The huge black cage in the different space shrunk again, and Marr Venerable immediately sensed that he was suddenly tightened by the chains that were originally tied to his body, a huge pressure Coming from every inch in all directions, the energy shield consumption speed of the whole body suddenly skyrocketed, and there were even some signs that it could not be supported.

Marr Venerable was shocked.

Such terrifying space energy suppression, it is absolutely impossible that a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist can use it, and even more impossible is that a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist can control it, why is there four outside How could a guy be able to do such a thing far beyond their ability?

She didn't know that Chu Nan was actually the only one left to control the outside world. The three Angel Belli had already contributed their last strength and stepped aside.

The massive amount of space energy terrifying enough to make Marr Venerable, the Star Level Martial Artist, also feel strong pressure, of course, also brought great pressure to Chu Nan.

Actually, the trap he now lays for Mar Venerable is inspired by the previous abandoned Transmission Gate.

From the first layer to the fourth 10th layer in the endless abyss, every time Chu Nan passes through the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan can sense the special space energy environment in the Transmission Gate, but it has only been sensed. It is similar to the situation when passing through the star gate, but in fact there are still obvious differences. What is the specific difference and what is the principle? Chu Nan can't figure it out without enough information.

After activating the destroyed Transmission Gate just now, it was thrown into the corresponding different space in the endless abyss, Chu Nan finally grasped the key in this process.

This Transmission Gate is indeed very similar to the Star Gate, or more precisely, the Star Gate is very similar to the Transmission Gate. The Star Gate can open the wall of space, allowing you to enter different spaces, and then pass through different Spaces. Jumping to a farther place, this Transmission Gate compresses and simplifies the process, so that the jump in the different space can be completed in a very short time.

Combined with the same special space energy environment in this different space corresponding to the endless abyss, the space in Transmission Gate is very special.

What Chu Nan is doing now is actually duplicating the energy fluctuation characteristics in the Transmission Gate, and compressing and condensing the already extremely condensed and violent space energy in this different dimension to a higher degree. It was only in this different space that a space-like crack-like existence was created.

In fact, those space cracks are not really cracks caused by tearing apart the walls of space, but the super-compressed appearance of the space energy contained in them.

It is in such a space ripple that even exceeds the condensed degree of space energy in the different space, so that the Star Level Martial Artist, Marr Venerable, can be restricted or even "imprisoned".

Of course, maintaining this cage brought enormous pressure to Chu Nan.

His brain was running frantically, incorporating all the fluctuations of spatial energy into the induction, and then performing the most accurate calculations.

He doesn't allow himself to make even the slightest mistake, because as long as any slightest mistake, it may cause the direct collapse of this cage, which will lead to more terrifying consequences.

Chu Nan would never have dared to propose such a bold plan if he hadn't had absolute confidence in his manipulation ability and computing power.

The spatial energy fully mobilized by the three Angel Bellies has actually far exceeded Chu Nan's limit. Every time he mobilizes the spatial energy, he must mobilize all the Inner Breaths, and Adjust the Inner Breath to a high rotation state to be able to mobilize, otherwise it will not be successful at all.

And in order to maintain the balance of the entire cage, he must adjust all the time, all the time.

This not only exerted a strong pressure on his calculation ability, but also caused a strong pressure on his Inner Breath and even his fleshy body.

In order to ensure the constant suppression of Marr Venerable, Chu Nan used the space energy left by Angel Belli as a lever to lure the more terrifying space energy in the outer space into the cage. In order to ensure the stability of the cage, he must flush all the space energy through himself.

Now he is equivalent to a filter, filtering out the "disobedient" part of the violent space energy that he has attracted, and then injecting most of the remaining space energy into the cage. Consume the Marr Venerable.

In this case, he was almost equivalent to letting go of all his defenses, letting the fleshy body directly endure the terrifying space energy that is comparable to the top Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist full strength attack. .

If it wasn't for the fact that his fleshy body would have been tempering very tenaciously in the different space, and combined with the cultivation technique of the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to keep recovering, he would not be able to hold it even for one minute. .

But that's still not enough.

Although Marr Venerable in the cage is unable to mobilize the energy of the external space to compete, she is an extremely powerful Star Level Martial Artist after all. The space energy of her is quite terrifying, and with the blessing of the realm, the energy she needs to resist the suppression of the cage is much smaller than that of Chu Nan.

After this continued high-intensity energy shock suppressed Marr Venerable for a period of time, Chu Nan immediately discovered the problem.

If the current situation is maintained, according to the speed of Marr Venerable's energy consumption during this period of time, if she wants to completely lose her resistance, she must continue to trap her in this way until at least 30. Just seven minutes.

According to Chu Nan's own consumption rate during this period, it only takes twenty-five minutes for his Inner Breath to be exhausted.

That is to say, in the current state, Chu Nan will inevitably be unable to support Marr Venerable first, and when the time comes, he can only be slaughtered.

Chu Nan is not surprised.

In his original plan, he had fully overestimated the strength of Star Level Martial Artist, and now this result is expected.

Of course, he has a solution.

The consumption of Inner Breath is not a problem for him. Since the breakthrough of the cultivation technique of nine revolutions to the Seventh Layer, after reaching the realm of the combination of inside and outside and the Great Accomplishment of the cultivation technique, he can combine the energy of the outer space and the body* * Free transformation of breath, to achieve the realm of Inner Breath and endless life.

It's just that it's a little troublesome for him to maintain the suppression of Marr's Venerable while maintaining this realm.

The troubles in other aspects are good to say, there is one thing that has to be done...

"Hey, whoever says I'm not shaking M, even I don't believe it myself. "

Chu Nan smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He turned his mind and let go of all the Energy Shields that were protecting the fleshy body.

If just now, in order to suppress Marr Venerable to the best of his ability, he had already let go of the flesh and even let the space energy wash away, so he suffered great pain, then what he has done now is to go deeper into the layer, and even let go of dantian's protection, and actually let the incomparably violent space energy in the different dimension directly wash away dantian.

For the average Martial Artist, this is tantamount to suicide.

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