(In the past three days, there are things running around, the update may be unstable, try to keep it.)


The inside of the passage was as quiet as it was outside. Chu Nan and Angel Beili walked along the passage for a while, and there was another intersection ahead.

Whether you look left or right from the intersection, you will find that there are doors lined up in the passages in these three directions, extending all the way to the left and right, and the densely packed place looks very neat.

In front of the passageway up ahead, there is a brilliant light, and a faint sound can be heard from it, as well as a low and inexplicable roar.

Chu Nan and Angelina looked at each other, and they didn't need to say anything, and they each rushed out of the passages on the left and right.

After a while, the two returned to the crossroads almost simultaneously.

“What did you see?” Chu Nan asked.

"There is a different type of rare beast in each door, and we have seen several of them outside." Angelique looked a little strange. "Of course, now they are all dead, they should be considered corpses or... specimens. What about you? What did you see?"

"Same as you." Chu Nan shrugged. "At least half of the rare beasts I've seen here are ones we've seen before, and one of them looks very similar to those strange birds. Of course, they're all dead guys."

"In this case, I can basically confirm that this place should be a biological experimental base." Angel Beili turned to look at the group, and let out a sigh. "Building such a large biological experimental base in this place costs a lot of manpower and material resources, but why is it abandoned? If it was really done by Taggar Life Science Trading Company, what did they want to do?"

Chu Nan frowned for a moment and shook his head gently.

"We can't guess this right now, let's go, let's go ahead and take a look first."


The two of them said to each other. The passage up ahead flew out, and after a while, it passed through this not long passage, and then found that the front was suddenly bright, and the exit of the passage turned out to be a very open and spacious space.

It is surprising to have such a large base in this basement, and there is such a huge space in this base that is more than ten meters high and more than 100 meters wide, which makes it even more amazing. People were surprised.

But this is not the most surprising thing. What really surprised the two of them was that in this huge space, the group of rare beasts they had seen before were gathering together, shrinking in the passage. A corner near the exit, solemn and motionless, looks like a sculpture.

apart from this, this huge space is filled with all kinds of rare beasts.

Running on the ground, flying in the sky, and climbing on the walls, countless rare beasts crowded into a pile, making this originally supposedly expansive underground space a little crowded.

What is even more strange is that such a large group of rare beasts saw Chu Nan and Angelique come in, but turned a blind eye to them. At most, they roared twice, and there was no more action. They didn't start attacking directly as the two expected, and even said that they showed any hostility.

"Oh, that's really rare. In our place that has been forgotten by everyone, there are actually guests coming."

Just when the two were confused, A voice suddenly sounded in front.

The two of them heart shivered with cold and took a step back together, showing a look of alertness.

With the strength of the two of them, none of them sensed the existence of the person who spoke.

Looking in the direction of the sound, on the ground in the middle of the huge space, there were originally a large group of rare beasts clustered together, but now the group of rare beasts spread out one after another, revealing a channel.

A silhouette slowly walked out of the passage.

Chu Nan and Angel Beili both stared at the man and were surprised at the same time.

At first glance, that person is no different from an ordinary person. They are all normal human figures, with normal height, limbs, and more importantly, their face. They look like an ordinary, thin old man. , but if you take a closer look, you will find that almost every piece of his exposed skin fluctuates slightly, like countless small insects crawling back and forth in his body, not even missing his face, it looks extremely Horrible.

In this case, the smile on his face is even more weird and disgusting.

"Oh, it's actually two young guests, that's really good!" After seeing Chu Nan and Angelique clearly, the smile on his face was even brighter, but also more sinister. "I've tasted the rotten taste for too long, and now I can see two fresh lives, ah - that's so exciting!"

When speaking of "excited", he said The whole body trembled, and the originally subtle fluctuations on the skin suddenly became more intense and fast, as if it had produced a more extreme change because of his excitement.

Chu Nan felt nauseated for a while, and it took some energy to forcibly suppress the urge to vomit.

Is this guy...a human?

On the other hand, Angelbely next to him reacted very calmly, and looked at the person opposite him with a slightly puzzled look.

After staring at the man carefully up and down, Angelique suddenly clapped her hands hard, as if she suddenly realized: "I remember, you are Sasha Doroyer. Song Quel'Tharos Academician, right?"

The man's expression froze obviously, and even the slight fluctuations of the skin on his body stopped for a moment, and then he showed a very surprised and interested The expression, in turn, carefully looked at Angelica up and down again, and then let out a laugh that sounded like a happy, but hoarse and unpleasant.

"haha, oh, this is really surprising. It's surprising enough to have two young guests here suddenly, didn't expect anyone to remember me this morning. The person who deserves to die can even recognize me. Little girl, how did you recognize me? With your age, I should have disappeared in front of everyone before you were born. Should know my name and even recognize me when I'm like this."

"Isn't that weird?" Angelique pointed to the "Sasha. Doroyereg Quel'Tharos Academician". "There are not many people who have done such crazy genetic experiments on themselves like you, and even fewer of them are famous. As long as they are interested in biological genetic engineering, most of them know about you."

"Oh? So little girl, you are also studying biological genetic engineering?"

A more interested smile appeared on Quel'Thalas Academician's face, and the fluctuations on his skin became more intense. It shows that he should really be in a particularly excited mood now.

"But I can see that you should be a very good Martial Artist. To have such strength at your age, your innate talent must be very good, and you must work hard enough That's right. Since he is such a talented Martial Artist, how can he still have time to study biological genetic engineering?"

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