(I forgot to upload the last one yesterday. Could it be that I am old... Hurry up and make it up, and you will not find it~)

—— ————

"pu ——”

The black cage is completely connected to Chu Nan, and now the black cage is greatly affected, which is equivalent to Chu Nan himself suffering heavy damage, he The whole body seemed to be hit hard, and the body was shaken violently, and a mouthful of blood came out.

This made him lose the ultimate strength control of the cage in an instant, and instantly expanded the range of damage on the cage affected by Marr's Venerable.

Mar Venerable was also a little surprised by this result, but she reacted very quickly, seeing that the current action was effective, she immediately strengthened the operation of Inner Breath without the slightest hesitation, and ran the quicksand cultivation technique again with full force. Cage a little forced breakthrough.

Fortunately, Chu Nan reacted faster. Almost at the same time as he spits out blood in his mouth, he re-mobilized a large amount of space energy into the cage, continuing to maintain the stability and integrity of the cage.

But he soon discovered that Marr Venerable's counterattack came faster than expected, and the cage that he continued to maintain its original strength was completely unable to withstand Marr Venerable's forced breakthrough, just breathing. It has already been broken through three layers by Marr Venerable.

Chu Nan is not as hesitant as Marr Venerable. After realizing this situation, he immediately made a decision to undo all the space cracks deep inside the cage, leaving more room for Marr Venerable. At the same time as there are multiple activity spaces, the "saved" space energy is also injected into the outer cages.

This is actually a gamble.

The space left for Mar Venerable in the cage becomes larger, which means more space energy that she can control, which means that her counterattack power becomes stronger.

If Chu Nan's outer cage can't withstand her shock, then there's no way to keep her trapped.

But if the inner cages that have been broken through are not removed, Chu Nan will need to spend more energy and Inner Breath to maintain them, and will not be able to mobilize more space energy to resist Mara. Ernest Venerable's attack.

This is not that you go up and I go up, but that it goes up all the time.

It's who gets higher that decides the result.


Mar Venerable directly impacted the outer cage again, and the strong space energy vibration was directly transmitted to the inside of Chu Nan’s fleshy body, where he The rapid agitation in the eardrum was equivalent to a huge rumbling sound and a high-speed buzzing sound directly in his mind.

Chu Nan ignored the shock in his body and could only quickly activate Inner Breath, transferring a larger amount of space energy to make up for the damage to the cage.

He began to feel more pressure.

It was obvious that Marr Venerable had already started the expected explosive counterattack, but this counterattack exceeded Chu Nan's expectations and was stronger than the strongest result in his calculations.

This proves that Star Level Martial Artist is Star Level Martial Artist after all, and its real strength is always stronger than Chu Nan expected. It is not so easy to give in.

"Boom boom boom—"

Chu Nan's ears were constantly buzzing.

At this time, Mar Venerable is like the more fights the more brave is. Now the range of space she can control in the cage has even exceeded the cage itself.

Chu Nan is well aware that now has come to the most critical moment.

Mar's Venerable burst impossible for too long, because if she had the ability, she would have done it already and wouldn't have been trapped for that long.

But until her outburst is over, Chu Nan has to make sure she can hold on.

As soon as he thought about it, Chu Nan's figure suddenly flickered, and he jumped directly into the space crack of the densely packed outer layer of the cage. Immediately, a more intense black gas gushed out of his body, driving a large amount of space. The energy poured into the cracks in the space around him, making them thicker, gradually filling the gaps in them.

Originally just a cage composed of black space cracks, but now it has completely turned into a sealed black ball.

Seeing this situation, Mar Venerable let out a sneer, which was transmitted through the vibration of the space energy around him.

"Boy, do you think you can keep trapping me if you change your appearance?"

The sound did not reach Chu Nan's ear, and the microwave vibration of the space energy hit the air. The black ball collapsed directly and became invisible.

The black ball shrank suddenly, instantly compressing the inner space.

Before Marr Venerable could react, it shrank again.

The black spheres condensed from a large amount of space energy mobilized by the Obliteration Core Technique are stacked on top of each other, the inner layer is born, the outer layer disappears, and keeps collapsing inward, gradually approaching the Marr Venerable.

Mar Venerable's face became serious.

She knows very well that the black ball's outer layer was forcibly caught by the few attacks just now, which means that the black ball's protection is much stronger than the cage just now. At this time, forcibly breaking out, only to be trapped and dragged to death by Chu Nan again.

Of course, she doesn't think Chu Nan can do that either.

This kid was commanding remotely from a distance just now, but now he is directly integrated into it. Obviously, maintaining this thing is also a huge pressure for him, and he is almost unable to support it.

In this case, let him completely collapse!

Mal Venerable closed his eyes slowly, the nebula in the dantian flowed, and the last trace of Inner Breath was mobilized, but the field shrank back, only covering a very small space around him, and then The quicksand cultivation technique was fully activated, and a little bit of "gravel" quickly gathered, and a thick layer of sandstorm had already enveloped her body in an instant.

Then she opened her eyes, and her gaze fell on a place in the black ball that showed a deliberate fluctuation.

That's where Chu Nan is, and naturally the core of the cage after this change.

As long as you kill him, the cage will be self-destructed.

Mar Venerable blinked, her figure flashed, the next moment had come to the edge of the black hole, and she slapped the position where Chu Nan was.

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed and his expression moved slightly.

It doesn't need to be calculated so accurately at all. Just by induction, I know that Marr Venerable's blow is probably her strongest blow so far, and it may also be the blow that she condensed all her residual strength. With the cage he is now controlling, it is impossible to resist.

However, in the face of this blow, Chu Nan did not panic, but showed a smile.

"Finally waited for this moment."

Chu Nan meditated in his heart, suddenly his right arm rose up, and the black ball covering a large space exploded in an instant, reappearing Out of the normal appearance in the different space.

Mar Venerable suffocated slightly involuntarily.

She was trapped in the cage for a long time, and she didn't realize the appearance of the outside world for a long time. Now the cage suddenly retreated, showing the appearance of the other space, which made her stunned. .

But soon, her complexion greatly changed.

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