Another stone passed through the Transmission Gate and landed with a bang. After Chu Nan confirmed from the Imperial Princess of Romandy that there was a communication message left by Prince Lekas on the stone, he withdrew his Inner Breath and released his energy. The light of Transmission Gate quickly faded away and disappeared.

"It seems that the teleporter still failed." Chu Nan shook his head, put out a breath, sat down and slowly recovered his breath, while asking the Imperial Princess, "His Royal Highness. What opinion was given over there?"

A long text was engraved on the stone, and the Imperial Princess took a while to read it, then frowned slightly.

"Well...Lykas Uncle also admitted that the teleporter experiment failed, but he said that he was organizing some Space Jump experts to come over and prepare to conduct on-site research on this Transmission Gate, and try to restore it to its normal state. Just like the normal Transmission Gate. He told us not to worry, the Empire will fully support us."

"Support us?" Chu Nan gave a wry smile. "Now that no one can come, we can only communicate with them in a simple way. How can they support it?"

"That's not necessarily true." The Imperial Princess suddenly revealed a slightly naughty expression. With a smile on his face, he probed his hand to imitate it on the stone, and there were several small packages in his hand. "Look, this is the first time they have supported us."

Chu Nan glanced at him and found that the small packages were actually several military rations. He immediately didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After a long time, when Prince Laikas threw the big rock over, he even brought some military rations with him.

Romandy Imperial Princess raised hand and threw a military ration for Chu Nan, Angelique and Carolla.

"Although this stuff isn't delicious, it's better than we continue to be hungry. Don't forget we haven't eaten for several days."

Chu Nan tore open the military rations The packaging, took a bite, and smashed the mouth with satisfaction.

"Well, yes, it's better than being forced to eat the meat of those alien beasts."

They had been hiding in the abandoned underground base for the past few days, and there was no food source, so it is true that I have been hungry all the time.

Although they are Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, their fleshy bodies are extremely strong, even if they don't eat half a month for ten days, it is no problem, but the body's craving for food is still unavoidable.

Before this, several people had actually discussed this issue seriously, and felt that there was no way out, they could only kill the alien beasts outside to eat their flesh.

Although Angelbely has different opinions on this, she feels that these alien beasts have obviously been injected with special genetic information, and eating their meat is very likely to cause adverse consequences for herself, but she is forced to do so. down, this is the only option.

Fortunately, I have now got in touch with Prince Lekas of the 39th-layer and they have obtained a little military ration as a food supplement, but it is also very good support.

What's more important is that these packages of military rations can arrive smoothly and completely through the Transmission Gate together with the big stones, then it is possible that other materials will also arrive together, which will be more beneficial to them. realistic support.

“It’s really strange to speak of which, why can such a large stone be worn around, and these packs of military rations are no problem, but it’s just that people can’t come over?” Romandy Imperial Princess chewed grumbled frowned while taking military rations.

"It's not surprising." Angelique directly swallowed the large chunk of military rations in her mouth and replied, "The biological information contained in the human body is too rich compared to ordinary stones and rations. , According to the latest Space Jump theory, super-long-distance Space Jump is actually a super-strength compression of information, so naturally the lower the information content, the easier it is to cross. Stones and military rations are just simple dead objects, and the information is relatively low. The human body is completely different. From this point of view, although Chu Nan can successfully activate the Transmission Gate, he should not be able to fully exert the effect of the Transmission Gate, so he cannot maintain the Spatial Teleportation with a large amount of information.”

"oh?" Romandy Imperial Princess gave Angelique a surprised look. "You didn't study genetic engineering, why do you know so much about Spatial Teleportation?"

"Because my Master has done research in this area. She has done tests herself and came to this conclusion .Although it's not perfect, I think the reason is probably right."

"Really..." Romandy Imperial Princess rolled her eyes and asked, "Then why were we able to pass this Transmission Gate before. Escape directly into a different dimension?"

"You have to ask Chu Nan."

Seeing Angelique and Romandy Imperial Princess' eyes projecting together, Chu Nan raised his hands.

"Don't, I'm not an expert. But the situation was different just now, just because I didn't always inject enough energy support into the Transmission Gate just now, open the Transmission Gate equivalent to open the wall of space, So we still fell into another dimension. should be the reason Angelbelle said, the energy support I injected into the Transmission Gate was not enough, so the person sent by Prince Lycas could only see the silhouette all the time. , but couldn't really come over, which is probably caused by the lack of information."

"Well... that makes sense." Romandy Imperial Princess nodded, thought for a while, and continued: "If you say that, As long as you can inject enough energy into the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan, maybe someone will be able to successfully teleport over?"

"Perhaps. But obviously I'm still a lot worse now. If I need enough energy, at least I have to be a Star Level Martial Artist." Chu Nan said helplessly.

Romandy Imperial Princess and Angelique looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Chu Nan Of course, the impossible suddenly became a Star Level Martial Artist, so it was impossible to rely on Chu Nan to start the Transmission Gate completely and successfully in a short period of time.

"It's not impossible, maybe the experts that Lykas Uncle brought in can find a way to inject enough energy into the Transmission Gate, so that we can restart the Transmission Gate." Romandy Imperial Princess concluded. .

"That's the only way to do it."

Chu Nan ate the military rations in three or two bites, refusing Romandy Imperial Princess's move to give him half of her share , called to Carola, and began to continue to explain to her in detail how to activate the Transmission Gate.

It has to be said that no matter what her personality is, Carola has no doubts about her innate talent and comprehension in the martial skill, and her cultivation technique is very close to Chu Nan, and her thinking ability is actually far away. It is much stronger than it looks on the surface. Although it cannot be completely comparable to Chu Nan, it is much easier to master this method that requires extremely high computing power taught by Chu Nan than Angel Belle and Imperial Princess.

It took more than five hours, Carola finally mastered Chu Nan's method of teleportation, successfully activated the Transmission Gate, and lasted for more than five minutes in one breath.

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