At this time, it was too late to remind Angelique, Chu Nan didn't think about it at all, the Inner Breath burst out with all his strength, and his body instantly came behind Angelique, raised his hand and It's a slap shot.


A huge muffled sound spread in the channel, and the whole channel trembled slightly. Mixed with the echo, it became extremely muddy and shocking.

Chu Nan only felt an unusual terrifying force mixed with the turbulent spatial energy fluctuations, his body bounced out involuntarily, and slammed into the metal door in the new passage behind him.


There was a muffled sound behind the door, proving that there should be a huge space behind the door.

Although this attack on formidable power was unexpectedly powerful, and in order to protect Angel Beili, Chu Nan suffered a bit of a loss. Even his internal organs were strongly shaken, but he had experienced similar situations a lot, but he did not lose his panic in the slightest. He had basically recovered when taking a deep breath and the cultivation technique of the flame of life.

Over there, Angelique has already fought with the enemy who suddenly appeared, only to see Angelique, who is shrouded in white radiance, and a group of thin silhouettes filled with a deep purple atmosphere. Together, the speed is extremely fast, the movements are extremely agile, and they have fought each other for dozens of rounds in a moment.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~  …”

The muffled sound of firecrackers rang out in the passage one after another, not very long, Angel Beili suddenly had breasts on her body The white radiance skyrocketed, punched out, and the deep purple silhouette was hit hard. It flew out instantly and hit the wall of the passage, splashing a blood mist.

"Be careful, its blood is poisonous." Angelique shouted lightly, preventing Chu Nan from approaching, but she walked over.

The enemy was wrapped in a deep purple light when he was fighting with Angelique, and his figure looked a bit like a human being, and now Angelique slapped it against the wall , after falling to the ground, it can be seen that it is actually just a human-like shape, with the same slender limbs and a slender body, but with a slightly larger head.

But now because he slammed into the wall viciously, his entire body was turned into a puddle of rotten flesh by the huge impact, and there was no so-called difference between humanoid and humanoid.

Angelbely walked over, first carefully observed the rotten meat on the ground, then squatted down and squeezed a piece of meat with her hands, the white radiance of her palms came out, and she completely covered the rotten meat. Inside.

Chu Nan has seen this scene many times before, knowing that this is Angel Beili's use of a special cultivation technique in the flame of life cultivation technique to detect the biological genetic information in this piece of rotten meat reaction.

But this time was different from the previous times. The rotten flesh in Angelina's palm did not become rotten and rotten directly, but still maintained a certain feeling of flesh and blood.

Although it's not fresh, it's not the same thing as carrion.

Angie Belle's palm milk white radiance gradually subsided, proving that she has finished testing this piece of meat.

"This alien beast is not the same as the one we encountered before." Angelique stood up and pointed to the pool of flesh on the ground. "Its genetic information is more complete and continuous. Although some of its characteristics are almost the same as those I observed in those alien beasts, it obviously integrates the genetic information forcedly implanted better, so Only after death can it maintain a basically complete physical organization."

"It can be seen that it is obviously more purposeful in its activities, and it only attacks when you photograph the door, which proves that it is the most At least you can accept basic orders." Chu Nan looked around, still a little puzzled.

The battle between the monster and Angelique was not small just now, but until now, the passage is still quiet, no other creatures appear, and there is no special reaction, just like This underground base is like a dead place.

Chu Nan also walked to the door of the passage, looked up and down carefully, and his eyes fell on a certain position below the door.

This place looks like an electronic door lock, which is obviously equipped with a mechanical device, which obviously cannot be cracked by simple methods.

But this door is in the passage. If you want to enter the passage, it seems that you have to open this door.

Chu Nan gave it a try and decided to give up the idea of using an ultra-short space jump to get through the door.

After all, even if the space energy environment here is much better than the endless abyss outside, it still can't compare with the normal positive space universe outside the endless abyss. He can't guarantee that he can do it. There is such precise manipulation of the space energy here.

And since entering the endless abyss, Chu Nan hasn't tried Space Jump, so he can't guarantee what will happen.

More importantly, after Chu Nan's eyes fell on the door lock-like position for a few times, he suddenly found a very similar pattern from the depths of his brain's memory.

"Hey, Angelique, do you think the lock on this door... a little familiar?" Chu Nan asked Angelique.

"Familiar?" An Qibeili glanced at Chu Nan in amazement, and then her eyes fell on the door lock.

She knew very well that Chu Nan's memory was very amazing. Since he said it was familiar, it proved that he should have seen this pattern before, and if he asked about it, it might have something to do with him. .

But when and where did she and Chu Nan see this thing together?

"Reminder, Perseus Arm." Chu Nan said suddenly.

Angie Belle is startled again, her brain is spinning fast.

Although she doesn't have a lightbrain-like brain like Chu Nan, she can imprint all memories perfectly in her mind, but her talent is far better than ordinary people. It has reached a very strong point, and the memory is also much stronger than ordinary people.

After tilting her head and thinking for a while, an already vague scene emerged in her mind.

"Tag Life Science Trading Company!" Angel Beili shouted in surprise. "That's right, I've seen this special door lock in the research institute of Tag Life Science Trading Company!"

"Since both of us have no problem with memory, then it seems to be correct. ." Chu Nan's eyes fell on the door lock, the doubts in his eyes did not subside at all, but became more intense. "But the question is, how can there be the same door lock from Targer Life Science Trading Company in this place? I don't believe that their Chamber of Commerce can use such an important lock with other people."

"What do you mean Is this... this large area is actually set up by the Tag Life Science Trading Company?" Angel Belli looked even more surprised. "But how did the Chamber of Commerce come here and create such a huge underground base? Doesn't the Endless Abyss belong to the Declan Empire?"

"No, the Endless Abyss First Layer is in Declan It's true in Empire, but we can't be sure where it is after that."

Chu Nan shook his head, extending the hand on the door lock.

"Anyway, let's try it first. If I guess right, we don't need violence to open this door."

After saying that, Chu Nan dropped his palm, After pressing the door lock for a while, a crisp sound suddenly sounded from the door lock, and then, under Angel's surprised gaze, the locked door rose automatically and slowly.

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