After the Transmission Gate was opened, at first, the four people, whether the scene in front of them changed, or the energy environment of the surrounding space changed, were exactly the same as when they passed through any Transmission Gate in the endless abyss.

Normally, they only need to wait for a while before they can traverse back to the previous layer through the Transmission Gate.

And because the Transmission Gate was only temporarily opened by Chu Nan, Mar Venerable would not even think about chasing him through the Transmission Gate, even if they really escaped.

But the mutation appears on this "temporary opening".

Romandy Imperial Princess suddenly found that the space energy environment around her body changed dramatically from the original stability in the Transmission Gate, becoming extremely thick but surging. Compared with the environment in the normal space of the endless abyss, it instantly changed. Countless times worse.

The environment that could let her relax just now turned into a purgatory in the blink of an eye, bringing her endless pressure.

As the key target of the Declan Empire Imperial Family this generation Imperial Family younger generation, Romandi Imperial Princess is not only excellent innate talent, but also has a lot of experience and knowledge, she quickly reacted How is this going.

The four of them were able to leave through the Transmission Gate just now, because Chu Nan didn't know what special method was used to activate the Transmission Gate, but after all, it was only Chu Nan's temporary opening, and the Transmission Gate obviously needed Chu Nan to maintain it.

And now that Chu Nan also left through the Transmission Gate together, then the Transmission Gate lost Chu Nan's energy maintenance and dissipated naturally. Of course, they couldn't continue to pass the Transmission Gate and jump back to the 39th-layer.

In other words, they have now obviously been repelled by the special passage between the Transmission Gates and have fallen into an extremely harsh space environment.

There is no need to guess, the Imperial Princess of Romandy has been confirmed in an instant, and the space they are now in must be the different space corresponding to the endless abyss area!

Understanding this, even with the strong mentality that Romandy Imperial Princess has experienced for a long time, I still can't help but feel a chill in my heart.

Although she has entered the different space several times with the help of her family's senior Star Level Martial Artist before, she is not unfamiliar with the special space energy environment in the different space. The technique has a certain ability to resist, but she has not become a Star Level Martial Artist after all, and naturally she does not have the possibility to live in a different space for a long time at will.

More importantly, she has absolutely no ability to protect others.

Even if she can survive in a short time, it is impossible to keep Chu Nan alive.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in her mind instantly, and a wry smile appeared in Romandi Imperial Princess' heart.

"I thought I could finally escape from that old monster's hands, but I still want to die with them in this hellish place. I can't believe... I would end up dying with a male child from a foreign race. ..."

Romandy Imperial Princess showed a bitter smile, turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan.

She didn't have any guilt towards Chu Nan in her heart. At that time, Chu Nan was able to temporarily think of this method to lead them to escape from the clutches of Marr Venerable. Didn't expect this to happen now.

It's better to die here than to die in the hands of that old monster.

Although that old monster might let her go a little, but as a noble Declan Imperial Family, she can't allow herself to accept the death of all her companions, and only her own ending.

It's just a pity, this guy Chu Nan died here, and the first love that Vivian Neel finally gave birth to died. When the time comes, if she gets the news and knows that she and Chu Nan have died together, she will What kind of mood is it?

Romandy Imperial Princess, with all kinds of complicated emotions, looked at Chu Nan, but was stunned again.

Chu Nan's face at this time has no trace of frustration and panic because of his own missteps, which may kill all four of them here. On the contrary, his expression is very calm, There's even a faint smile on it!

When Romandy Imperial Princess looked towards him, he just held out his hand to Romanty Imperial Princess.

"Come on Romandy, relax and don't resist."

Romandy Imperial Princess unfathomable mystery let Chu Nan grab his hand and watch Chu Nan A mass of milk white radiance burst out from her body, and a warm and gentle current came from her palm, invading her body.

This group of milky white radiance and the warm romantic Imperial Princess are very familiar, she knows that Chu Nan used the "flame of life" cultivation technique that he and Angelique met when he launched Signs, but she was a little strange, why Chu Nan would use this on her now.

Although she was seriously injured in the final fight with Marr Venerable just now, in this harsh environment, does it make any sense to rely on this cultivation technique to help her heal? ?

What surprised her even more was that in this space, Chu Nan was able to skillfully use the space energy microwave vibration to transmit sound. Could it be that this guy is also very familiar with this space?

"Hey, Chu Nan, what are you doing?" Romandi Imperial Princess couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, and also passed on like Chu Nan.

She has been trained many times in different space accompanied by Star Level Martial Artist, and she still has this basic ability.

This time, Chu Nan gave her a surprised look.

"Huh? Romanty, you can actually transmit your voice? Then can't you just survive here?"

"No, I haven't reached the Star Level Martial yet. Artist level, this is just a little trick I learned, but I am surprised that you can do this."

Romandy Imperial Princess found that even in this extremely bad situation Under the circumstances, she was still able to have a calm conversation with Chu Nan, as if the harsh environment around her did not exist at all.

Meanwhile she noticed another problem.

"You said 'also'? Don't you want to tell me that you can survive in another dimension?"

Chu Nan shrugged and smiled nodded at Romandy Imperial Princess .

"Well, surviving in another dimension is no problem for me and Angelique, but the environment in the different dimension corresponding to the Endless Abyss is much worse than other places, and it seems that we should also It takes a while to get used to it."

"It's really possible? And Angelique is also okay?" Romandy Imperial Princess widened her eyes in shock, turned her head and looked towards Angelique who was not far away. Korea.

At this time, she realized that Angelina was indeed a calm, and at the same time, her body also lit up with bright white radiance, and she was obviously also activating the cultivation technique of the flame of life, bringing the people around her. Carola also shrouded in.

"Well, it's actually not a particularly difficult thing, we just need to transform the fleshy body in a targeted manner." Chu Nan responded, and suddenly stared at Romandi Imperial with a serious face. Princess's eyes. "Romandy, can you trust me completely?"

If it was the usual Romandy Imperial Princess, being stared straight at by a young man, she would definitely turn back unceremoniously, but Now that Chu Nan is staring at her like this, she doesn't have any disgust in her heart, but thinks about it seriously and slowly nodded.

"Of course, if I hadn't trusted you, I wouldn't have helped you stop that Old Guy, did I? Come on, what are you going to do?"

"Very good."

Chu Nan laughed, looked back at Angelique, and the two exchanged glances, nodding to each other, then Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Romandi Imperial Princess again.

"Then now, please let go of your body and mind and give your body to me."

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