"Let's go!"

Chu Nan couldn't go into details at all, so he immediately held one in each hand, holding Carolla in his left hand and Angelique in his right hand, At the same time, he kicked the Imperial Princess, who was a little further away, and the Inner Breath suddenly rose to the strongest, and flew backwards violently.


There was a loud bang in the direction of the Transmission Gate, and countless bright rays of light burst out, completely illuminating the entire dim sky, creating a colorful backdrop.

The incomparably powerful space energy fluctuations came over like a huge wave, and even if it was far away, the violent terrifying of space energy in that space could be clearly sensed.

Under such a shocking impact of space energy, Chu Nan didn't dare to stop at all. At this time, Carolla and Angelique, who were picked up by Chu Nan, reacted and activated Inner Breath at the same time. Fly backwards with Chu Nan.

The four quickly opened up the distance, and it didn't take long before they flew back to more than ten kilometers away from the Transmission Gate.

And the distance is so far away, I can still sense the crazy fluctuations of the amazing space energy coming from that direction, even the ground can feel the violent vibration, and the sky in the distance is even more rolling, I don't know if it is The various residues of what composition danced wildly in the air, looking from a distance, it was like the end of the world.

After confirming that the impact of the space energy has weakened to the point where it poses a threat to the four of his own, Chu Nan stopped.

After the four settled down, they looked at the direction of the Transmission Gate in the distance with lingering fears. Except for Carolla, there was a more or less frightened expression on their faces.

The vicinity of the Transmission Gate was originally a place where space energy condensed with high intensity, but it was restrained by an unknown force and did not burst out, and those alien beasts suddenly launched an attack, like throwing a guide into an explosives storehouse. Just like a fuse, the entire explosives storehouse was ignited immediately, triggering all the space energy suppressed in the Transmission Gate, and the resulting destructive power was of course extremely astonishing.

If Chu Nan hadn't reacted fast enough and acted decisively just now, let the four of them retreat immediately, and if they were directly impacted by such ultra-high-intensity space energy, even if they might not have their lives, they would certainly suffer. Great damage.

After attacking the Transmission Gate, the group of rare beasts in the sky actually gathered into a group and turned and flew away into the distance. It didn't take long for them to disappear without a trace, as if they had made a special trip to attack the Transmission Gate. the same.

"What are those guys doing?" Imperial Princess Romandi couldn't help but muttered, then suddenly turned her head and reprimanded Chu Nan: "Hey, Chu Nan, you just took Angelbe away. It's fine with Li, why did you take Carola away and kick me?"

Chu Nan startled, totally didn't expect Romandy Imperial Princess at this time, she still cares about this kind of thing problem.

"This... Carola has just learned to fly in the endless abyss and is not skilled enough, but you are a veteran here, don't you need my help?"

"hmph, then why are you kicking me, won't you remind me in other ways?"

"Please... I still have time to think about ways in that situation, it must be Let me remind you in the quickest way." Chu Nan rolled his eyes helplessly. "Besides, don't say that I didn't have time just now, and I can't spare my hands. Even if I can, I want to hug you, would you let me hug?"

Seeing Chu Nan stretched out his arms, Romandy Imperial Princess immediately took a step back and pinched her nose.

"You wash yourself first, I can think about it."

Chu Nan is startled again.

He was surprised not only that the Imperial Princess was still remembering the previous things, but also that Imperial Princess Imperial didn't seem to resist Chu Nan holding her...

Chu Nan shook his head and didn't have time to think too much. He rolled the eyes at the Imperial Princess and turned around and looked towards the Transmission Gate. He saw that the light of the explosion was gradually fading, and at the same time, he sensed the intense space energy in that space. After regaining stability, his heart suddenly moved, and his expression was strange and authentic: "You said... when those strange birds attacked the Transmission Gate just now, what would happen if Prince Montico and the others happened to pass through the Transmission Gate?"

Hearing the question, the other three startled in unison.

"Should... not be so unlucky, right?" Romandy Imperial Princess said uncertainly.

Because they wanted to reunite with the group of Captain Deverak, Prince Montico's group entered the Transmission Gate a little later than Chu Nan and the other four.

If the strange birds attacked the Transmission Gate just now, a group of them were passing through the Transmission Gate, and the terrifying appearance of the explosion from the Transmission Gate just now, even the most optimistic estimate, I am afraid that no one will survive. gotta come down.

"Go and have a look and you'll know." An Qibeili rolled her eyes, a little under her feet, her breasts shone with white radiance, and she rushed out.

Chu Nan looked at each other and quickly followed.

After the four of them waited for a while, the super-strong space energy condensed in the area of the Transmission Gate had basically exploded, and the space energy in the space was still not stable enough and fluctuated strongly. It doesn't pose much of a threat.

The four rushed back quickly, but when they arrived at the location of the Transmission Gate, they were all dumbfounded.

The original location of the Transmission Gate was in the middle of a hillside, in a cave-like space.

And now, not to mention the cave, the entire hillside has been completely leveled... oh no, it's not quite accurate to say leveling, to be precise, the hillside has simply turned into a giant god The pit is more than 30 meters deep at its deepest point and even more than 100 meters wide at its widest point.

The gravity of this planet is extremely high, and the geology of the planet itself is extremely tight. Being able to blow up such a big crater under such geological conditions is enough to prove the terrifying formidable power contained in the explosion just now.

And in this crater... empty and empty.

Transmission Gate or something, simply as if it never existed.

"The Transmission Gate won't disappear, will it?" Angelique was the first to jump into the pit after being stunned for a while.

She kept the Inner Breath running and fell down, but after searching in the pit for a long time, she couldn't find any special traces.

Chu Nan, Imperial Princess Romandi and Carolla also went down to search, but also failed to find any traces of Transmission Gate.

Even if the four of them fully open the sensor, they cannot sense any special energy fluctuations other than the chaotic space energy in the all around space.

Chu Nan was in a daze.

According to the previous experience of traversing the deeper depths of the endless abyss, they can go to the next floor through this Transmission Gate, or they can go back to the previous floor through this Transmission Gate, so his original plan was to arrive After the fourth 10th layer, if you get a special bonus point, you can hunt enough alien beasts in the fourth 10th layer until the end of the garden hunting party, and then go back through the Transmission Gate.

During this process, he doesn't need to take risks to explore further afield in the fourth 10th layer, because his priority goal is to better participate in the garden hunting party and get S-Rank martial skill rewards , so as long as you hunt and hunt the alien beasts near the Transmission Gate, you don't need to run that far.

But now, the Transmission Gate just disappeared!

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