Seeing that the white radiance representing Angelique was instantly engulfed, the three of them were horrified.

"Oh my God! She was actually swallowed!"

Romandy Imperial Princess loudly shouted, completely ignoring the two alien beasts that were attacking her, and went straight to The giant beast below flew over, and after a while, it rushed to the giant beast's mouth and punched the side of the giant beast's big mouth.

At the same time, Chu Nan also flew over without a sound, and at the same time that Romandy Imperial Princess hit that punch, she also punched the other side of giant beast's mouth. .

The formidable power of the two men is no small matter, and Chu Nan this fist can adjust the power and the energy fluctuations condensed on it, and form a perfect match with Romandi Imperial Princess, even if this giant beast The body is extremely hard and the protection is amazing, but there is no way to completely offset the strength of the two fists.

A huge force penetrated into the body through its big mouth. Under the pain, it couldn't help but open its mouth and let out a high-pitched roar with a meaning of pain.

And at the moment when its mouth opened, a milky white radiance flew out of its mouth, but it was Angel Beili who escaped.

Seeing Angelique escaped, Chu Nan and Romandy Imperial Princess didn't dare to hesitate, they immediately pulled away and flew back together with Angelique, and flew back into the air in an instant, just dodging the giant beast A silver white icy beam spewed out from the mouth.

The three of them returned to Carola's side in shock, pulled away a little distance, and looked at the valley in the distance. Full of giant beast, couldn't help looking at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, the Transmission Gate is in the middle of the valley, but now this giant beast is entrenched in the valley. If you want to enter the Transmission Gate, you must break through its blockade.

But this giant beast is clearly the same as the giant beast they encountered before when the 39th-layer went to the fourth 10th layer, when they united Prince Montico and the others and Everyone in the Freedom and Flower mercenary group finally beat the giant beast away with Chu Nan's underground sneak attack.

As for now...

"Hey, Chu Nan, can you get under that guy's ass again?" Romandy Imperial Princess asked.

Chu Nan's face darkened. Thinking of the situation where he blasted the chrysanthemum of the giant beast before, but was sprayed with a stench, he wanted to immediately shake his head and refuse.

But now the giant beast is blocking their way to the Transmission Gate. If they don't dare to drive the giant beast, they will lose this hard-earned opportunity.

"Okay, I'll go..." Seeing Angelique and Carolla's eyes also falling on him, Chu Nan reluctantly expressed his fate. "But Romandy, if I come back later and want to hug you, you must not run."

Romandy Imperial Princess also turned black, twitched the corners of her mouth twice, and suddenly raised her leg , fiercely kicked Chu Nan's ass.

"Don't talk nonsense, go quickly. As long as you drive away this disgusting guy, when we go back, you can hug me as you want."

"This is you I said it, remember it."

Chu Nan laughed and flew down in depth.

It is of course impossible to fly directly to the giant beast. His plan is to use the high-level Earth Element power cultivation technique to sneak into the valley from the side, and then concoct according to the law to face the giant beast from below. The chrysanthemum slammed it away.

However, he just landed, just activated the high-level Earth Element cultivation technique, but his face sank instantly.

His cultivation technique started without any problem, but the ground below remained unmoved at all and did not produce any changes at all.

He used the space energy mobilized by the cultivation technique of the high-level Earth Element element to drill into the ground, but it was like clay ox entering the sea, which failed to cause any movement at all.

Chu Nan frowned and thought for a while, and readjusted the cultivation technique, but found that there was still no effect.

I tried dozens of times and changed more than ten different space energy utilization schemes, but still no effect.

Chu Nan had to declare defeat and flew back again.

"What's the matter?" Romandi Imperial Princess asked in confusion when Chu Nan flew back with a sullen face.

“Is the cultivation technique ineffective?” Angelique and Chu Nan are more familiar with each other after all. I noticed Chu Nan’s attempt just now, and I already know that he has a problem now.

"Well, maybe the ground here is not the same, or maybe the space energy environment around here is different from other places, anyway... I can't just burrow under the ground like I did before. The sneak attack is a rare beast." Chu Nan sighed helplessly. "This method doesn't seem to work, we have to find another method."

Romandy Imperial Princess, Angelique, and Carolla looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking for a while. There is no way.

Before they came to know that this giant beast might have a weakness under the butt under Hathor's suggestion, and tested that the weakness is the chrysanthemum, but now the giant beast is squatting in the valley like that, Chu Nan can't burrow through the ground, and they have no way to attack giant beast's weakness.

"If the four of us attack it with all our strength and then run away, will it be led away by us?" Romandy Imperial Princess suggested.

"Unlikely." Chu Nan shook his head. "Remember the exact same giant beast we saw on the 39th-layer? Before us, those from the Liberty and Flower mercenary group attacked it for so long and never saw it move. If I hadn't If you guess wrong, this kind of guy may be specially used to guard the Transmission Gate, and people who can't get approval from it don't even want to enter the Transmission Gate. We used a trick to get that guy, and now there's no way."

"Then what? Are we looking at the Transmission Gate like this and can't get in?" Romandy Imperial Princess frowned. "This guy has rough skin and thick flesh, it's simply impossible for us to seriously injure it from the outside and drive it away?"

"I have an idea." Angelique suddenly said .

"What do you think?" The other three looked towards him in unison.

"Didn't I just get swallowed by him." Angelique pointed to the giant beast in the distance. "When it was in its mouth, I also attacked it in order to come out. Although the effect was not significant, it can be confirmed that its innermost protection is much weaker than the outer protection. If it is in its mouth, we may be able to attack it. It does real damage. So I thought... do we just swallow it and punch it out of it? Hey Chu Nan, I read your Huaxia book after meeting you A very famous novel called "Journey to the West", the monkey protagonist in it didn't do it like this, we can try it like it now."

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