"His Royal Highness, the Transmission Gate is not stable yet, so I'm not sure if it will survive."

"So it needs to be tested. If it works, I will give more Send some people here."

"But if you come here, you may not be able to go back..."

"So you need to experiment more. If you can pass through smoothly, it proves that the Transmission Gate is available. That's it, no need to discuss. Tell me about the current situation of the fourth 10th layer."

"The fourth 10th layer has now been destroyed a lot, and a suspected tower was found before. I also saw the underground base of the Life Science Trading Company in Georgia..."

"Is there any evidence?"

"The underground base is still there, other evidence...because the personal terminal was destroyed, We didn't keep it."

"Can you be sure about the people you saw?"

"It's almost certain, one of them is well known for genetic engineering The expert, called Quel'Thalas, and Angelababy said they could find out information about him."

"Can you infer their next move?"

"Probably "..."


The large stone with the height of a human shuttled back and forth in the Transmission Gate, and Chu Nan and the four princes of Lekas were carrying on through the lettering on the stone. Continuously communicated briefly, explained the situation that the four of them encountered more clearly, and revealed more detailed information to Prince Laikas.

Chu Nan can maintain the Transmission Gate for at most fifteen minutes at a time, and because the stone has to fly inside the Transmission Gate for a period of time, he can't actually communicate for a long time.

Fortunately, there was no dangerous situation in the fourth 10th layer for the time being. The two sides communicated during the short period of time when the Transmission Gate was opened by Chu Nan. After more than an hour, the situation finally began to change.


A guy with a shaved head that looks very muscular.

Elcatel glanced at them, and from their aura and temperament, it was easy to tell that they should be the same as the guard officers around them. They belonged to the Declan Empire, and they might also be guards. That's all. It looks like a normal soldier.

The three were led by the guard officer to the Transmission Gate. Prince Lycas glanced at the three, coldly snorted and said: "Do you know what you are here for?"


The three of them hurriedly stood up in awe, standing upright, roaring in unison: "For the glory of the empire!"

"Very good." Prince Laikas nodded with satisfaction before arresting The big rock that flew up and back, added a sentence on it, and threw it back.

"His Royal Highness, what are you going to do?" Elcatel asked curiously.

"I said just now, I need people to go in and do experiments, and they are." Seeing Elcatel still confused, Prince Lekas shook the head and explained: "They are all death row prisoners in the army, with It's just right here."

"Oh..." Elcatel understood, but couldn't help but mumble. "Actually, it wouldn't be better if we used clones..."

Prince Lekas raised his eyebrows and looked directly at Elcatel, his electric gaze seemed to shoot into Elcatel's heart.

"Don't mention clones in front of me."

Elcatel heart trembled.

With the super strength of Prince Lekas, although he didn't deliberately mobilize his breath to suppress him, just staring at him like this made him instantly feel extremely terrifying murderous intent and chills.

Fortunately, he has also seen winds and waves, and his mind is extraordinarily determined, trying to maintain the calm and stability on the surface, showing an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, it was my fault."

Prince Lycas snorted gently, turned his head away, and ignored Elcatel.

On the other side of the Transmission Gate of the fourth 10th layer.

Romandy Imperial Princess picked up the slate, glanced at the words on the slate, criticized out in surprise.

"Ah, Lycas Uncle is going to send someone over."

"Ah?" Chu Nan startled. "Does he really want to send people over? I said that he may not be able to guarantee his life."

"It's okay, he said that he specially went to find a few death row prisoners. If they can pass the Transmission Gate smoothly If you survive, then pardon them, but if you don't, you will die if you die." The Imperial Princess said in a relaxed tone.

Chu Nan was speechless.

This is why an imperial country like Declan Empire can do this kind of thing. If other countries do this, it is strange that they will not be scolded to death if they are exposed.

But that's fine. It's better to let this kind of death row inmate take risks than to let the ordinary person come, and death is worth dying.

"Well, then tell Prince Laikas that if he wants to experiment, he can send someone over now. I will prepare and stabilize the Transmission Gate in advance." Chu Nan said.

"Okay." Imperial Princess Romandi replied, and she lifted her finger to write a reply on the slate, but suddenly her body froze. "No...let's wait until next time."

"Huh? Why?" Chu Nan has some unfathomable mystery. "I'm in pretty good shape now, I don't need to wait any longer."

"Of course you're fine." Romandy Imperial Princess gave Chu Nan a sullen look. "But look at the three of us, can you let others see it casually?"

"How about you..." Chu Nan glanced at the other three with an even more unfathomable mystery, and it was a little unclear at first. , and later saw Romandi Imperial Princess pretty face slightly red, but reacted suddenly.

Including him, the four of them are now completely naked!

The four of them fell into the different space just now. In order to help Romandy Imperial Princess and Carola recast their fleshy bodies to adapt to the environment in the different space, Romandy Imperial Princess and Carola are of course Everything except the fleshy body was destroyed. He and Angelique couldn't take care of that much, and the clothes and personal terminals were also destroyed.

The four have been naked for a while now...


Chu Nan's expression was a little weird.

Before, because I was only thinking of ways to kill Marr Venerable in a different dimension, I didn't care about my body. Later, because of this state of being together for a long time, everyone got used to it and simply forgot about it.

But now being reminded by Romandy Imperial Princess, Chu Nan feels a little embarrassed.

Angie Belle is okay, the two are not only lovers, they are used to being naked with each other. As for Carolla... this guy is like a robot, without any shame. thing, and didn't care, only Romandy Imperial Princess reacted normally, and now Chu Nan's strange eyes swept her face, her face blushed, and she couldn't help reaching out to block the key parts.

"Okay, I told Lekas Uncle to let him send someone over in an hour, Chu Nan, you continue to guard here, Angelique, Carolla, the three of us will go elsewhere. Find something to put on somewhere."

Romandy Imperial Princess ordered, and hurriedly dragged the snickering Angelique and the inexplicable Carola to run away go.

Only Chu Nan sat there for a while, then looked down at his naked body and muttered softly.

"Damn, what if Prince Lekas sent a woman..."

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