"Ha-" Chu Nan immediately laughed heartily. "Don't be kidding, this is a Star Level Martial Artist, at most he has a fleshy body that barely reaches the Star Level Martial Artist level, in fact, his Cultivation Art and Martial Skill are worse than Star Level Martial Artist. I don't know how much. The only benefit is that it will be easier for him to cultivate martial skill in the future, which can save a lot of tempering body cultivation technique."

"That's an exaggeration, okay? ?" Romandy Imperial Princess still looked at the death row prisoner with astonished eyes. "Tempering fleshy body has always been the biggest problem in our Martial Artist cultivation. Now he has solved this problem. As long as the Cultivation Technique is good in the future, won't it be easier than other Martial Artists to become Star Level Martial Artists?"

“Maybe.” Chu Nan shrugs. "But don't forget, Angelique and I are only forcibly tempering his fleshy body for the purpose of making him adapt to the impact of the energy from other dimensions, which is different from our own cultivation technique tempering fleshy body. Can such a quick fleshy body be compatible with It's a question of matching cultivation techniques and whether it can really suit your innate talent. Want to become a Star Level Martial Artist? How can it be that easy."

"Well, you are right." Romandi Imperial Princess gently put out a breath, the surprise in her heart slowly subsided.

As a super genius Martial Artist who has the strength of Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist before the age of 20, she certainly understands that the promotion of Martial Artist requires the combination of cultivation technique and fleshy body, both of which are indispensable.

Although the current fleshy body of this death row inmate was forcibly promoted by their three people in a short period of time to the point where he was barely on an equal footing with the Star Level Martial Artist, his other aspects were still too bad Far, wanting to become a real Star Level Martial Artist is similar to fantasy story.

And the tempering of the fleshy body like this will actually bring a lot of problems, because the fleshy body needs to cooperate with the cultivation technique, and his fleshy body has been finalized. In the future, the cultivation technique must be reversed to cooperate with the fleshy body.

But even though there are countless kinds of cultivation techniques in the world, it is impossible to have a fleshy body that suits him perfectly, unless he is very talented and can make a perfect fit for his fleshy body during the cultivation technique. Just adjust.

But...if he had such an innate talent, he would have already been a powerful Martial Artist, so how could he fall into the army and become a death row in the end?

Thinking of this, Romandy Imperial Princess shook her head, let go of those thoughts, and signaled that Chu Nan and Angelique could go out.

The three of them took the death row prisoners back to the 10th layer of Endless Abyss 4 through the coordinates provided by the Transmission Gate location.

Before, in order to temper the fleshy body for this death row inmate, their three people consumed a lot of money, especially Chu Nan and Angelique have tempered the fleshy body for the death row inmate a thousand times in the different space, and now Both were close to running out of Inner Breath.

This time it took a full half an hour to adjust the breath. When Chu Nan and Angelique finished recovering, they opened their eyes and found that Imperial Princess Romandi was explaining something to the death row prisoner.

Chu Nan and Angelique were found awake, and the Imperial Princess was nodded to the two, and finally asked the death row prisoner: "Tell me your name, if you live here this time. Come down, in the name of Romanty Fienz Imperial Princess, I agree to a request from you."

The death row inmate was instantly overjoyed.

Romandy Imperial Princess took the dual names of family and Imperial Princess in her self-title, which means that she values her commitment.

For a prisoner on death row like him, such a promise is extremely precious.

"Thank You Your Highness for the gift, the villain N'Zoth will serve His Highness for life!"

"Who made you serve for life?" Romandy Imperial Princess disdain Ground coldly snorted. "Get up."

Death prisoner N'Zoth stood up obediently.

Chu Nan and Angelique didn't hesitate, they greeted Corolla, and the Imperial Princess, Romandy, sat in a circle within the Transmission Gate again.

With the previous experience, the four of them are now familiar with each other, and in a short while they have fully mobilized a large amount of space energy in the surrounding space to activate the Transmission Gate.

Seeing Chu Nan's nod

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