Chu Nan is of course well aware that doing so is equivalent to exposing his use of Inner Breath to the other three, but he doesn't think this is a problem.

His ingenious use of Inner Breath and precise manipulation of spatial energy mainly comes from the powerful brain he has acquired through mutation, which is equivalent to lightbrain, sensitive to data and super precise control. This is something else Martial Artist simply cannot replicate.

Even if he knows all of his operations, it's extremely easy to learn.

even more how this kind of complete openness is also mutual, he opens himself up to the other three, and the other three actually open up to him as well.

Through this unreserved interaction between Inner Breath, Chu Nan can actually spy on some of the secrets hidden in the other three Inner Breaths.

Of course, this is not what he is most concerned about now. His main energy is still on the large amount of space energy that he controls after the combined force of the four people.

Now the four of them are safely connected together. If something goes wrong, it's not just him who is unlucky, it will be the four of them who are unlucky together.

So Chu Nan can only be very careful, he must keep an eye on the fluctuations of the Inner Breath of the other three people at any time, and at the same time ensure that the Inner Breath of the four people and the external space energy still maintain the closest connection.

Doing this actually requires less space energy to manipulate than killing Marr Venerable in a different space, but requires a lot more precision, and because it directly affects the other three Therefore, the actual requirements are higher and the difficulty is higher.

But the effect is also obvious.

Under the guidance of Chu Nan, the powerful space energy attracted by the powerful Inner Breath after the mixing of the four continuously poured into the Transmission Gate. Chu Nan could clearly sense the energy in the transmission. The volatility is much stronger and more pronounced than when he started alone.

This alone is enough to affirm that the "information transmission" that can be accommodated by the Transmission Gate activated in this way is definitely much larger than the previous Transmission Gate maintained by Chu Nan alone.

With the rapid injection of energy, the light of the Transmission Gate lights up again, and the fluctuations in the surrounding space become extremely clear.

After a while, after confirming that the Inner Breaths of the other three people were still stable, and the energy fluctuations in the Transmission Gate were also stable and tyrannical, Chu Nan winked at Romandy Imperial Princess.

Romandy Imperial Princess nodded to show her understanding, then moved slightly, and with a flick of her left leg, leg raised kicked a large stone that she had placed beside her into the Transmission Gate.


The Transmission Gate side of the 39th-layer.

Several Declan Empire soldiers were discovering that the Transmission Gate was reopened, and were about to throw in some of the various supplies that the Imperial Princess had previously requested, when they suddenly found a dark shadow flashing inside the Transmission Gate. .

Several soldiers hurriedly dodged, and then saw a large rock fly out of the Transmission Gate and hit the ground with a bang.

Finding the words carved on the stone, the soldiers immediately notified Prince Lekas, who was discussing something with Elcatel.

Prince Lekas took the stone and glanced at it, but was stunned.

"Huh? Romanty actually asked us to send someone over there again. Is this Transmission Gate different from just now?"

Prince Lekas and Elcatel looked up at the same time, looking towards Transmission Gate Direction, after careful observation, it is indeed found that the light of the Transmission Gate is much brighter than before, and the light is more stable and clear, and the image of the entire Transmission Gate is undoubtedly more complete.

"Strange, does that kid Chu Nan come up with some good way to strengthen the Transmission Gate?" Elcatel rubbed his chin and asked doubtfully. "Our expert is still on the way. This kid has already figured out a way to solve this problem. It's really amazing."

"Are you so sure it's him?" Prince Laikas glanced at him. Elcatel glanced at him, but didn't wait for him to answer. Instead, he got up and ordered his men to catch a death row prisoner and throw them into the Transmission Gate.

Watching the death row prisoner walk into the Transmission Gate, Prince Laikas and Elcatel kept their eyes focused and focused, and Prince Laikas was even more breathless, ready to attack at any time.

The silhouette of the death row prisoner in Transmission Gate gradually thinned out, then became lighter and lighter, and after a while, it disappeared completely!

Seeing this situation, the other Declan Empire soldiers guarding the Transmission Gate couldn't help cheering in unison. Prince Laikas and Elcatel looked at each other with a look of astonishment. surprise.

"Hey, I didn't expect these little fellows to really succeed." Prince Lekas laughed and got up, walked to the Transmission Gate, nodded with satisfaction. "That's great. As long as the Transmission Gate can still be used, we can continue to go deeper and hunt down those damned guys." Prince Si is completely different.

The Transmission Gate in the Endless Abyss contains too many secrets, and both Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce have conducted very in-depth research on it, trying to crack the secrets, but until Now, they still haven't been able to crack it safely.

And now that kid Chu Nan doesn't know how to restart the destroyed Transmission Gate, which means that he has almost mastered the most important issue of the Transmission Gate.

If he can articulate this key clearly, then Spatial Teleportation Technology will be able to obtain advanced by leaps and bounds.

This is a big deal for humanity across the galaxy, more so than killing those annoying flies.

"His Royal Highness, I think we should not be too anxious, after all..."

Elcatel walked over and was about to discuss related issues with Prince Laikas, when he suddenly noticed There was a difference, I turned my head suddenly and saw that a violent space fluctuation that was visible to naked eyes suddenly appeared in the Transmission Gate, and then the light of the entire Transmission Gate filled with a burst of colorful flickering, just by looking at it, I knew that it should be in the an extremely unstable state.

Prince Laikas suddenly extended the hand in front of Elcatel, and an Energy Shield cloth covered him completely.

Then some black shadows suddenly rushed out from the Transmission Gate, and a crisp sound of "pa pa pa pa" hit the Energy Shield and then fell to the ground.

Elcatel looked down, and his expression tightened.

These things that fell on the ground were actually pieces of fresh and steaming flesh, with countless large and small bone fragments mixed in them!

Elcatel complexion sank.

These flesh and blood should undoubtedly belong to the death row prisoner who walked in just now.

He fell back like this, which means that he still failed to pass the Transmission Gate, which means that the experiment failed again.

Glancing at the flesh and bones on the ground again, Elcatel lightly sighed.

"It seems that Chu Nan and the others are still in a hurry. This Transmission Gate is obviously not enough for people to pass through. His Royal Highness, tell them not to worry, let's wait until our experts arrive before doing experiments. "

"No..." Contrary to Elcatel's expectations, Prince Laikas' face was not ugly, but a smile on his face.

He hooked the head, squatted down and picked up a bone fragment from the ground, and looked at it for a while with a look of interest.

"Elcatel, don't you think...the bones spit out from the Transmission Gate are a little too small?"

Elcatel startled, looking at the injured part of Prince Lycas On the bones, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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