique turn their heads and looked towards him at the same time, forcibly squeezed. He gave a smile that was uglier than crying, and at the same time raised his hand to say hello to the two of them.

When Romandy Imperial Princess joined the team, this Prince Kandel didn't know what to think, but he had to follow everyone with a shameless face.

Chu Nan rejected him sternly, but he followed behind like this, but it was not easy to drive him away directly, so he had to go.

Chu Nan gave him an insincere smile and turned around.

"Ignore him, whatever he does should give Montico and Romanti a headache, it's none of our business."

"But he follows us after all. Once we are in danger, we don't care, Montico and Romante have to take care of it, it's none of our business." Angelique disagreed with this.

Chu Nan patted his forehead, helplessly sighed.

If it weren't for the presence of Prince Montico, Imperial Princess Romandi and Imperial Princess Kasyapa, he would not have been so scruples, even if he used violence, he would have driven Prince Kandel away.

With such a guy who is unfamiliar with him and completely impossible and trusted by his side, Chu Nan is not happy to say anything.

But for now...that's all.

Of course, Prince Kandel is also qualified to participate in the second stage hunting party after all, and being able to successfully pass the 1st stage proves that he is not weak.

Facts have also proved this. He followed behind like this, and when everyone encountered strange beasts, he also worked hard, and it was not much worse.

From this point of view, the fact that he followed behind also made the team stronger, which is not a bad thing.

After coming down from the 31 layers, every time you go deeper, the alien beasts that everyone encounters become stronger.

Now their entire group has broken through a full 8-Layer under the leadership of Prince Montico and reached the 39th-layer.

In the next level, according to the rules of the Garden Hunting Club, the three ordinary contestants Chu Nan, Carolla and Hathor will have extra points bonus, which will be of great benefit to them. .

And every time they go deeper, everyone will find that there are more types of alien beasts and stronger strengths. It seems that they are gradually approaching the core of this beast tide.

Prince Montico, who was flying at the front, suddenly stopped.

The people behind one after another stopped and looked at him strangely.

"Everyone..." Prince Montico swept his gaze across the crowd, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face. "I discussed with Romandy for a while just now and confirmed the fact that we...were lost."

"Huh?" Everyone, including the Imperial Princess Kasyapa, looked at him in astonishment.

“Get lost? What do you mean?” Chu Nan asked.

"It literally means." Prince Montico shrugged. "We can't find the entrance to the next level."

"Yes, there is no 39th-layer on my map, nor does Montico. I don't think you have either. , so we are really lost now." Romandi Imperial Princess's face did not show any embarrassment, as if it should be by rights.

Chu Nan and Angelique, Carolla, and Hathor certainly have no opinion, they are all first time to the Abyss, and of course there is no detailed information here.

Although Chu Nan obtained some data from Nke Siduo and Mafaan respectively, these data are all before the third 10th layer and are no longer useful.

"What should we do now?" Prince Kandel, who was catching up at this time, asked cautiously. "Should we continue to explore further down?"

"Of course." Romandy Imperial Princess nodded succinctly. "If you don't want to, go back the same way."

Prince Kandel shrank his neck and didn't answer.

Chu Nan glanced at him puzzled, thinking that this guy looks so timid, how dare he follow him all the way like this

"Tell me, what do you two think? "Chu Nan is not afraid of Imperial Princess Romandi like Prince Kandel, and asked the two directly: "Since the two of you have discussed, there should be an answer?"

"Well, we have a Preliminary plan." Prince Montico nodded said. "From the previous observation of the beast tide of each layer, we found that the places where the strange beasts of each layer appeared are near the Transmission Gate leading to the next layer, so I guess these strange beasts are likely to come from the deeper endless It rushed out of the abyss and moved continuously to the upper layer.”

“So if we follow the direction in which the beast came out, we should be able to find the Transmission Gate leading to the next layer.” Romandy Imperial Princess took over. "But in this way, we have to face those alien beasts all the way to kill them, and it will be very hard, so if you feel that you can't persist, or those who are unwilling to take risks, you can stop now."

Everyone. They looked at each other, their eyes focused on Prince Kandel.

Feeling the strange eyes of everyone, Prince Kandel was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted angrily as if he had been greatly humiliated.

"Look at what I'm doing! As the Declan Empire Imperial Family, there is no reason to run away from battle! Do you think so?"

Prince Montico III was asked by him. The expression on the person's face was subtle, and the Imperial Princess was coldly snorted directly with disdain: "I hope you will remember this sentence."

Then she raised her voice and said to everyone: "Since no one wants to stop , then we'll start chasing in the direction the alien beast came from, about how to track the alien beast, I..."

"I'll come." Hathor said suddenly.

"Are you coming?" Romandy Imperial Princess gave Hathor a surprised look, then looked thoughtful nodded. "That's right, you guys look like wild beasts, you should be more familiar with their habits than me..."

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