Chu Nan's mind was racing, knowing that there was no time for hesitation, he immediately made a decision, and called Angel Belle and Romandy Imperial Princess again, seeing their eyes turn. Come, even Carola looked over, and he made a "cover me" gesture to the three of them.

Although the three of them don't understand what Chu Nan wants to do, An Qibeili absolutely trusts Chu Nan. Instantly, the white radiance of her whole body bursts wildly, her breath rises rapidly, and she even swept away the sandstorm around her. Clean up.

Romandy Imperial Princess just froze for a moment, then followed suit.

Different from Angelique's bright white radiance, she has thick black radiance all over her body, and all the "gravel" in the sandstorm swept over and was swallowed up by the black radiance.

one black one white, actually "dug" two extra spaces in the sandstorm that swept the large space.

Compared to the majestic imposing manner of the two of them, Carolla's actions are less obvious.

Suddenly, a little starlight appeared all over her body, and a little silver light flickered around her body.

The "gravel" in the sandstorm is involved in the starry sky, and is quickly assimilated by the starry sky, so naturally it cannot cause any impact.

Mar Venerable froze.

Sensing that the resistance of the four people on the opposite side has weakened, she is proud of herself, knowing that she has made the right choice, so it is the best way to slowly and steadily kill the four people's Inner Breath.

But didn't expect Angel Belli and the three of them to burst out a powerful breath at the same time, and in an instant there was a back pressure.

But after being stunned for a while, she sneered.

These guys obviously know that they can't be defeated, and they plan to try to fight back before they completely lose their ability to resist. Maybe they have made the decision to escape just now when they flirted with each other. , but only to pave the way for a smooth escape.

“hmph! If you want to run away in front of me, go dream!”

Marr Venerable coldly snorted, Inner Breath flow, continue to strengthen the operation of quicksand cultivation technique, strengthen the understanding of the field Control, but did not make more special responses.

In her opinion, this is just the last futile struggle of a few guys, and it has no effect at all.

But the next moment, she was stunned again.

At the same time, when Angell Venerable broke out a powerful Inner Breath and put on a desperate stance, Chu Nan suddenly flashed, and even put his attention on the safety of Marr Venerable.

When the three of Qibeili were on their bodies, they were suddenly out of the range shrouded in the realm.

He was the first to escape!

"This guy... does he want to throw away these three little girls and run away by himself?" Mal Venerable felt a hint of surprise in his heart.

These three little girls are all beautiful and beautiful, even if she sees them, she can't help but feel pity in her heart, and being a young man who is full of vigor like Chu Nan should be more like treating them three. Everyone treats it like a baby, but didn't expect it to be a critical moment, Chu Nan even said that he would throw it away, and he ran away without saying a word!

Thinking of this, Marr Venerable was full of hatred for Chu Nan at first, but now there is more intense anger and disdain.

Such a shameless and irresponsible boy, damn it!

She thought to move and was about to rush up to stop Chu Nan.

In any case, she will never let Chu Nan go today!

However, just as she made a move, Angelina and the three of them surrounded her, and they all launched a frantic attack on her.

The three of them are now fully bursting with all their strength. Even Marr Venerable has to be treated with caution, and the three of them seem to not care about protecting themselves at all. Naturally, the formidable power cannot be underestimated, and Marr Venerable can only be used by Forced to stop, first to deal with the attack of the three people.

“What ability does this kid have? How can three such wonderful and beautiful little girls be so committed to him? There is even an Imperial Princess from Declan Empire.”

Marle Venerable was puzzled, and while dealing with the three people's attacks, he took time to observe Chu Nan's movements.

If Chu Nan really wanted to run away, she decided to stop Chu Nan and kill the whole nasty boy even if they were attacked by Angel Belle and the three of them one or two times.

But under her out-of-the-way gaze, after Chu Nan escaped from the space shrouded in the realm, he did not fly away, but fell straight to the ground.

A moment later, he had fallen into the valley of the devastated annular mountain range.

Mar Venerable froze for a moment, then sneered in her heart.

"hmph, this kid is smart. He knows that it is impossible to escape my pursuit here, and he wants to use the Transmission Gate to escape. But do you think the Transmission Gate can still be used? Transmission Gate escaped? It’s just wishful thinking!”

Mar Venerable sneered again and again, continued to respond to the attacks of Angel Belle and the three, and at the same time approached the direction of the circular mountain range below.

After a while, that kid found out that the Transmission Gate couldn't be used and had to be forced to put it back on again. She slapped him to death with a slap on the head, which could be regarded as understanding her big wish.

Over there, Chu Nan fell straight to the bottom of the valley. It was only when it reached the depth of more than 20 meters that it touched the bottom of the valley.

This place has been razed to the ground by Marr Venerable's attack just now. There is only a piece of wreckage at the bottom of the valley, and there is no trace of the Transmission Gate at all.

