Fourteen hours later, the O-773Z space flight line successfully arrived at the space station of the Akua galaxy in the synchronous orbit of the outer ring of Aucma.

Dun Levy walked out of the box, turned his head and glanced, just in time to see Chu Nan walking out of the box diagonally opposite.

Then he was startled.

"Hey, Chu Nan, what are you doing this way? Why are you so pale?"

face pale, even Chu Nan, who is as pale as a dead man, raised his head hand, and greeted Dunleavy.

"It's nothing, it's just nothing to do, just cultivated the Inner Breath cultivation technique."

"The result of the cultivation of the Inner Breath cultivation technique is this way? You...what are you practicing? ?" Dunleavy was even more puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just did an experiment. Don't worry, I'm fine, it's a normal phenomenon of excessive blood loss, and it won't kill anyone."

Dun Levy watched speechlessly. he.

What is normal for excessive blood loss?

Is this normal?

Chu Nan never came out of the box along the way. Dunleavy thought he was sleeping obediently and honestly, but he didn't expect that he was still practicing the cultivation Inner Breath cultivation technique during the trip. Gotta get hurt.

This guy...isn't a normal person.

The two got off the spaceship together, and Dunleavy waved goodbye to Chu Nan.

"Aucma and Ziyun are not far apart, I welcome you to visit Aucma at any time."

Deng Liwei sincerely invited Chu Nan and exchanged with Chu Nan After using the private communication method, he turned around and left.

Seeing his back disappearing into the crowd, Chu Nan grinned.

The two are just strangers coming together by chance. Under normal circumstances, it should be unlikely that he will have any intersection with this pampered young master who seems to be from a big family.

But I thought that if I entered the Nebula Academy, I would really become classmates with his younger sister. Maybe when the time comes it is possible to get in touch again because of this.

While thinking about the Nebula Academy, Chu Nan's personal terminal sent a notification of a communication request.

Looking down, Chu Nan immediately laughed and chose to connect.

"Hey, Chu Nan, count the time, you brat should have arrived at Aucma by now?" Dong Fang's fat face appeared on the virtual screen.

Although we only separated from him for more than ten hours, now seeing him again, Chu Nan actually gave birth to a trace of nostalgia.

In the end, no matter how advanced the technology is now, the two are now hundreds of light-years apart, and the space distance is astonishingly far.

"Well, I just got off the spaceship, and I'm about to make a special trip home to the spaceship. What? You're already home?" Chu Nan asked back with a smile.

"No. I was stopped on the way, and my family asked me to report to the company first, saying that they wanted to immediately arrange a position for me, so that I would not run away as soon as I got home. ."

Chu Nan couldn't help laughed heartily.

"Your family is really interesting. But they really know you. With your brat's virtue, maybe after returning home, if you disagree with each other, you will really run away."

"Hey, you look down on me too much. Since I've decided to go home, it's impossible to run away. Come on, they're here, I won't talk to you for now, and I'll settle down when you get home. By the way, there is one more thing..."

Speaking of this, Dong Fang suddenly winked at Chu Nan with a strange look on his face.

"Luo Lan sent me a message just now, saying that you brat left Western Cloud Star without notifying her and Rose. Rose is still angry. Remember to take the time to apologize to them on "Martial Spirit" Ah."

"Ah? Didn't you tell them in "Martial Spirit", how did I..."

Before Chu Nan finished speaking, Dong Fang Communication has been turned off.

Chu Nan was speechless.

This Dong Fang clearly told him to say goodbye to Luo Lan and Rose for himself, but he actually forgot.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I still have to go back to "Martial Spirit"."

Chu Nan shrugged, decided to put this problem aside for now, and turned to the special trip Ziyunxing. Went to the waiting hall of the A-071Z space flight line.

Although Aucma is indeed very close to Ziyun, it is only a trifling 65 light-years away.

More importantly, because there is a direct connection between Ziyunxing and the Akua galaxy where Aucma is located, the A-071Z space flight line does not need to be like the one that Chu Nan took before. Like the two spaceflight lines, a long period of normal space flight must be carried out first before replacing the star gate for the super Space Jump.

Just five hours later, the A-071Z space flight line has already carried Chu Nan to the space station on the synchronous orbit of the outer ring of Ziyun star.

After walking out of the passenger exit, Chu Nan looked around, a little strange.

Before leaving Western Cloud Star, he communicated with his family, informing them of the time he was going home and the flight frequency.

At that time, his parents wanted to come and pick him up, but he refused, but younger sister Chu Xiaoxi unexpectedly showed a very positive attitude, claiming that Must went to the space station to welcome his return.

Looking at her positive appearance at the time, Chu Nan thought he would see her immediately when he walked out, but he didn't expect to look around like this and found no trace of her.

"This guy talks so positive, but he's actually so lazy."

Chu Nan reluctantly shook the head, stood near the passenger exit and waited for a while, However, Chu Xiaoxi still did not appear.

He had no choice but to open his personal terminal and chose Chu Xiaoxi for private communication.

But the communication request has been sent for a while, but no one has been connected.

Chu Nan couldn't help frowning. After thinking about it, he chose to send a communication request to father Chu Zhongping.

Soon, Chu Zhongping's face appeared on the virtual screen.

"Hey, Xiao Nan, from the look behind you, you should have arrived at the space station, right?"

"Well, I have already arrived. Dad, Xiao Xi didn't claim to be here to pick her up. Me? Why didn't I see anyone?"

Chu Zhongping looked surprised: "She went out early in the morning. This Little Lass, shouldn't she actually say to pick you up, herself Where did you sneak off to play?"

"It shouldn't be..." Chu Nan shook his head. "Look at her personal terminal, did you forget her home? I just sent her a communication and she didn't answer."

"How could the personal terminal be forgotten at home..." Chu Zhongping muttered and turned to Turn away.

After a while, he appeared in Chu Xiaoxi's room and searched everywhere.

"No, she should be carrying it. Usually no one will take this thing off, and she is more impossible. So many of her classmates and friends rely on this chat every day to play together."

Chu Nan thinks about it too, everyone's personal terminal is bound with their own identity verification, personal account and other related information, which is very important.

For a modern person, if you don't go out with a personal terminal, it can almost be said that it is impossible to move a single step, and how can it be forgotten at home.

"Okay, then, I'll send her another communication." Chu Nan explained, hung up the communication, and selected Chu Xiaoxi in the address book to send the communication request again.

But this time it is still not connected.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Chu Nan had no choice but to wait.

After waiting patiently for a while, Chu Xiaoxi still did not appear until all the passengers who took the same spaceflight flight with Chu Nan had disappeared.

Chu Nan couldn't help but feel a little worried.

What happened?

He thought for a while, then opened his personal terminal, intending to send another communication to Chu Xiaoxi.

At this moment, a communication prompt appeared in the personal communication.

Chu Nan took a closer look, and it was Chu Xiaoxi who sent it.

"hmph, this guy finally picked it up."

Chu Nan immediately chose to connect.

"Xiaoxi, where did you go to play? I didn't mean to come and pick you up..."

Chu Nan stopped abruptly in the middle of a sentence.

What was displayed on the virtual screen was not Chu Xiaoxi, but a brawny man dressed in black clothed with a black hood on his head, revealing only two eyes.

"Chu Nan, your younger sister is in our hands. If you want her to live, just obey us."

Chu Nan complexion sank, his right fist clenched sharply .

Xiaoxi, she was kidnapped!

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