Those people move very fast, obviously doing this kind of thing more than one or two times, very skilled.

But there are thousands of alien beasts gathered below, no matter how skilled they are, it will take a lot of time.

Chu Nan was not interested in continuing to watch them do this kind of repetitive work here. He glanced in the direction he had come from, and did not find any traces of Angelique and the others chasing after him. He flew over at an angle, then withdrew his voice and came to the outermost pothole.

Look around to confirm that there is no other person nearby, Chu Nan's body ** is flowing, and still keeping the breath restrained, he used the Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique.

The cultivation technique that Quidiro Venerable taught him is very effective. After using it, Chu Nan has almost completely fused with the surrounding environment, not only visually It is impossible to see that even the sound, smell and various breaths are completely integrated into the environment, unless it is directly hitting Chu Nan, or someone who is much stronger than him, it is simply impossible to find him.

After confirming that the preparation is complete, Chu Nan probed into the pothole and jumped in directly.

Sure enough, as he expected, the walls around the pothole at first were still some ordinary mud and rocks, just like the natural potholes underneath, but after he began to notice the change in the energy environment of the surrounding space, suddenly The walls of the Ascension have been transformed into metal, and are exactly the same metal that Chu Nan had in the pit where Quel'Thalas Academician was discovered.

This surprises Chu Nan.

The previous underground base had the logo of Tage Life Science Trading Company, which made him think that the underground base should be the site of Tage Life Science Trading Company, if the much larger base now also belongs to Tage As a life science trading company, the strength of this Chamber of Commerce is obviously beyond Chu Nan's previous understanding of it, and it is by no means an ordinary Chamber of Commerce.

After going further down the passage for a while, there was a ray of light ahead, and then the light became stronger, and the passage became brighter and brighter.

When the direction of the channel changes from vertical downward to parallel to the ground, the front channel is already very bright.

But at the same time, Chu Nan heard human voices that were not clear but could be discerned in the front channel.

Chu Nan stopped a little unexpectedly.

Listening to this voice, it can be preliminarily judged that there are not only one or two people in the passage ahead, but many people.

Chu Nan cautiously touched it, stuck his head out to look in front of the passage, and was stunned.

In front of the aisle, people coming, people going can be seen everywhere, and people stop talking from time to time, and the originally spacious aisle is now a bit crowded.

Compared to the deserted place in the previous underground base, it was a little too lively here.

After a glance, Chu Nan frowned.

With so many people walking up and down the passage, it was quite difficult for him to sneak through the passage so quietly.

The Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique can hide his figure and all information, but it can't make him transparent.

If you bump into someone at random, it will definitely arouse the other party's great vigilance, or it will be exposed.

Chu Nan thought for a moment, then looked up towards the top of the passage.



"Hey, Angelique, why haven't you caught up with that guy Chu Nan? He wouldn't have followed the Academician you said that he couldn't fly without a shadow. Right?"

Chu Nan was thinking about how to sneak in in front of so many people in the passage when Angelique, Imperial Princess, and Carolla just flew there. Above the pothole in the ground.

Romandy Imperial Princess chased after Chu Nan for more than an hour, so she couldn't help but get a little impatient, and asked Angelique impatiently.

"Don't worry, Chu Nan has left a mark well, you see, we chased after it all the way smoothly."

Angie Belle is not in a hurry at all. , she just reconfirmed Chu Nan's information in the last mark left by Chu Nan, and the worry in her heart has subsided a lot. The most important thing is that she and Chu Nan have experienced many deep thoughts and experiences together. The strain is far more confident than Romandi Imperial Princess, and naturally it will not be as anxious as Romandi Imperial Princess.

After casually responding to Romandi's Imperial Princess, the three of them flew for a while, and Qi Qi found something different ahead.

“shuaa~ la—”

In the area in front of which was originally calm and seemed indistinguishable from other places, suddenly a large alien beast flew up from the ground.

This large piece of strange-looking and different beasts flew together like this, and in an instant, the entire sky seemed to be covered up, like a dark cloud suddenly appearing.

The three of them flew down without the slightest hesitation, and quickly found a hiding place to hide.

Looking up, the large swath of alien beasts were divided into four waves after they flew up, and flew out in four different directions. One of the waves was the one they had seen with Chu Nan before. The strange birds that passed by.

"Not good, they're probably going to destroy the Transmission Gate again."

The three of them looked at each other, and the idea came up at the same time.


Just as Romandi Imperial Princess opened her mouth to speak, she suddenly felt the ground shake again, and then a long long long sound like an earthquake resounded. Come, the three of them hurriedly hid back again, and at the same time restrained their breath.

A moment later, a vast number of various beasts rushed out from the place where the flying beasts flew up just now, rushing out in one direction like a tide.

At a glance, I know that there are at least thousands of alien beasts running on the ground.

The three of them didn't dare to make any changes, they hid themselves quietly, and they could only watch those strange beasts rush out from the ground in all directions, submerging the entire land.

Fortunately, these alien beasts did not stop at all, almost all rushing at the fastest speed, like a tide that came and went quickly, and soon they all rushed past their hiding places, Disappeared in the vast land far away.

The three of them were sighed in relief, and they couldn't help but turn their heads and looked towards the direction where the strange birds in the sky and the large group of alien beasts running on the ground came out just now.

These alien beasts gathered in the same place just now, but now they are starting at the same time.

The three of them looked down, and just saw a square-shaped black shadow floating up, but it didn't fly too high, just took off to a place about ten meters above the ground, and then It flew for a short distance, but fell again, and then disappeared as if being swallowed by the earth.

This thing, of course, is the low-altitude hovering shuttle that Chu Nan just saw.

Seeing this low-altitude hovering shuttle, Angel Belle and Romandy Imperial Princess were both stunned.

It's just that compared to Angelique, in addition to the dazed expression on Romandi's Imperial Princess's face, there is more vigilance and thoughtfulness, not just because I saw a picture here. A low-altitude hovering shuttle was surprised.

But compared to Romandy Imperial Princess, Carola's reaction was even stranger.

As soon as the low-altitude hovering shuttle appeared, Carola's eyes locked on it until it finally disappeared below the ground.

"Confirm the Level 1 threat, and choose to report it immediately."

Carola's cold, emotionless voice came out of her mouth, like a robot, and then she spoke to Angela. Li and Romandy Imperial Princess watched in astonishment, suddenly raised their right hand and slapped it into a knife. With a puchi sound, it inserted straight into their chest.

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