But Chu Nan still squatted down, meditated on Qi Condensation, released his induction, and carefully sensed the fluctuation of the spatial energy in this space.

At first he didn't feel anything special, but after a while, when he finely adjusted the induction, he suddenly sensed a very weak, but obviously harmonious, feeling in the space. The energy fluctuations of other spaces in the surrounding space are completely different energy fluctuations.

Chu Nan was overjoyed and continued to sense this trace of energy fluctuations.

In a short while, he has completely figured out the entire vein of this energy fluctuation.

Although it is obviously missing and incomplete, Chu Nan is very sure that this energy fluctuation is exactly the same as the special energy fluctuations sensed in several Transmission Gates before!

Chu Nan's mind quickly flashed through the dozens of Transmission Gates from the first layer to the fourth 10th layer of the endless abyss, and combined with the weak energy fluctuation trajectory of the valley bottom, he fully activated the lightbrain's brain , which is quickly calculated.

It didn't take long, Chu Nan put out a breath lightly, with a happy expression on his face.

It's done!

He didn't dare to hesitate, just stepped down and flew away from the valley.

Mar Venerable saw that Chu Nan didn't run away, and flew back, she couldn't help laughed heartily.

"Ha, boy, that Transmission Gate was destroyed by me just now, didn't you see it? If you want to use this Transmission Gate to escape, stop dreaming!"

While laughing loudly at Chu Nan, Marr Venerable moves towards Chu Nan, ready to attack Chu Nan.

Watching Marr Venerable approach, Chu Nan took a deep breath, all the Inner Breaths in the dantian were running wildly, the Nine Revolutions Core Technique was fully activated, and the Inner Breath quickly completed seven revolutions. At the same time, the Obliteration Core Technique and the previous Marr Venerable combines the characteristics of the quicksand cultivation technique that she has explored from her to maximize the mobilization of all spatial energy, and then yelled.

"It's now! Let's fight!"

Angie Belle, Romandy Imperial Princess, and Carolla burst into a more violent breath at the same time, four The people gathered together to launch the most powerful attack on Marr Venerable at the same time.

Faced with four people, this is a real blow to the death, and even Marr Venerable can only choose to give in temporarily.

She's not in a hurry, anyway, these four guys are impossible to maintain this intensity all the time. When their imposing manner is exhausted, she can only let her flatten and round, and there is no possibility of resistance.

As for these four guys wanting to take the opportunity to escape...

Don't be kidding, this place is so big, unless they disappear in an instant, they can still run away from her name. Star Level Martial Artist in the palm of your hand?

But the actions of Chu Nan's four people once again exceeded her expectations.

The four of them clearly burst out their most powerful Inner Breath and launched the most powerful attack, but just halfway through the attack, seeing that Marr Venerable retreated a little, the four of them did not. All of a sudden, Qi Qi withdrew his hands, and the attack came to an abrupt end.

Mar Venerable was stunned for a moment, and then saw the four of them suddenly turn around in a neat and uniform manner, and together they fell rapidly towards the bottom of the middle valley of the annular mountain range.

"Are these guys crazy?"

Mar Venerable wondered even more.

The Transmission Gate at the bottom of the valley has undoubtedly been completely destroyed by her blow just now. Even if the four guys fall to the bottom of the valley, they are just turtles in the urn, how could they escape.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Mal Venerable chased after him.

She just flew above the mountain range, and when she looked down, she found that the four had landed to the bottom of the valley.

The four joined hands. The other three looked up at Marr Venerable with a vigilant look, but Chu Nan closed his eyes and looked attentively.

"This counts as... a death sentence?" Mal Venerable couldn't help but laugh.

Just when she was about to go down to clean up these four annoying little fellows, especially Chu Nan, the guy she hated so much, she suddenly sensed a strange energy fluctuation from the bottom of the valley.

Marr Venerable frowned, and then something bad happened in her heart.

"Not good! Why is this a sign of the activation of the Transmission Gate, does this kid still have the ability to activate the Transmission Gate in advance?"

She lifted up without the slightest hesitation In the palm of the hand, the Inner Breath surged, and a large amount of space energy condensed over, and slapped it with one palm.


A beam of incomparably dazzling light followed her palm and shot down towards the mountain valley.

She used this palm to destroy the Transmission Gate in the valley just now. Now that this palm falls, she can be sure that even if Chu Nan has the ability to activate the Transmission Gate, the four of them will have no time to escape. will be destroyed together.

Seeing that the beam of light is about to fall, the bright light at the front of the beam has already illuminated the faces of the four people at the bottom of the valley, and the next moment is about to completely swallow them up, and Chu Nan suddenly burst out with blackness. With anger, several bright rays of light at the bottom of the surrounding valley suddenly lit up, and the bodies of the four people flashed, and actually... disappeared like that!

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