
A dull sound came from below, and even the ground trembled very slightly.

Although it was slight, the three Angelbelli, who were sitting on the ground at this time, with their entire buttocks tightly touching the ground, still clearly felt it.

Except for Angelique who is concentrating one's mind treating Carolla, Romandi Imperial Princess and Carolla both had surprised expressions on their faces, Romandi Imperial Princess thought for a while, then suddenly As soon as you fall, put your head on the ground, close your ears, press your hands, and concentrate on perception.

After a while, she straightened up in surprise.

"It's weird, it seems like... someone is fighting."

"Someone fighting?" The shock just now didn't distract Angelique, and now Romandy Imperial Princess This sentence made her immediately draw a part of her attention. She frowned and guessed it instantly. "Chu Nan should have gone down. He must be the one who is fighting now. As for the person who is fighting with him... Shouldn't it still be that Quel'Thalas Academician?"

The three looked at each other, Qi Qi shook his head.

With too little information, of course they can't draw any conclusions.

Romandy Imperial Princess thought for a while and asked Angelique, "Hey, Angelique, how long will it take Carolla?"

"I'm fine. , we..."

"Shut up, I have the final say." Angelique interrupted Carolla, closed her eyes and felt it, and replied, "It will take about five minutes. It can be completely good."

"Well, you continue to help her treat her first, and I'll take a look at the situation."

Romandy Imperial Princess lowered her head again and listened to the voice on the ground. , then stood up, and carefully lurked in the direction of the underground voice.

The low-altitude hovering shuttle that Carola saw and made an abnormal move just now was still in front, surrounded by a small group of alien beasts, she had to cautiously approach slowly.




Another loud noise resounded through the entire passage, making Chu Nan's ears buzzing.

And compared to his ears, his back is the place where the shock is really the biggest.

The academician punched Quel'Tharos hard just now, causing his entire body to slam into the closed door above him, his back completely flat, and the enormous force made his entire body numb. As if being slapped on the door, in addition to making him feel extremely painful, it also made him reconfirm that the texture of the door was extraordinary enough to withstand such a high-intensity impact without showing any signs of damage.

This also forced him to the thought of penetrating the door and escaping to the back of his mind, because with the quality of this door, he probably had to study it carefully before he could hope to completely destroy it.

But apparently he doesn't have the time right now.

Under the passage, Quel'Thalas Academician, who had completely lost his human form and re-turned into his third form, almost filled the originally wide passage, squeezing Director Romon beside him. To one side, it also reflects the extremely small size of the sect master tube.

"Ha!" Quel'Tharos Academician let out a nasty sneer. "Boy, just now you told me that the third form had power but lost flexibility. It was a very stupid choice, but now what do you have to say?"

Chu Nan smiled bitterly.

This passage is extremely narrow, and all directions are shrouded by that extremely special metal wall, there is no room for movement at all, so that he can't use his flexibility to deal with Quel'Thalas Academician. attack, you can only choose hard connection every time.

Purely in terms of strength, Quel'Thalas Academician has an absolute advantage after transforming into the third form, and Chu Nan's fleshy body can't compete with it no matter how hard it is.

More importantly, the surrounding metal channel seems to have a more special characteristic, as if it can isolate the external space energy, so that the space energy he can influence and control is limited to A small part of the passage made it impossible for him to forcibly condense enough spatial energy to defeat Quel'Thalas Academician.

It can be said that this environment is the biggest enhancement to Quel'Thalas Academician, but the biggest weakening to Chu Nan.

Here, his brain as powerful as lightbrain can't play much role.

Looking at Quel'Thalas Academician, whose face looks sinister and burst into laughter, Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, and once again used the flame of life cultivation technique to recover from the injury caused by the strong impact just now .

The only thing he can rely on now is his powerful recovery ability.

This Quel'Thalas Academician's transformation state is obviously limited, and he can't persist for too long. If he persists until his transformation is lifted, then there is still hope of winning the counterattack.

But unfortunately, Quel'Thalas Academician has another person by his side.

"Okay, Academician, don't waste too much time on this kid, get rid of him quickly, we have to continue arranging the retreat." Director Romon said, his body was suddenly full of breath, but it was Going to take a shot with Quel'Tharos Academician and quickly deal with Chu Nan.

"No, I finally got such a good opportunity. I want to capture this kid alive and make a good experiment with him." Director Romon, a sturdy arm lazy pig deep in Quel'Thalas Academician.

Director Romon was slightly angry and couldn't help raising his voice: "Academician! Now is not the time to waste time on this kid! We have more important things to do."

"But he's a perfect experiment, didn't you see?" Quel'Tharos Academician insisted. "If we can capture him alive, it will be very helpful to our research!"

Director Luo Meng frowned and glanced at Chu Nan, unable to help but gently nod.

Although it has not been tested with instruments, it can be seen from naked eyes alone that this kid's fleshy body is perfect, and the genetic characteristics are extremely clear. He is indeed a very good experimental body.


"No!" Director Romon shook his head in a deep voice. "We don't have that much time. I promise you, although I will keep a whole body for him, after killing him, I will give him all to you."

This condition obviously moved Quel'tha Ross Academician, although he is still a little dissatisfied, after thinking about it, he can only nodded.

"Alright then, let's do this."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Chu Nan at the top of the passage couldn't help laughing.

Have these two guys executed themselves while talking and laughing?

Although the current situation is indeed extremely unfavorable for him, it is just that he is not willing to take risks.

Actually, even at the most dangerous time, he still had a way to keep himself alive.

For example, since he participated in the garden hunting party, he has been deliberately not using the space to travel.

Although the space energy environment here is only better than in the endless abyss, and there is still some gap compared with the normal positive universe, but Chu Nan is confident to complete the space travel here and escape into the different space.

Although the strength of the two guys in front of them is not bad, it is absolutely impossible to have this ability like him.

What worries Chu Nan is that it is located in the special space energy environment area of the endless abyss, so the corresponding different space may be more special. If you rush into the different space, it is hard to say that you will encounter what a danger.

For example, I learned from Angel Belli about the rebirth of the flesh in less than two months.

It really doesn't work, he can only initiate physical rebirth, completely decompose the physical body into the tiniest cells and tissues, and then regenerate and regenerate.

But there are also concerns about doing so.

First of all, Quel'Thalas Academician is an expert in personal genetics. It is difficult to use physical rebirth in front of him to be sure to deceive him, and this should also be a research base related to genetic engineering, if they use it. If a special method detects it, the rebirth of the flesh may not be successful.

Secondly, even if it succeeds here, and escapes Quel'Thalas Academician's detection and detection here, it is unknown what this base will be like after rebirth.

If this place is completely destroyed, then the body after rebirth is very likely to be mixed with various impurities, which will inevitably greatly affect Chu Nan's ability.

So this method is only considered at the end, not that there are no other options, Chu Nan will never do it.

More importantly, although he is now at a complete disadvantage and is completely crushed by the super power of Quel'Thalas Academician after transforming into the third form, Chu Nan still doesn't think he will lose.

Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon have finally finished their discussions and are ready to attack together.

Chu Nan concentrated attention completely, ready to deal with the onslaught of the two.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a few slight noises coming from the door made of exotic metal behind him.

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